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Everything posted by ozema

  1. Hello everyone, I'm trying to integrate a script to my cubecart affiliated store. In the directions of integration and meeting the following steps: ========================================================================================================= you need to add two codes: - one for tracking visits - one for tracking purchases 1.- For tracking - find a page or script in your CubeCart install, that is responsible for showing the footer of your site, you must include here this code: <?php require_once('easy_affiliate.class.php'); $easy_affiliate->startTracking(); ?> 2.- For purchases: after this you need to find the script where the purchase is inserted into your database and add this code require_once('easy_affiliate.class.php'); $easy_affiliate->markBuy($id_user, $id_order, $price, $is_paid); 3.- where these variables $id_user, $id_order, $price, $is_paid you need to replace with the respective ones from the cubecart code. ===================================================================================================== I have installed the version 6.0.4 (installed using softaculous) The skin I'm using is the default one, called FOUNDATION Can someone help me locate the files where should I put the codes? Can someone help me define what are the variables I should change? Thanks for your time, I wait for your comments. Regards
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