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  1. I see, you right there! I think i never put any info in the "short description" box, just the title and the full description. But looks like it works now, i have replaced {$item.description_short} to {$item.description} Now not sure if this is possible,to make the description appear under the image,as if is 3 lines is okay but if is 4 lines it kind looks not aligned,so under the picture will be nice. 2 examples: and Now i have put 5 of this: <br> {foreach from=$order.items item=item} <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$item.price}</span><div>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}){/if}</div> <div style="float:left;"><img src="{$item.image}" /></div> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> {$item.description} {if isset($item.options)} <div style="float:left;"><ul> {foreach from=$item.options item=option} <li>{$option}</li> {/foreach} and it looks it pushed the words down under the picture, not sure if this is the right way of doing. Now: and Thank you.
  2. I found this: description => "<p>&nbsp;POWER SUPPLY</p> <p>715G3829-P03-W30-003S</p> <p>DEFECTIVE SOLD AS..." description_short => "" item_price => "$26.99" taxes => Array (1) 0 => Array (2) name => "Total Tax" value => "$0.00" percent => "" If you look at top there: description => "<p>&nbsp;POWER SUPPLY</p> <p>715G3829-P03-W30-003S</p> <p>DEFECTIVE SOLD AS..." description_short => ""that line "defective..." normally is not in my title on main website. http://alltvparts.com/power-supply-715g3829-p03-w30-003s.html
  3. Hello, Ok so no more error,but when i added the one line there: {foreach from=$order.items item=item} <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$item.price}</span>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}){/if} {if isset($item.options)} {$item.description_short} <ul> {foreach from=$item.options item=option} <li>{$option}</li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </div> {/foreach} Insert the following variable where you want the description to be seen: {$item.description} or {$item.description_short}The info from the description still does not show up. I have added there see above in code. Thank you,
  4. Hello, I try it and looks like the first code , while in admin and wanted to click on "orders" it goes in 500 error white page. /admin/sources/orders.index.inc.php My code: // Hook foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('admin.order.index.display') as $hook) include $hook; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PLUGIN_TABS', $smarty_data['plugin_tabs']); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DISPLAY_FORM', true); } else if (isset($_GET['print']) && !empty($_GET['print'])) { // Generate a printable page, and display it // Made somewhat trickier by the way the templating system works // so we'll generate the page, stick it in the cache folder, trigger the print, then delete the file foreach ($_GET['print'] as $order_id) $order_list[] = "'".$order_id."'"; if (($summaries = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_order_summary', false, array('cart_order_id' => $order_list))) !== false) { foreach ($summaries as $key => $summary) { $summary['raw'] = $summary; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGE_TITLE', (count($_GET['print'])>1) ? $lang['orders']['title_invoices'] : sprintf($lang['orders']['title_invoice_x'], $summary['cart_order_id'])); if (($inventory = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_order_inventory', false, array('cart_order_id' => $summary['cart_order_id']))) !== false) { foreach ($inventory as $item) { $item['image'] = $GLOBALS['gui']->getProductImage($item['product_id'],'subcategory'); $item['raw'] = $item; $inventory_desc = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory','array('description','description_short'),array('product_id'=>$item['product_id'])); $item['description'] = $inventory_desc[0]['description']; $item['description_short'] = $inventory_desc[0]['description_short']; // Does not take into account any translations of the inventory description. $item['item_price'] = Tax::getInstance()->priceFormat($item['price'], true); $item['price'] = Tax::getInstance()->priceFormat(($item['price']*$item['quantity']), true); if (!empty($item['product_options'])) { $options = ($array = cc_unserialize($item['product_options'])) ? $array : explode("\n", $item['product_options']); foreach ($options as $option) { $value = trim($option); if (empty($And for that second file this is where i added : orders.print.php <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$LANG.common.price}</span> <strong>{$LANG.common.product}</strong> </div> {foreach from=$order.items item=item} <div class="product"> <span class="price">{$item.price}</span><div>{$item.quantity} &times; {$item.name} {if !empty($item.product_code)}({$item.product_code}){/if}</div> <div style="float:left;"><img src="{$item.image}" /></div>{if isset($item.options)} {$item.description} <div style="float:left;"><ul> {foreach from=$item.options item=option} <li>{$option}</li> {/foreach} </ul></div> {/if} </div> {/foreach} <div id="totals"> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_sub} <strong>{$order.subtotal}</strong></div> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.total_discount} {if !empty($order.percent)}({$order.percent}){/if} <strong>{$order.discount}</strong></div> <div class="total">{$LANG.basket.shipping} <strong>{$order.shipping}</strong></div> {if isset($order.taxes)} {foreach from=$order.taxes item=tax} <div class="total">{$tax.name} <strong>{$tax.value}</strong></div> {/foreach}{/if} <br>Thank you.
  5. Hello Bsmither! and thank you for replying. I guess: "* fetch the current (short) description from the Inventory table" and on the second one ,not sure exactly witch one will be easy to do. So like this is the main product page witch a client see before making the purchase: So those few lines to appear in the print invoice, Is good to have as proof of whatever they got. I am thinking whatever is easier to do and to show that short description on the invoice when i print out to include one in the package that will send out to client. Thank you!
  6. Hello, Need little help in how to add the "full description" on the printed invoice that will sent to client. As you can see in the picture,that's only the title...and there is more in the description to be show in invoice. Appreciate your help!
  7. I think i found out why was doing that! I had this: and change it to this : And it looks that works. Thanks,
  8. Just a quick question, as i know in v4 is working normal but in v6.0.6 witch i have now not sure if something is not right. So in v6.0.6 if someone comes and creates a new order and i get email "new order" and in admin it say "pending" no the buyer never makes a payment , the script puts item "out of stock" , witch it not suppose to, in till the buyer has paid,and only then the item should go "out of stock"! so this way if buyer don't pay and someone else comes in they can buy and pay. Any settings? that i missed ? in admin or is a bug. Thanks
  9. Good Evening Dirty Butter, Yes that's exactly what i am trying to have too, it works really nice on your site. Can you share how you did it? the edits. Looks that it works for main page, and all! nice one. Regards,
  10. Hello, Yes, i had "info" in many places,as i was testing that code posted my @bsmither But now i have it as: I am still looking to see how to take the "add to basket" out from that line... and put the info box under the price, on the grid. And also i need to figure out for the main page , how to do it as is all on grid there. Thank you,
  11. Still did not find a solution what to replace, and i see that on home page everything is showing in grid view,and i guess i need to change that too,so buyer can click "info" or "read more" instead of directly adding to cart.
  12. Looks like that query worked nice, it did change all from new to used. Appreciate your help! Thank you for your time!.
  13. So the normal view looks that it works just fine. Where exactly i can add little more to that "info" word? wanted to add: "Info & Buy". Now been trying to figure out regarding the grid,as is still show "add to basket" there and could not figure out witch code to change... Here is the code: </div> <div class="product_grid_view hide"> <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post" class="panel add_to_basket"> <div data-equalizer-watch> <div class="text-center"> <a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}"><img class="th" src="{$product.thumbnail}" alt="{$product.name}"></a> </div> <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name|truncate:38:"&hellip;"}</a></h3> {if $product.review_score} <div class="rating"> <div> {for $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++} {if $product.review_score >= $i} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star.png" alt=""> {elseif $product.review_score > ($i - 1) && $product.review_score < $i} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star_half.png" alt=""> {else} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star_off.png" alt=""> {/if} {/for} </div> {* <p class="rating-info">{$product.review_info}</p> *} </div> {/if} </div> <h3> {if $product.ctrl_sale}<span class="old_price">{$product.price}</span> <span class="sale_price">{$product.sale_price}</span> {else} {$product.price} {/if} </h3> {* Uncomment this if you want to show a more info link <a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}" class="button tiny secondary left">{$LANG.common.info}</a> *} {if $product.available <= 0} <div class="row collapse marg-top"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.common.unavailable}" class="button small postfix disabled expand" disabled> </div> </div> {elseif $product.ctrl_stock && !$CATALOGUE_MODE} <div class="row collapse marg-top"> <div class="small-3 columns"> <input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" class="quantity text-center" disabled> </div> <div class="small-9 columns "> <button type="submit" value="{$LANG.catalogue.add_to_basket}" class="button small postfix">{$LANG.catalogue.add_to_basket}</button> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="{$product.product_id}"> </div> </div> {elseif !$CATALOGUE_MODE} <div class="row collapse marg-top"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.catalogue.out_of_stock_short}" class="button small postfix disabled expand marg-top" disabled> </div> </div> {/if} </div> </form> </li> {foreachelse} {if !isset($SUBCATS) || !$SUBCATS} <li>{$LANG.category.no_products}</li> {/if} {/foreach} </ul> {* Remove "hide" class for traditional pagination *} <div class="row hide"> <div class="small-12 large-9 columns"> {$PAGINATION} </div> <div class="large-3 columns show-for-medium-up"> <dl> <dd> <select class="url_select"> {foreach from=$PAGE_SPLITS item=page_split} <option value="{$page_split.url}"{if $page_split.selected} selected{/if}>{$page_split.amount}</option> {/foreach} </select> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> {* Add "hide" class to hide more button ajax load *} {if ($page < $total)} {$params[$var_name] = $page + 1} <a href="{$current}{http_build_query($params)}{$anchor}" class="button tiny expand" id="ccScroll-next">{$LANG.common.more} <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i></a> {/if} </div> <div class="hide" id="lang_loading">{$LANG.common.loading}</div>Thanks for any help!
  14. I have database like this: And yes i have it as "CubeCart_inventory" Will have to do some backups , just in case and then try to run that query. Appreciated!
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