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how do I install CubeCart Vr.3 on my local compute

Guest cspace

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Installation manual: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index.php?showtopic=7300

Thats designed for remote servers, but if you setup a localhost server it follows the same principals.

Note that if you are going to install on a windows based pc (using apachefriends or like it) you need to do a manual install: extract all your files in the *.rar (or is it *.zip?) into the root directory (usually called 'htdocs' or 'www').

Then change the settings in the 'config.php' (server: localhost, user: 'root' and leave the password field empty or delete it and last but most important set the DB:'your_db_store')

Now the most difficult part for most users: upload the DB....

Go into phpmyadmin and create (if you have not done already) a NEW database with the same name as you have set in your config.php file.

-Now we need to upload the *sql file included in the rar file to your newly created database. Open the sql file and copy everything in it (ctrl + A), open a new sql window in phpmyadmin and paste (ctrl + V) everything in the text field. and hit 'go'.

As an alternative you can select to insert the whole file by selecting 'insert text file' and then hit 'go'

You database is now uploaded and your site should be up and running; don't forget to delete the 'install' folder in your root directory!

*NOTE* In CCv3 Alpha there were a few minor errors with uploading the sql file and needed to be edited in a few different places, I do not know if this is fixed in the 2nd release.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How to set chmod to 777 , i install cc3 in apache server locally on my computer.

if you install in apache eventho on a windows based machine you cannot change the permission and you need to do a manual install

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I had tried so many times install using manual method, including

modify the global.inc.php


$config['CCver'] = '30002';

$config['dateFormat'] = 'l j<\\sup>S</\\sup> F Y';

$config['dbdatabase'] = 'store';

$config['dbhost'] = 'localhost';

$config['dbpassword'] = '';

$config['dbprefix'] = '';

$config['dbusername'] = 'root';

$config['defaultCurrency'] = 'USD';

$config['defaultLang'] = 'en';

$config['dirSymbol'] = '/';

$config['displaycatRows'] = '2';

$config['dnLoadExpire'] = '172800';

$config['dnLoadTimes'] = '3';

$config['gdmaxImgSize'] = '390';

$config['gdquality'] = '80';

$config['gdthumbSize'] = '75';

$config['gdversion'] = '';

$config['lk'] = '';

$config['lkv'] = '';

$config['mailMethod'] = 'mail';

$config['masterEmail'] = '[email protected]';

$config['masterName'] = 'My Store';

$config['maxImageUploadSize'] = '524288';

$config['metaDescription'] = 'This is the meta description.';

$config['metaKeyWords'] = 'keyword1, keyword2, keyword3.';

$config['noPopularBoxItems'] = '10';

$config['noSaleBoxItems'] = '10';

$config['outofstockPurchase'] = '0';

$config['priceIncTax'] = '0';

$config['productPages'] = '10';

$config['productPrecis'] = '120';

$config['rootDir'] = '/home/localhost/public_html/upload/';

$config['rootDir_SSL'] = '';

$config['rootRel'] = 'upload';

$config['rootRel_SSL'] = '';

$config['saleMode'] = '1';

$config['salePercentOff'] = '20';

$config['shipAddressLock'] = '1';

$config['siteCountry'] = '226';

$config['siteCounty'] = '57';

$config['siteTitle'] = 'My Store';

$config['skinDir'] = 'Classic';

$config['sqlSessionExpiry'] = '172800';

$config['ssl'] = '0';

$config['stockLevel'] = '1';

$config['storeAddress'] = 'My Store Ltd,




USA 12345';

$config['storeName'] = 'My Store Ltd';

$config['storeURL'] = 'http://localhost/upload/';

$config['storeURL_SSL'] = '';

$config['taxCountry'] = '226';

$config['taxCounty'] = '57';

$config['timeFormat'] = '%b %d %Y, %H:%M %p';

$config['timeOffset'] = '0';

$config['ver'] = '3.0.0 Alpha-2';

$config['weightUnit'] = 'Lbs';

$config['installTime'] = '';

$config['installed'] = '1';


but when opening http://localhost/Admin/login.php , the page cannot

be found or HTTP 404 Not Found, I am using win xp home ed. And cube

cart upload was moved to www directory on

c:\home\localhost\public_html\upload , and I already create a

database name store with phpmyadmin and use the db.sql to create the


I had tried download wampserver like candspc suggested, but can't

access mysql with phpmyadmin, it states that something wrong with

mysql config. So I use my old server package, names DongKrak, which i

download from URL


ex&req=getit&lid=40 , which is the one that works for me right now.

Anyone ever success to install cubecart on a windows system ? please

help I am despreate wants to learn shopping cart system, had download

so many scripts like cubecart also osc, but all failed in chmod

stuff. How to install successful to a local hadrsik on windows

machine? is it posibble or not?

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I have cc2 and cc3 on my laptop running xp home on apachefriends (xampp). Did both installs manually. I have no idea on how your server packages are working so i can't help you with that neither can I help you wih how to access phpmyadmin.....

However I do know that you need to give the full path to your directory INCLUDING C:\ so your path will be "C:\home\localhost\public_html\upload" and NOT "/home/localhost/public_html/upload"

anyway try it with this code, copy and paste over your excisting global.inc.php file


$config['CCver'] = '30002';

$config['dateFormat'] = 'l j<\\sup>S</\\sup> F Y';

$config['dbdatabase'] = 'store';

$config['dbhost'] = 'localhost';

$config['dbpassword'] = '';

$config['dbprefix'] = '';

$config['dbusername'] = 'root';

$config['defaultCurrency'] = 'USD';

$config['defaultLang'] = 'en';

$config['dirSymbol'] = '/';

$config['displaycatRows'] = '2';

$config['dnLoadExpire'] = '172800';

$config['dnLoadTimes'] = '3';

$config['gdmaxImgSize'] = '390';

$config['gdquality'] = '80';

$config['gdthumbSize'] = '75';

$config['gdversion'] = '';

$config['lk'] = '';

$config['lkv'] = '';

$config['mailMethod'] = 'mail';

$config['masterEmail'] = '[email protected]';

$config['masterName'] = 'My Store';

$config['maxImageUploadSize'] = '524288';

$config['metaDescription'] = 'This is the meta description.';

$config['metaKeyWords'] = 'keyword1, keyword2, keyword3.';

$config['noPopularBoxItems'] = '10';

$config['noSaleBoxItems'] = '10';

$config['outofstockPurchase'] = '0';

$config['priceIncTax'] = '0';

$config['productPages'] = '10';

$config['productPrecis'] = '120';

$config['rootDir'] = 'C:\home\localhost\public_html\upload';

$config['rootDir_SSL'] = '';

$config['rootRel'] = '/upload/';

$config['rootRel_SSL'] = '';

$config['saleMode'] = '1';

$config['salePercentOff'] = '20';

$config['shipAddressLock'] = '1';

$config['siteCountry'] = '226';

$config['siteCounty'] = '57';

$config['siteTitle'] = 'My Store';

$config['skinDir'] = 'Classic';

$config['sqlSessionExpiry'] = '172800';

$config['ssl'] = '0';

$config['stockLevel'] = '1';

$config['storeAddress'] = 'My Store Ltd,




USA 12345';

$config['storeName'] = 'My Store Ltd';

$config['storeURL'] = 'http://localhost/upload/';

$config['storeURL_SSL'] = '';

$config['taxCountry'] = '226';

$config['taxCounty'] = '57';

$config['timeFormat'] = '%b %d %Y, %H:%M %p';

$config['timeOffset'] = '0';

$config['ver'] = '3.0.0 Alpha-2';

$config['weightUnit'] = 'Lbs';

$config['installTime'] = '';

$config['installed'] = '1';


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Thanks Mobie, you are very helpful it works now. But when I enter url: http://localhost/upload/index.php , nothing went up, just blank.

When I enter url http://localhost/upload/admin/ , it was successful. But with many errors like on the header :

Warning: open(f:\tmp\sess_94d95f080bb8372aa2a7ac4cfa4e1e43, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in c:\home\localhost\public_html\upload\admin\login.php on line 30

And on the bottom :

Warning: open(f:\tmp\sess_94d95f080bb8372aa2a7ac4cfa4e1e43, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (f:\tmp) in Unknown on line 0

And also No administration session was found. And theres username and password. When I enter username : root , with blank password. This comes out :

Warning: open(f:\tmp\sess_94d95f080bb8372aa2a7ac4cfa4e1e43, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in c:\home\localhost\public_html\upload\admin\login.php on line 30

MySQL Error Occured

1146: Table 'store.cubecart_admin_users' doesn't exist

QUERY = SELECT adminId FROM CubeCart_admin_users WHERE username = 'root' AND password = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'

Warning: open(f:\tmp\sess_94d95f080bb8372aa2a7ac4cfa4e1e43, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (f:\tmp) in Unknown on line 0

I attach the screen capture.

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