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Adding A Class To the Body


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I've spent the past few hours banging my head against this problem, and I'm wondering if anyone can help.

Basically, what I'm looking to do is give the body element a class of the same name as the category it's associated with.

So if I have a shop which sells widgets, what I'm looking to do is give the category and product pages associated with blue widgets, a blue-widget class on the body, so that I can add custom styles to match that category on some of the template elements.

I've tried doing this: <body class="{$category.cat_name}"> but what's suitable as a title isn't always suitable for a class, and as soon as I had titles of more than one word, everything quickly fell apart. I've also considered subverting the meta-keywords option to get the word I need, but obviously that would be a rather messy fix.

So if anyone can think of how I could do this, I'd be most appreciative.

Thanks. :)

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Did you ever get anywhere with this? I'm trying to figure out the same thing right now. As far as I know the code you posted won't do anything because you need to pair the call for the Category Name to a database call that's usually in an inc.php file. Not that it's helped me solve the problem yet either.

Did you find anything else out?

Sorry I can't be of more help to you.

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