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ATM Payment new Module fo CC4

Guest Web Roots

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Guest Web Roots

Hi guys,

I was looking a way to use the ATM Ref. code in CC4 and i really don't know how i can do that.

I'm trying to use Print Order Form and insert inside him.

This is the code i need to use to generate Reference code but i have some problem with value VAR.


// Include the SOAP classes


// Specify the Hi-Media client account

// Coloque o seu Login e Password da seguinte forma: $idcliente=â€ÂEXEMPLO†e

// $password="EXEMPLO"



$origem="origem"; //For your reference, you can write anything you want (for further information check other Hi-Media documentation)


$informacao="informaçao teste";


// Specify the webservice information



$serverpath ='http://hm.comprafacil.pt/SIBSClick/webservice/clicksmsV4.asmx';


$client = new soapclient($serverpath);

// Check for errors and output them

$err = $client->getError();

if ($err) {

echo '<p>Constructor error</p><pre>' . $err . '</pre>';


// Compose the SOAP message

$msg=$client->serializeEnvelope('<SaveCompraToBDValor1 xmlns="http://hm.comprafacil.pt/SIBSClick/webservice/"><origem>'.$origem.'</origem><IDCliente>'.$idcliente.'</IDCliente><password>'.$password.'</password><valor>'.$valor.'</valor><informacao>'.$informacao.'</informacao><IDUserBackoffice>'.$IDUserBackoffice.'</IDUserBackoffice></SaveCompraToBDValor1>','',array(),'document', 'literal');

// Send the SOAP message

$response = $client->send($msg,$action);

// Check for errors and output them

if ($client->fault) {

echo '<p>Fault</p><pre>';


echo '</pre>';


// Output the SOAP query and response

echo "<p>SOAP query</p>";

echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->request, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';

echo "<p>SOAP response</p>";

echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->response, ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';

// Save the SOAP response result to a variable


//Save the SOAP response result values to the corresponding variables





//Output the SOAP response result values

echo "<p>SOAP response values</p>";

echo 'Referencia='.$referencia.'<br>';

echo 'Entidade='.$entidade.'<br>';

echo 'Valor='.$valorOut;


Anyone have an idea how to do this or create a new payment module?



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