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  1. Hello bsmither... Thanks ... yes, can see via FTP and there is an error_log file which had also yesterday last date modified .. I just download the file, what else to do? Ian (Havenswift -hosting): Here the answers to your questions: Yes, my store comes upgraded from cubecart 3 I cannot detect the pattern which makes that happen Yes I have just one customer group activated (since more than one year) but never used so I can delete if need.
  2. Hello! Now that you mention... about the accented characters: Yes, I remember that I modified accented words at some point because I preferred to receive messages with words without accents to receive messages with strange characters. TEST: In case it helps I just made a new test and the order arrives OK but last days I get few real orders with data missing . It seems is working somehow random. Thanks a lot ... I hope we can find the problem
  3. Hello, I have not edited any template. I´m running the latest version. This occurs before upgrading to the latest version and also after updating. All I did was sort and rename some of the product categories ¿...? Thanks for your help
  4. Hello Last orders that both the customers and I we received do not show important data as the ordered item, quantity and cost. Only are visible from the admin panel (fortunately) seems like nothing has been bought and generates distrust to the customers. Can I do something about it? Sample Image attached
  5. YES YES YES YESSSS YEEEESS It wooooorks ! Yuhuuuuuuuuuu THANKS THANKS A LOT !! After months ..........!!!!! Yujuuuuuuuuu ....Im so excited ... I´ll can talk now with my mobile visitors ... You, CubeCart team, really you´re EXCELENT in giving help and support
  6. Hello Thanks a lot for your answer Please can you tell me if that is ok or what added part from that code must be corrected? cause it not works, sorry. Thanks again <div id="documents">{$SITE_DOCS}{$COPYRIGHT} <div><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?display_mobile=0">{$LANG.common.desktop_site}</a></div> </div> </div> {include file='js/common.html'} {if isset($LIVE_HELP)}{$LIVE_HELP}{/if} <!-- begin olark code --> <script data-cfasync="false" type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/window.olark||(function©{var f=window,d=document,l=f.location.protocol=="https:"?"https:":"http:",z=c.name,r="load";var nt=function(){ f[z]=function(){ (a.s=a.s||[]).push(arguments)};var a=f[z]._={ },q=c.methods.length;while(q--){(function(n){f[z][n]=function(){ f[z]("call",n,arguments)}})(c.methods[q])}a.l=c.loader;a.i=nt;a.p={ 0:+new Date};a.P=function(u){ a.p=new Date-a.p[0]};function s(){ a.P®;f[z]®}f.addEventListener?f.addEventListener(r,s,false):f.attachEvent("on"+r,s);var ld=function(){function p(hd){ hd="head";return["<",hd,"></",hd,"><",i,' onl' + 'oad="var d=',g,";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].",j,"(d.",h,"('script')).",k,"='",l,"//",a.l,"'",'"',"></",i,">"].join("")}var i="body",m=d;if(!m){ return setTimeout(ld,100)}a.P(1);var j="appendChild",h="createElement",k="src",n=d[h]("div"),v=n[j](d[h](z)),b=d[h]("iframe"),g="document",e="domain",o;n.style.display="none";m.insertBefore(n,m.firstChild).id=z;b.frameBorder="0";b.id=z+"-loader";if(/MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ b.src="javascript:false"}b.allowTransparency="true";v[j]( ;try{ b.contentWindow[g].open()}catch(w){ c[e]=d[e];o="javascript:var d="+g+".open();d.domain='"+d.domain+"';";b[k]=o+"void(0);"}try{ var t=b.contentWindow[g];t.write(p());t.close()}catch(x){ b[k]=o+'d.write("'+p().replace(/"/g,String.fromCharCode(92)+'"')+'");d.close();'}a.P(2)};ld()};nt()})({ loader: "static.olark.com/jsclient/loader0.js",name:"olark",methods:["configure","extend","declare","identify"]}); /* custom configuration goes here (www.olark.com/documentation) */ olark.identify('3752-288-88-2849');/*]]>*/</script><noscript><a href="https://www.olark.com/site/3752-288-88-2849/contact" title="Contact us" target="_blank">Questions? Feedback?</a> powered by <a href="http://www.olark.com?welcome" title="Olark live chat software">Olark live chat software</a></noscript> <!-- end olark code --> {foreach from=$JS_SCRIPTS key=k item=script} <script type="text/javascript" src="{$STORE_URL}/{$script|replace:'':'/'}"></script> {/foreach} </body> </html> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next text is the last Olark conversation (in case it helps): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe: Joe here – how can I help? Me: Hi Joe Im Sara I asked to Cubecart where must add your code and they tell me to put it in main.php template, but not works what else do you need to help me Joe? Joe: If I remember from your case yesterday, it seems you have different HTML for your desktop site and your mobile site Me: Cubecard team tells me to add also that line in main.php: {if isset($LIVE_HELP)}{$LIVE_HELP}{/if} I add it, and olark code , but nothing works then. Joe: What is the URL? Me: http://www.orgonita.net/tienda but if I insert the olark code in main.php then the mobile site dont works, wait I´ll insert it rigth now. Please, take a look again Joe Joe: Hmm, the contents of your HTML are now empty So I think there must be an error in your code So you may want to raise that with Cubecart This is what I see now: http://cl.ly/image/3G1a3c06301y Just blank Me: yes me too a blank site if I do mobile navigation Joe: OK This really isn't something I would know about I'm afraid. Perhaps you need to include {literal} tags? I worry that they may just be filtering the Olark script But if the entire mobile site has its HTML code removed, there is an error somewhere Me: well thanks again I´ll talk with them Joe: No problem This conversation has ended.
  7. Hello I need some help about "how to insert the Olark live help code in mobile skin" to give also mobile visitors the chance to chat as well. I see from Analitycs that many visitors are coming from mobile or tablet. I have enabled mobile skin in admin site preferences but the chat not appears in the mobile visitors devices because missing the code. Please, ... can someone indicate me in which documento or archive I must insert it? ... Thanks a lot!! SaRa
  8. Hello, Suddenly each product in the the website is only showing the main picture It happens in every product! I can not imagine the trouble of having to manually activate because each product has from 3 to 6 additional images!!! When I updated the version were visible ... The question is: Does anyone know if something has been misconfigured to not display them now? Thanks in advance SaRa
  9. I found it at the end. The problem only apears if having duplicated files (even if diferent names) !!!
  10. Thanks a lot! I also change it after investigating in other languages, but iIt does not work That´s what I allready have in that line: <string name="gift_certificate_value" introduced="5.0.0"><![CDATA[Los cupones de regalo deben tener un valor de al menos de %1$s y máximo %2$s. Por favor, fíjese que solo es posible adquirir un cupón de regalo en la moneda principal de las tiendas.]]></string> The most curious is that if I rename es-ES.xml works well then that sentence ... but then fail other things such icon flags are no longer lower the selection of languages. Seems as is as if there were two files of the same language, but in that directory only see one ... It's crazy! Any idea?
  11. Hello I am setting the version 5 I just purchased for my shop in spanish language. After setting the gift certificates, interrogation characters appear where should the minimum amount in euro allready inserted from the admin panel. Attached screenshot of how it shows to the spanish user: "Los cupones de regalo deben tener un valor de al menos de ��s. Por favor, fíjese que solo es posible adquirir un cupón de regalo en la moneda principal de las tiendas." I notice that just is displayed in error to the spanish language because in other languages it ​​appears correctly ... and also in spanish the "maximum price number" is also not listed in that sentence. Can you tell me where do I can fix those things? Thanks a lot, Orgonita
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