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Posts posted by CoderJim

  1. Here I was thinking great, lets add some products thanks to your great help, another wall... The category view has four photos with borders (thanks) however they are butt up next to each other, no space. I tried by adding a "hspace" to the src as I would in HTML in the content.category.php, that didn't work, as well as trying within the black.css and lingerie.css, but of course padding is within the 'box' so that didn't work either. I hope you understand that I always try debugging before searching the forum and before posting my questions. As usual, any help you could offer would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Lingerie Skin

  2. Good point, in this case there are three items, total weight 12 ounces though it did the same for 4 oz., (14+ is Priority) it passed that right, here is a snippet of the response...

    <Postage CLASSID="0"><MailService>First-Class Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel</MailService><Rate>4.34</Rate></Postage><Postage CLASSID="0"><MailService>First-Class Mail&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;&amp;#174;&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt; Parcel</MailService><Rate>4.34</Rate></Postage>

    Hummm, it does seem to have this option but CC is not showing it or recognizing it. FYI, that is the correct rate amount.

    Okay, my bad, I went back and looked at the the plug in options and see that though I clicked the 1st Class option, I did not click Parcel which this would be. I am so sorry for wasting your time but perhaps this conversation might help someone else.


  3. Understood on destination and since this happens, i have not progressed the checkout process further.

    Yes, 1st Class for a 2 oz. item (US) would be $2.54, Priority is $6.65. I did not alter the code.

    1st class offered as a choice? Not sure what you mean by that but when the drop down menu on the basket page says 'Select your shipping method' there is only one (kind of defeats the point of option ;) ) and that is Priority Mail in this case, 1st. class is not shown, which as you noted CC should offer as the least costly shipping option.


  4. I am shipping small items of clothing (US), a few ounces at most, and I have the item weight noted as .110 for a selected test item in the CP/Product/General Information page and when added to the cart/basket it defaults to Priority Mail even though I have chosen 1st Class as an option in the USPS Module. Packaging weight field is blank in the mod, also there are no options with weight. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Lingerie skin (if that matters)

  5. Understood about the logo etc. Good point! Do you mean I put code on the content.product.php page? I tried various locations on the lingerie.css/black.css without any luck. Sorry, I don't mean to be dense and I really appreciate your help, but I may need a bit more hand-holding on this one and have you be more specific and include the additions in context with nearby code if possible.

    As an option... for instance, could this be modified...

    <img itemprop="image" src="{$PRODUCT.medium}" vspace="50" alt="{$PRODUCT.name}" id="preview" />

    (As you can see I added the vspace to move the image down the page for design purposes. As an old HTML guy I was trying to hammer it, as we are want to do sometimes.)

    I did look for the instances of what I think you meant but obviously don't understand,

    I must admit that css is a new to me, I have always done HTML/Perl but I do understand the concept.


  6. The page you site I think of as the sub-category page, whereas 'Menswear' is the category from my question. If you click the Red pant brings up the 'Product' page and that one as well needs a white border on the image.

    I do thank you for the suggestion but I do want it for all substyles, in fact every instance of a photo I want a white border if possible, even when showing the basket view with images.


  7. CC6 Admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, Add Snippet.

    To cover all skins, assuming your skin uses standard CubeCart data names, the PHP Code block will look like:



    Just to be sure i do it right, could you please tell me what to write in the fields on the 'Add Snippet' page...

    I get that it needs to be named but what about these...?

    Ex. order:



  8. In CC6, you no longer need to use {php} ... {/php}. You can use the real code delimiters <?php ... ?>.

    Also, the Foundation skin (introduced with CC6) uses a somewhat different approach as opposed to other CubeCart skins (such as Kurouto). So, in addition to the above statement, for CC6, you will also need this statement - which should affect all CubeCart skins:

    Thanks and just to be sure I understand, I could use this snippet for my skin (not foundation)? Could you also please tell me where it is that I put this snippet within the admin CP?


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