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Everything posted by violinman

  1. Thanks Al, Yes please a VAT invoice. Can you give me the sales email address, presumably [email protected] ? Brian
  2. Hello, where do I login to find an invoice for a plugin I have just purchased? Thank you, Brian
  3. One last thought, I did change my site to SSL around the time when it was last working. Could that have any bearing on the matter? Brian
  4. I am sort of following you, I get impression that you are still considering the possibilities. I understand your thinking around the rules but it may be that the field such as Terms & Conditions had been commented out by me which is not the same as disabling it. Brian
  5. Captcha is not required, interesting point about Terms & Conditions though, I would have removed that at some point a few months ago but maybe it is still required! Where would I disable that requirement? I don't think it is a toggle in admin anywhere. I appreciate your thoughts, the "Terms & Conditions" is certainly worth considering. Brian
  6. That is the initial basket page, if you progress to the next page (2 Checkout at the top) where you add contact details and address this is the page where neither of the two buttons work so you cannot move onto the final stage which is to the payment page. Brian
  7. Hello, my site is www.westcountryviolins.com If you want to test what happens when you go through adding an item to the cart you can use any item or this test item: https://www.westcountryviolins.com/wcv-test-payment.html Brian
  8. Hello Al, I emailed him last night but no reply as yet. I hope he will respond soon. Brian
  9. Hello, I had this same problem a few months ago but not sure how I managed to resolve it. I am using the Galaxy X skin, when a customer tries to purchase the "Secure Checkout" and the "Update Basket" buttons do not work so it is not possible to checkout and pay. Any suggestions much appreciated. Brian
  10. Hi bsmither, I did look at the file content.category.php but finally was pointed to catalogue.class.php where I managed to remove the two unwanted options. So all working fine now.
  11. Hello, could you please tell me which php file the "Sort by" box appears (when in a category) as I want to remove a couple of options. Thank you, Brian
  12. Problem now solved, thank you all for your input. Because it seemed like a bug in CubeCart I asked CubeCart support for help, they have fixed it for me. Brian
  13. The cart order number is included in the URL but not the email address. The customer is not logged in so it is possibly a bug if the URL should include the email address. I tried another purchase and this time when I pressed "print invoice" I went through the register process, it then showed the printer dialogue and allowed me to print the invoice, it also displayed it on screen. Basically CubeCart is insisting the customer is logged in. I am surprised this is not an option that can be enabled or disabled in Admin, not all sites want or need clients to register, in my business it is a disadvantage! I do appreciate your time and effort in trying to solve the problem Brian
  14. This is the actual print invoice button link, I have just changed the website name: <p><a href="http://mysite.com/index.php?_a=receipt&cart_order_id=170708-203157-3354" target="_blank" class="button"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> Print Invoice</a></p> and yet it opens a login/register page! Brian
  15. Highly unlikely, the order number returned from CardStream is 16 digits long with a couple of hyphens as well! My old site which I have been running for 17 years is probably less secure than CubeCart but I have never had an issue with hackers, probably partly to do with the items I sell. Brian
  16. I don't want any customer to have to login or register but anyone placing an order does have an "identity" in that their order details, email and name and address are passed to the secure payment page so in that sense it is a "ghost" customer. The CardStream/CharityClear plugin has by default the index.php as the redirectURL which is where it returns to after the card details are entered and submitted. I might try using a different page. When you mention a "ghost" customer is that something that has to be enabled in admin or should it just happen ? Brian
  17. Hello, I have not a clue how to observe the cookie in Safari, I also have Chrome, would I be able to see it in Chrome? You say that is not how CubeCart works but I managed to disable the code that required login or register when you went through checkout, in fact I think it was you who told me which file I would find it in. Is there no way globally to remove the need to register or login? My site does not need it and in fact it is a hinderance as most of my clients only visit the once. Brian
  18. Hi bsmither, the URL is the same as the domain but you may recall that the site is not live yet, getting the payment bit working is the last task hopefully before I take it live. How do I bypass the Login/Register page that the print invoice button launches? I am using Safari as it is a MAC computer. Strange though it shows the heading "Customer Information" but no content and then "Order Summary" with the table below with the information in it and I can see the customer details which it should display in the source code! All URLs are to the target store, cookies are enabled in Safari settings. I feel really stuck with this problem, just don't know what to do. Brian This is the actual print invoice button link, I have just changed the website name: <p><a href="http://mysite.com/index.php?_a=receipt&cart_order_id=170708-203157-3354" target="_blank" class="button"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> Print Invoice</a></p> and yet it opens a login/register page! Brian
  19. Hello, I am now testing card payments. When I am returned from the secure payment page (CardStream/CharityClear) I have two problems, if I use the button "print invoice" it takes me to a login/register page which I don't want, I just want to be able to print the invoice. I have removed other references to Login/Register but cannot find where to disable this one. the second problem is that when it returns from the payment page the customer details are not displayed even though I can see them in the source code? Thank you all, Brian
  20. Hello bsmither, would you mind showing me the re-write code again but with my example /test/test.html in place in your example ? I always struggle with the layout of of the RewriteRule, it is a bit like Swahili to me. Much appreciated, Brian
  21. It so often happens that good things get spoiled by large companies, I joined when it was SecPay, in those days you could get support by phone 24/7 and as many of my sales were to the USA the ability to sometimes contact support during the late evening was important. I was using Streamline as my Merchant Services who were also very good, lots of phone lines to different departments, they were bought out by World Pay who have put up prices and reduced contact ability so I may have to reconsider them as well.
  22. Hi Keat, Thank you for your response, I have been waiting over two days for a reply from Pay360, their support is abysmal since changing from Paypoint, anyway I have decided to jump ship, I am going to change my payment gateway to CharityClear which is part of Cardstream. Regards, Brian
  23. Hi Cubecart, I realise this issue has come up before. I have been with Paypoint for around 16 years, since it was SecPay and it is now Pay 360. I am having trouble with the Paypoint module on offer, it does not work for me. in fact it is missing some hidden fields which I have added to the index.tpl file, namely the mpi hidden fields which became required about 5 years ago, namely "mpi_merchant_url" "mpi_merchant_name" and "mpi_description" but surely these should be available in the admin, there are no instructions with the module, I really need some help with it. I have used my existing digest and remote keys and merchant user name. This is the response I get: ?valid=false&code=P:#&message=Token+decryption+error+:+possible+fraud+attempt&token=8852a8c2b71f251263136e981f000079&correct=false This web site is not live yet, hopefully this is the last hurdle before I go live! Could the fact that it is on a different server have any bearing on the matter? Many thanks, Brian
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