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Christopher Short

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Everything posted by Christopher Short

  1. I was able to update the new code with .html and fix those. Thanks for this. How about : storeurl.com/%PRIVACY_URL% at the end of a bunch of site pages, all shoing 404 on a crawl.
  2. Login/register and advanced search are 404 errored. Any ideas where to look to fix this?
  3. Customer removed item from basket and checkedout, shipping stayed at wrong value and order subtotal remained amount prior to removing item. Ideas?
  4. not sure, but this just started. I'm wondering if it isn't PayPal and part of the last several updates since it just started.
  5. Version 6.4.4 still, getting this: when you go to basket after adding items. authorize accepted 1.1.0 and paypal newest versions.
  6. I did see a transaction come through on the 19th and 20th with our Advanced Debit/Credit card solution, but your site looks to still be utilizing our older checkout. So PayPal reached out to me and informed me that somehow I am using an old checkout despite having the newest PayPal commerce module. Any ideas?
  7. Is there a plan to support this in cubecart? https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9744165?hl=en&utm_id=ad
  8. Anyone using this? What do you think of it?
  9. How do I remove the credit cards from the PayPal image? I want to disable processing credit cards through PayPal but leave PayPal as an option.
  10. Nothing that I know of and I don't recognize any of the links,.
  11. https://www.csrocketry.com/packages/plugin-qiankun/examples/app1/rocket-motors.html This just became the link....when I clear cache https://www.csrocketry.com/services/monitoring/rocket-motors.html is now the link. Ideas? this is the correct address and it now is showing after about 10 clear caches https://www.csrocketry.com/rocket-motors.html
  12. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ****/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 258: foreach ($products as $product) { Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ****/modules/plugins/extended_leadtimes/hooks/class.catalogue.category_product_list_return.php on line 15: foreach($productList as $key => $val){
  13. not that I see. Not sure where to find them if I did.
  14. php 5.6, not windows. I believe it is red hat linux
  15. So I should have waited longer then I just spent a couple hours comparing code to make sure I moved my custom stuff over.
  16. So after the upgrade, I have a blank homepage. Where should I be looking to start the debug on that? I have loaded my old skin in the mean time.
  17. In the templates/content.product.php file, at line 216 you see: {if isset($PRODUCT.discounts)} <p>(<a href="#quantity_discounts">{$LANG.catalogue.bulk_discount}</a>)</p> {/if} {if ($CTRL_ALLOW_PURCHASE) && (!$CATALOGUE_MODE)} <div class="row collapse"> {if $PRODUCT.available <= 0} <div class="small-12 columns"> <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.common.unavailable}" class="button small disabled expand marg-top" disabled> </div> {else} I have custom code here... Then there is: <div class="medium-2 columns show-for-medium-up"> <input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" class="quantity required text-center"> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="{$PRODUCT.product_id}"> <input type="hidden" name="leadtime_overlay" value="1"> </div> <div class="small-12 medium-10 columns"> <button type="submit" value="{$LANG.catalogue.add_to_basket}" class="button postfix">{$LANG.catalogue.add_to_basket}</button> </div> {/if} </div> Can you help me figure out where to put my custom code in 6.2.0?
  18. I think I fixed my issues....I hope.
  19. Where does the recaptcha take place? Is it only during account creation, or during checkout as well? I can't seem to replicate it and I have 2 people said it is failing for them.
  20. I'm just not following...I can't seem to find the code again and since its just an extra click, I'll open a support ticket on it. thanks for your help.
  21. Nope. Just in product edit page, only ebay and SEO
  22. I'm not seeing that. Where would I locate it? This?
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