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booker is away (kind of)


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For anyone who is trying to contact me, I may not be around as much as I would like to be for the next few days. My computer is sick :errm: So he went to the hospital to have a bit of surgery done on him. But the doctor says he should be okay to come home again in a few days.

So if you can't reach me, it's because my computer is at the hospital... I will still check in when I can though, and will get back to anyone trying to reach me as soon as possible.

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My computer is sick ;) So he went to the hospital to have a bit of surgery done on him. But the doctor says he should be okay to come home again in a few days.

OH jeez.... that is so lame :P

Sorry man, but .... lmfao, cant think of anything to say to that :P


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He's having a cpu coolant system transplant...

It's funny you mention plastic surgery... as that is a part of it. His plastic bracket, holding his coolant system in, has broken :( Because of that though, the entire coolant system needs replaced. Poor guy was having a heat stroke. Could barely walk when I took him to the hospital.

Damn medical bills need to be covered now :P

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Just an update for those concerned :w00t:

My computer is home again, but he's taking it easy for a while... Medical bills were not covered by insurance, but I managed to scrounge up enough to pay for everything.

After the weekend, the computer should be up and around as much as he used to be.

Thanks for your concern everyone, and well wishes!! :o

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Guest twisted

Ya know my wife is a florist.

I'd like to send a little "Get Well" arrangement if this is permissable?

[i'll make it a silk arrangement, we don't want anyone dropping the vase and water getting spilled on his bandages].

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