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Everything posted by NiteFox

  1. Hey @radman420 Just checked your site and theres no trace of the missing box so i can only assume that no data is been passed to $POPULAR used for it. Does it reappear if you switch to the foundation skin?
  2. Hi @radman420 Sounds odd, neither the CC6.4.1 update or the skin update would affect the visibility of the popular products section as from my knowledge nothing was changed in relation to that. This behaviour is not occurring on any of my test setups so not sure what the cause would be. Have you tried going to site settings > layout and clicking save , then clear your sites cache ? Also, if you right click on the area the box normally is then click "inspect" or "inspect element" can you any html code in the console panel that relates to the popular products? Thanks, NiteFox
  3. For foundation based on the default skin you'd : Open foundation > templates > content.checkout.medium-up.php lines 47-64 find: <td colspan="4"> {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)} {$LANG.basket.shipping_select}: <select name="shipping"> <option value="">{$LANG.form.please_select}</option> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'} <optgroup label="{$group}">{/if} {foreach from=$methods item=method} <option value="{$method.value}" {$method.selected}>{$method.display}</option> {/foreach} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'} </optgroup> {/if} {/foreach} </select> {/if} </td> now replace it with : <td colspan="4"> {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)} <label><b>{$LANG.basket.shipping_select}:</b></label> <ul class="no-bullet left"> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'}<li><small><strong>{$group}</strong></small></li>{/if} {foreach from=$methods item=method} <li> <input name="shipping" type="radio" value="{$method.value}" id="{$method.value}" {$method.selected|replace:'selected':'checked'}><label for="{$method.value}">{$method.display}</label> </li> {/foreach} {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </td> Open foundation > templates > content.checkout.small.php lines 86-100 find: {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)} <select name="shipping" class="nomarg"> <option value="">{$LANG.form.please_select}</option> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'} <optgroup label="{$group}">{/if} {foreach from=$methods item=method} <option value="{$method.value}" {$method.selected}>{$method.display}</option> {/foreach} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'} </optgroup> {/if} {/foreach} </select> {/if} Now replace it with: {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)} <ul class="no-bullet left"> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} {if $HIDE_OPTION_GROUPS ne '1'}<li><small><strong>{$group}</strong></small></li>{/if} {foreach from=$methods item=method} <li> <input name="shipping" type="radio" value="{$method.value}" id="{$method.value}" {$method.selected|replace:'selected':'checked'}><label for="{$method.value}">{$method.display}</label> </li> {/foreach} {/foreach} </ul> {/if} Save and clear site cache to see results.
  4. Its do-able, as an example you could swap out the default html for the shipping section and use something like: (Layout/Files will vary depending on what skin you use) ** Example based on coding from Claudia M - https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/55954-radio-buttons-in-checkout/?tab=comments#comment-242431 <td colspan="4"> {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)} <label><b>{$LANG.basket.shipping_select}:</b></label> <ul class="no-bullet left"> {foreach from=$SHIPPING key=group item=methods} <li><small><strong>{$group}</strong></small></li> {foreach from=$methods item=method} <li> <input name="shipping" type="radio" value="{$method.value}" id="{$method.value}" {$method.selected|replace:'selected':'checked'}><label for="{$method.value}">{$method.display}</label> </li> {/foreach} {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </td>
  5. Hey, No, you'd go from the one above the version you have installed as any below it will already be done in the skin. So if you installed Amzin V1.02 then you'd only want V1.03 and above updates. If you go to yoursite > skins > amzin > docs > changelog.txt the top entry shows which version of amzin you had when you installed the skin. I'm guessing you have Amzin V1.02 installed so the only one i would say is necessary would be on V1.03 - #23 Prevent Add To Cart Cache Once your store is running CubeCart 6.4.1 then you'll need #16 to #21 (SEO EXT Support) to fix the login/register/search URLs The updates in the guide only cover skin edits to support core features, some of which cover new features added in CubeCart V6.4.1. So to use those features you'd need to upgrade your store to CubeCart V6.4.1 which is entirely separate from skin updates. Just doing skin updates won't update CubeCart's core.
  6. You can see the manual update guide for Amzin at http://nitefox.x10host.com/docs/ManualUpdates/amzinguide.html - The latest update (V1.03) is mainly a compatibility update for CubeCart 6.4.0/6.4.1
  7. Hey, In relation to my answer to your previous question of "Can the core script be updated manually?" By "modified version of CubeCart" i mean if you have manually edited any of CubeCart's core script files. Using the upgrade option in the admin panel may cause the loss of any custom edits made to the core files. In relation to Extensions such as Skins, if you modify them (Change colours by editing the css files, manually add additional html etc) then it's advisable that you do not use "install tokens" to install new versions of the skin as you will lose any previous edits to the skin. CubeCarts Install Tokens basically pulls the full new version of the extension (skin) from CubeCart servers and extracts it over the existing version (replacing the existing files with new files - restoring the skin back to its default version) but also merges so any extra files are not lost. Which is why i now do a manual update guide for any updates to my skins as most people modify the colour scheme at the least. If that makes sense.
  8. You can do if you're comfortable with it and familiar with github. You'd need to look over at cubecarts github and see what issues have been resolved and look at the code changes needed. Editing the core script can get messy if you lose track of what you're doing. Far more simpler to just update the normal way unless your site is running a modified version of cubecart and you don't want to lose those edits (not including 3rd party skins as those are unaffected by core updates).
  9. Hi Rich, There will be an update for my skins at the weekend to cover changes in the latest version of CubeCart. As you have a modified version of the skin you can make use of the manual update guide to apply any front end updates you wish to add your site. As @havenswift-hosting says its best to keep upto date, especially with the cubecarts core script. However, ultimately that is your decision
  10. Hey, I can't offer any guarantees as i don't have access to the plugin and the developers demo site has been suspended (not sure if hes still active with cubecart). Looking at the plugin info and screenshots the only compatibility issues i predict is layout issues on the customer side. Providing the template side of things for the plugin are not encrypted this can be overcome by converting it over to bootstrap layout and adding any additional styling no problem.
  11. Hey, By default the google analytics js is conditional to cookies been accepted so if you don't use the cookies notice or haven't accepted cookies then the code won't run. If you want to run google analytics regardless of if cookies have been accepted then you'll need to remove the conditional statement by skins > amzin > templates > element.google_analytics.php and remove line 1 and 13 like noted below: {if isset($smarty.cookies.accept_cookies) && $smarty.cookies.accept_cookies=='true'} <<< REMOVE THIS LINE {literal} <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', '{/literal}{$ANALYTICS}{literal}', 'auto'); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> {/literal} {/if} <<< REMOVE THIS LINE
  12. Thanks @bsmither for helping out while i catch some Joys of timezones.
  13. Hey @priceisrightsuperstore The store logo is styled by the following classes - .main-logo and .main-logo img in basix > css > style.css starting at line 220 which both have a css rule max-height of 60px. So you will need to modify both of those classes to get you desired look. The "Shop by Category" tab is 50px so the logo is already exceeding the size tab. Also, after making any changes remember you may need to clear your browser cache as well the site cache.
  14. Hi, I have responded on the other post but just cover the additional stuff here, If you log into the extension marketplace, then visit the product page you should be able to download or get a install token. Lifetime updates are still active and not false advertising, many customers have updated without issue. There is a automated update option using install tokens, however this method is not recommended if a customer has modified their skin as it will extract the updated skin over the old skin which will/may cause the loss of modifications. Apologies for any confusion or inconvenience.
  15. Hi @captinmax Sorry for the delay for the Latest Products the only solution would be to display the "From" prefix for all products shown in that area as theres no direct check that can be made from the template. To achieve that you would do the following: Open file skins > amzin > templates > content.homepage.php around line 67 find : <div class="product-price"> {if $product.ctrl_sale} <div class="price-group"> <span class="old-price">{$product.price}</span> <span class="current-price">{$product.sale_price}</span> </div> {else} <span class="current-price">{$product.price}</span> {/if} </div> and change it to: <div class="product-price"> <div><small>From</small></div> {if $product.ctrl_sale} <div class="price-group"> <span class="old-price">{$product.price}</span> <span class="current-price">{$product.sale_price}</span> </div> {else} <span class="current-price">{$product.price}</span> {/if} </div> as for the product page, personally i wouldn't recommend placing it on the product page as theres no simple solution to showing/hiding the "from" text as you would want it to be dynamic so that it disappears once an option is selected so that the customer sees a final price and not a from price. Then if your options are optional then you don't want to display a from price incase no options are selected. (if that makes sense) Although you could put it on the categories page like this open skins > amzin > templates > content.category.php around line 149 find: <div class="product_pricing clearfix"> {if $product.ctrl_sale} <span class="old_price">{$product.price}</span> <span class="sale_price">{$product.sale_price}</span> {else} <div><span>{$product.price}</span></div> {/if} </div> and change it to : <div class="product_pricing clearfix"> <div class="clearfix" style="height:20px;overflow:hidden;"> <small><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">{if $product.options}From:{else}&nbsp;{/if}</span></strong></small> </div> {if $product.ctrl_sale} <span class="old_price">{$product.price}</span> <span class="sale_price">{$product.sale_price}</span> {else} <div><span>{$product.price}</span></div> {/if} </div>
  16. Hey, Apologies for the issue you have encountered. I can confirm updates remain free for anyone who purchases my skin and that you should still be able to access them as always. Personally i have no control over the update access so if you can bare with me i will reach out to CubeCart support to see whats happened and try to get that resolved for future updates. In the meantime if you send me a private message (or email [email protected] ) with your email that you used when purchasing, which version of cubecart you're using and the version of Basix you're using (you should find it in basix > docs > changelog.txt) and i'll sort you out
  17. Hi, Thanks for getting back to me. Based on my findings, the root of the issue comes down to cubecarts cache and human error. Basix was developed following the default structure of CubeCarts default skin which appears to have caused the issue to be inherited by Basix so please accept my apologies and i will clarify the issue with CubeCarts team. I have just updated the product in the marketplace now so you should be able to re-install/update the skin or you manually fix the issue by doing the following: access your sites files via your hosting account or preferred method and do the following: In file skins > Basix > templates > main.php and skins > Basix > templates > main.checkout.php find the following line {include file='templates/element.css.php'} Now, add the following below the above line {if !empty($SKIN_SUBSET)} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$ROOT_PATH}skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/css/cubecart.{$SKIN_SUBSET}.css"> {/if} Now open file skins > Basix > templates > element.css.php and remove the following lines {if !empty($SKIN_SUBSET)} {$css_input[] = 'skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/css/cubecart.{$SKIN_SUBSET}.css'} {/if} and now save and clear cubecarts cache. Any problems let me know and again please accept my apologies for the delay and issue.
  18. Hi, Thanks for purchasing and apologies for the delay in responding, seems no email notification was sent. You mention "clearing cache" is that CubeCarts cache or your browser cache? Clearing your browser cache will reset the colour scheme to whatever colour scheme is set via the admin settings. If your site is online, if you send me a private message on here with the link and i'll check it out to see if i can dig a little deeper to see whats going on. Cheers,
  19. Bug Report It has come to light that the Contact form on the Contact Us page is not submitting when Google reCaptcha V2 - Invisible is active. The issue appears to only affect the contact us page and only when the invisible option for Google reCaptcha V2. It's safe to assume the issue affects all purchases of Basix prior to today (21st May 2019) The issue has been fixed for the main package in the cubecart marketplace so will NOT affect any new purchases. To manually fix the issue please see the solution below: Solution File :: skins > basix > templates > content.contact.php Find the following on approx line 60 <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success g-recaptcha" id="contact_submit" value="{$LANG.documents.send_message}"> Replace it with <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success g-recaptcha" id="contact_submit" data-form-id="contact_form" value="{$LANG.documents.send_message}"> And that is all. Sorry for any inconvenience, Chris.
  20. Can you send me your web address via private message so i can check it out. The close option should be there - can you see it on the demo site? nitefox.x10host.com also the next/previous options appear in a bar at the bottom of the full screen page though that might disappear quickly however that can be easily sorted. thanks Just looking into it now, will reply to your email shortly.
  21. Hi, Glad you like the template. 1) When using a web browser and using the image gallery - in full screen you should be able to find an "X" in the top right corner to close the image. Currently image thumbnails within full screen is not supported - (i opted for a different gallery method but i'll look into it for the next update) but you can still swipe or click to move to the next image 2) If you opt not to use ratings/reviews then on the category page you'd need to remove the code from the file due to no known global template varible which checks if its enabled or not (i'll double check this with the CubeCart developers) everywhere else the ratings should be controlled by the main setting in the admin panel. So, if you want to remove the blank stars from category view then you'd edit content.category.php around line 113 and remove {if $product.review_score} <div class="pr_score"> {for $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++} {if $product.review_score >= $i} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star.png" alt=""> {elseif $product.review_score > ($i - 1) && $product.review_score < $i} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star_half.png" alt=""> {else} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star_off.png" alt=""> {/if} {/for} <span class="pr_info text-muted small">{$product.review_info}</span> </div> {else} <div class="pr_score"> {for $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++} <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/star_off.png" alt=""> {/for} </div> {/if}
  22. Hi, sorry for the delay seems i never got alerted to your question. From my understanding you are free to remove the copyright notice in the footer regardless of what skin/template you use. It's always nice to promote CubeCart but ultimately that is your decision to make. Hope this helps, Chris.
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