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Claudia M

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Posts posted by Claudia M

  1. Folder: public_html/admin

    Folders within public_html/admin:  skins, sources

    Files within public_html/admin:  .htaccess, index.php


    Folder: public_html/admin_SRxxxx

    Folders within public_html/admin_SRxxxx:  skins, sources, styles

    Files within public_html/admin_SRxxxx:  .htaccess, index.php


    public_html/includes/global.inc.php (last modified Yesterday)


    $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin_Pcxxx.php';

    $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin_SRxxxx';

    $glob['dbdatabase'] = 'xxx';

    $glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';

    $glob['dbpassword'] = 'xxx';

    $glob['dbprefix'] = '';

    $glob['dbusername'] = 'xxx';

    $glob['installed'] = '1';

    $glob['cache'] = 'file';



    There are four other public_html/includes/global.inc.php files in Control Panel too but they have numbers at the end of the file.

    public_html/includes/global.inc.php-2017010792612.php (dated yesterday has the adminFile and adminFolder from upgrading to 6.1.1 (or the upgrade that first used this) Last modified 11-20-16

    All have 0444 for permissions



    URL when I log in to admin:



    Yes there is a public_html/admin.php (modified today  permissions 0644)

    There is also a public_html/admin_Pcxxx.php  (modified 11-1-16  permissions 0755)


    Of course you know the xxx are just blocking the actual

  2. I reinstalled 6.1.3 and both the dashboard and maintenance are showing 6.1.3 now.  I do have 2 admin folders checking in control panel.  One just admin the other with my new admin prefix.

    the first 2 lines of the includes/globals.inc.php:

    $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin_xxxxxx';
    $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin_xxxxxx - different than above';


    When I click on add product / images I still get the old screen - none of the options in the 6.1.3 upgrade to create a folder, etc.  Am I missing something?

  3. My ziparchive is fine.

    I forced the upgrade and when that didn't do anything I manually installed 6.1.3 again.  Cleared my history in Firefox several times. Still ...

    In dashboard - store overview - it says CubeCart version 6.1.2

      In maintenance - upgrade - is says I'm using the latest version and 6.1.3 is shown

    I've also noticed that I don't have some of the upgrades.

    My filemanger is the older version - doesn't have the new add product / images create folder, etc.....

    I tried in IE and got the same thing

    Also when I clear the browsers cache I get the red bar "you're running 6.1.2 but 6.1.3 is available.  I click upgrade now and it takes me to maintenance where is says I am up to date.

  4. Thought I upgraded to 6.1.3 but now I'm not so sure:

      In dashboard - store overview - it says CubeCart version 6.1.2

      In maintenance - upgrade - is says I'm using the latest version and 6.1.3 is shown


    I've also noticed that I don't have some of the upgrades.

    My filemanger is the older version - doesn't have the new add product / images create folder, etc.....


    On a positive note, the problem I had in a previous post where I wasn't informed on the dashboard of new version or extensions available has fixed itself.


    Also this - on the release notification:

    Important Release Notes
    From 6.1.2 CubeCart requires ZipArchive which replaces the old PclZip library which hasn't been developed since 2009. Please verify that your PHP configuration has ZipArchive support prior to upgrading. We have attached a PHP script (ziparchive-check.php) which can be used to verify prior to upgrade.

    How do you use that ziparchive-check.php?


    Thanks in advance,


  5. My admin is not telling me an upgrade is available on the dashboard or in maintenance.  Nor is it showing recent marketplace extensions.  The only way I knew was by going to this forum and my other store.


    Also, in looking at this post Additional Field Similar to Cubecart in the Skin and Templating forum I have some questions regarding how I added my additional fields.  If it's not the correct way to do it, now is the time to rectify it as the code has to be modified when I upgrade.  Here is basically what I did, without going into much detail.


    1.  Created the following in the inventory database - one each for item age, item size, item mfg, item location:


    Type:  varchar (30)  See Above

    collaltion: ut8_unicode_ci

    Null:  no

    Default:  none

    Attributes:  Blank


    2.  In the file /admin/sources/products.index.inc.php I added the following after 'translations' => $lang['translate']['title_translations'],


               'item_age' => "Item Age",

               'item_size' => "Item Size",

               'item_mfg' => "Item Mfg",

               'item_location' => "Item Location",


    3.  In the file /admin/skins/default/template/products.index.php I added the following after <th nowrap="nowrap">{$THEAD.updated}</th>

    <th nowrap="nowrap">{$THEAD.item_location}</th>


    4.  Since I don't use the translation column, I made the following changes:

    <td align="center">

    {foreach from=$product.translations item=translation}

      <a href="{$translation.link}"><img src="language/flags/{$translation.language}.png" alt="{$translation.language}" /></a>




    I Changed to:

    <td align="center">{$product.item_location}</td>

    <td align="center">{$product.product_weight}</td>


    5. Changed a couple of Colspan to fix code change

    6.  Below

    <div><label for="product_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_code}</label><span><input name="product_code" id="product_code" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.product_code}"></span></div>

             <div><label for="product_code_auto">{$LANG.catalogue.product_code_auto}</label><span><input name="product_code_auto" id="product_code_auto" type="hidden" class="toggle" {$PRODUCT.auto_code_checked}> <input name="product_code_old" id="product_code_old" type="hidden" value=""> </span></div>


    I added: ( And changed maxlength for some )

    <div><label for="item_age">Item Age</label><span><input name="item_age" id="item_age" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.item_age}" maxlength="30" ></span></div>

    <div><label for="item_size">Item Size</label><span><input name="item_size" id="item_size" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.item_size}" maxlength="50" ></span></div>

    <div><label for="item_mfg">Item Mfg</label><span><input name="item_mfg" id="item_mfg" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.item_mfg}" maxlength="50" ></span></div>

     <div><label for="item_location">Item Location</label><span><input name="item_location" id="item_location" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.item_location}" maxlength="30" /></span></div>

       <div><label for="product_weight">{$LANG.catalogue.product_weight}</label><span><input name="product_weight" id="product_weight" class="textbox number" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.product_weight}"></span></div>


    7.  Finally I moved this no longer used section:


                <label for="manufacturer">{$LANG.catalogue.title_manufacturer}</label>            <span>

                   <select name="manufacturer" id="manufacturer" class="textbox" type="text">

                      <option value="">{$LANG.form.none}</option>

                      {foreach from=$MANUFACTURERS item=manufacturer}

                      <option value="{$manufacturer.id}"{$manufacturer.selected}>{$manufacturer.name}</option>





             <div><label for="condition">{$LANG.catalogue.condition}</label>


                <select name="condition" id="condition" class="textbox" type="text">

                <option value="new" {if $PRODUCT.condition == 'new'}selected="selected"{/if}>{$LANG.catalogue.condition_new}</option>

                <option value="used" {if $PRODUCT.condition == 'used'}selected="selected"{/if}>{$LANG.catalogue.condition_used}</option>

                <option value="refurbished" {if $PRODUCT.condition == 'refurbished'}selected="selected"{/if}>{$LANG.catalogue.condition_refurbished}</option>





    To just above this as all these fields are not used

     <div><label for="upc_code">{$LANG.catalogue.product_upc}</label><span><input name="upc" id="upc" class="textbox" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.upc}" maxlength="20"></span></div>


    Is all this okay or should I have done it differently?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help


  6. Hi,

    Is there any way to create a new email template that I can send thru Cubecart when it is created for one individual customer?  Examples:  Send an email to a one customer reminding them to pay, Send an email to one certain customer letting them know a certain item is now available for purchase. It could basically be a blank email (except for the obvious macros) and I can change the content as needed. I also want it to show up in the email log.

    Thanks in advance,


  7. Hi,

    Is there anyway to remove  "Shipping: {if $DATA.ship_method}({$DATA.ship_method}){/if}" from emails and change it to Shipping: {if $DATA.ship_product}({$DATA.ship_product}){/if}?

    When using the All in One Shipping that wording is what is shown in the emails.  Pretty unprofessional.  If I change it to ship_product then the customer will know how their order was shipped since my AIOS is setup that way.  Right now I just deleted {if $DATA.ship_method}({$DATA.ship_method}){/if}" from the email templates, but this isn't showing the customer what carrier was used.

    Thanks in advance,


  8. The mail order form - paypal - and credit card gateways are all having trouble when I click the secure checkout button.   The spinner spun and spun - and spun some more, finally I pressed the proceed button and all forms of payment when thru as they should.  I did them individually.  This isn't how it is suppose to work, is it? Customers may give up from all the spinning and not bother to click proceed.  But if I detour the secure checkout button and click the "checkout with PayPal button" I am sent directly to PayPal ( a little slow but that might be my computer).

    Any ideas? (Brian)



  9. Thank you so much, Rosemary, for going to all that trouble!  Much appreciated.  The emails I should have sent to you automatically with your "order" were returned:

    Partial error:  "A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:"


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