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System Error - database.class.php

Ms Holly

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Some of my customers have been having trouble ordering today.  I have repaired the sessions database which had crashed but now customers are still having trouble and this error is appearing.


Can anyone tell me how to resolve it and would it have to do with the problems customers are having ordering.... the latest problem is order dissapears after they click throught the screens.


File: [database.class.php] Line: [576] "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM ``CubeCart_inventory` AS `I` LEFT JOIN `CubeCart_option_matrix` AS `M` on `I`.`product_id` = `M`.`product_id`` WHERE use_stock_level = 1 AND (((I.stock_warning > 0 AND M.stock_level <= I.stock_warning) OR (I.stock_warning <= 0 AND M.stock_level <= 0)) OR ((I.stock_warning > 0 AND I.stock_level <= I.stock_warning) OR (I.stock_warning <= 0 AND I.stock_level <= 0)));" - Incorrect table name ''


Your help is most appreciated.



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never mind I suspect the database thing is the same as I can see in two other posts just below mine (not sure why I didn't spot them earlier)  and I am really not sure what is going on with customer orders it seems like one minute they can't enter, the next they can - Ive had someone else test it and they suffered the same issue... so Ill just hold off and see if I can gather more information.

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