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Confusing answer from My Host

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Good Day,

I sucessfully managed to get CC2 installed , and really enjoyed it - looks like a great product - which inspired me to play with version3 :P


I uploaded all the files, and when it is run, Error 500 (Internal Server Error)

No Problem,

COntacted Hosting Company (1&1)

I uploaded several files to my domain www.andrewrothwell.com the

subdirectory cc3 I used a ftp program to upload the files, and I can see the files in my SSH session. Yet when I go to www.andrewrothwell.com/cc3 I get error 500.

I waited 10 minutes thinking that the server might need some time to catch up, yet it is still not working.

That was my Question to them.

Their answer Follows:

The 500 error is caused by your .htaccess file.  Your code is wrong it looks like you are trying to turn off register_globals however to do this you would not use a .htaccess file instead you need to create a php.ini file and include the following code inside it register_globals = off

however keep in mind that we do not offer any scripting support so other than what I jsut told you we may not be able to help you to much with this type of issue.

Okay -

www.andrewrothwell.com/phpinfo.php tells me that register_globals is ON

the .htaccess file mentioned it truly trying to set it to 0 (presumably Off)

/andrewrothwell.com/cc3 > more .htaccess 

php_value register_globals 0

u35516725:~/andrewrothwell.com/cc3 >

I am sure that somebody put that .htaccess file in there for a reason, should I change it?

any ideas?

Please let me know - I don't know what other info to give you guys.


KIlroy - Andrew

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I believe the answer to this was if same problem as i had just delete the htaccess file from your server voila should do the trick

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