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Posts posted by Claudia

  1. Lines 1785 - 1864

     public function searchCatalogue($search_data = null, $page = 1, $per_page = 10, $search_mode = 'elastic')
            $per_page = (!is_numeric($per_page) || $per_page < 1) ? 10 : $per_page;
    $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('At '.__METHOD__.', line ('.__LINE__.'), $page is '.$page.' and $per_page is '.$per_page);

       if (strtolower($page) != 'all') {
                $page = (is_numeric($page)) ? $page : 1;
                $limit = sprintf('LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', (int)$per_page, $per_page*($page-1));
            } else {
                $limit = 'LIMIT 100';
            $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('At '.__METHOD__.', line ('.__LINE__.'), $page is '.$page.' and $per_page is '.$per_page);
            $original_search_data = $search_data;

            /*    Allow plugins to add to conditions and joins or change the search_data
                Where conditions may be added to the $where variable and must be self contained (e.g. no AND prefix or suffix) since they will be ANDed together below
                $where[] = "I.price > 100";
                Joins may be added to the $joins variable - keep in mind the need for unique table aliases as appropriate
                $joins[] = "`plugin_myPlugin` as P ON P.`product_id`=I.`product_id` AND P.`my_field`='some_value'";
                The only guaranteed table alias is I for CubeCart_inventory
                G for CubeCart_pricing_group
                CI for CubeCart_category_index
                C for CubeCart_category
            if($search_mode == 'elastic') {
                if($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'elasticsearch')=='1') {
                    $es = new ElasticsearchHandler;
                    $es->query($search_data, false);
                    $result = $es->search($page, $per_page);
                    $pids = array();
                    if($result) {
                        foreach($result["hits"]["hits"] as $hit) {
                            array_push($pids, $hit['_id']);
                    $this->_category_count  = $result["hits"]["total"]["value"];
                    if(!empty($pids)) {
                        $this->_category_products = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', false, array('product_id' => $pids));
                        $this->_sort_by_relevance = true;
                    } else {
                        $this->_elasticsearch = false;
                        return $this->searchCatalogue($original_search_data, 1, $per_page, 'fulltext');  
                } else {
                    return $this->searchCatalogue($original_search_data, 1, $per_page, 'fulltext');
            } else {
                $where = array();
                $joins = array();
                foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']->load('class.catalogue.pre_search') as $hook) {
                    include $hook;

                $sale_mode = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_mode');

                if ($sale_mode == 2) {
                    $sale_percentage = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_percentage');
                $user = (array)$GLOBALS['user']->get();
                $group_id = 'WHERE group_id = 0';
                if (($memberships = $GLOBALS['user']->getMemberships()) !== false) {
                    $group_id = 'WHERE ';
                    foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
                        $group_id .= 'group_id = '.$membership['group_id'].' OR ';
                    $group_id = substr($group_id, 0, -4);

                if (strtolower($page) != 'all') {
                    $page = (is_numeric($page)) ? $page : 1;
                    $limit = sprintf('LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', (int)$per_page, $per_page*($page-1));
                } else {
                    $limit = 'LIMIT 100';
                // Presence of a join is similar to presence of a search keyword
                if (!empty($joins) || is_array($search_data)) {

  2. code in cubecart class is the same

    Aromatherapy First Page


    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    Page 2
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => 2
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => 2
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    View All
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => all
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => all
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2121), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48

    Forget the above.  The debug code didn't take

    Forget the above.  The debug code didn't take

    View all:


    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => all
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => all
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is all and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is all and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    First Page
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    Second Page
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => 2
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => 2
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 2 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 2 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1788), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [4] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (1796), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [5] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2122), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [6] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [7] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
  3. Looking at the first page of aromatherapy:


    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    Looking at the second page of aromatherapy:
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => 2
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => 2
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 2 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    Looking at the view all page of aromatherapy:
    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => aromatherapy
    'page' => all
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 55
    'page' => all
    Debug Messages:
    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is all and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
  4. This is what I get:

    [0] At Cubecart::_category, line (883), $page is 1 and $catalogue_products_per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [3] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48

    I changed the amount per page to 48 because people couldn't see items after the first page of 12 if there are more that 12 items in that category

  5. Is this what you are looking for?

    [0] At Catalogue::searchCatalogue, line (2114), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [1] At Catalogue::getCategoryProducts, line (801), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48
    [2] At Catalogue::getProductData, line (1112), $page is 1 and $per_page is 48

    I changed the products per page from 12 to 48 in skin config and admin to show more products

  6. I have it at line 1845

     $sale_mode = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_mode');

                if ($sale_mode == 2) {
                    $sale_percentage = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_percentage');
                $user = (array)$GLOBALS['user']->get();
                $group_id = 'WHERE group_id = 0';
                if (($memberships = $GLOBALS['user']->getMemberships()) !== false) {
                    $group_id = 'WHERE ';
                    foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
                        $group_id .= 'group_id = '.$membership['group_id'].' OR ';
                    $group_id = substr($group_id, 0, -4);

                if (strtolower($page) != 'all') {
                    $page = (is_numeric($page)) ? $page : 1;
                    $limit = sprintf('LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', (int)$per_page, $per_page*($page-1));
                } else {
                    $limit = 'LIMIT 100';

                // Presence of a join is similar to presence of a search keyword
                if (!empty($joins) || is_array($search_data)) {
                    if($GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'hide_out_of_stock')=='1') {
                        $search_data['inStock'] = true;

  7. GET:

    'Before Sanitise:' =>
    'seo_path' => ashtrays
    'page' => 2
    'After Sanitise:' =>
    '_a' => category
    'cat_id' => 3
    'page' => 2


    This is the only thing I closely resembling query

    31. Hack: 1681070244.17480 --- Duration: 7838 µs [CACHE WRITE] --- Key: sql.42a84a6e1af5e736143e4cb797ab58da
    SELECT * FROM `CubeCart_inventory` WHERE `product_id` IN (80,100,79,103,113,115,124,7,116,29,104,106,108,109,110,112,27,28,26,111,78,75,14,8,15,9,122,119,65,66,64,67,121,126) AND CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' ORDER BY `excel_name` ASC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0;

    Hack: 1681070244.17700 --- Duration: 1999 µs [CACHE WRITE] --- Key: sql.f5558282f2540e546ea7a9f62bb3fbc4
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS `Count` FROM `CubeCart_inventory` WHERE `product_id` IN (80,100,79,103,113,115,124,7,116,29,104,106,108,109,110,112,27,28,26,111,78,75,14,8,15,9,122,119,65,66,64,67,121,126) AND CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' ;


    As for the list of product_ids, how many values are in your list?

    Where do I find this?

    All above is if I'm on page 2 of ashtrays

    Here's what I have on view all page

    23. Hack: 1681071325.20270 --- Duration: 424 µs [CACHE READ] --- Key: sql.42a84a6e1af5e736143e4cb797ab58da
    SELECT * FROM `CubeCart_inventory` WHERE `product_id` IN (80,100,79,103,113,115,124,7,116,29,104,106,108,109,110,112,27,28,26,111,78,75,14,8,15,9,122,119,65,66,64,67,121,126) AND CubeCart_inventory.status = '1' ORDER BY `excel_name` ASC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0;
  8. I noticed something else  - I have added the image title to a product with the front view / back view appendage ( two photos and I haven't implemented your code above yet) When you look at the product page the main image will show the correct front view and the thumbnails will show their front or back view.  But if you hover of the back view and it becomes the main image it still shows the title as front view.  Here's an example page.

    Image Titles

  9. On the product page of a store if you click on the main image it goes to a page with an enlarged image of the main image with thumbnails under in. It also shows the Product title given when the product was created in admin.

    Is there a way for the product title to be the image title created when the photos are uploaded? For example in the image shown below the Image title I created for each photos is


    1967 Jim Beam Decanter: Alaska Purchase Centennial: Front View

    1967 Jim Beam Decanter: Alaska Purchase Centennial: Back View


    I'd like this to show for each thumbnail when it is enlarged if I have added the image title in admin.  I haven't added it to all my products yet.


  10. I just went in and cleared my error log.  Five minutes late I went and checked.  Got these errrors numerous times..

    [07-Mar-2023 10:43:31 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "_g" in /home/cambarga/public_html/includes/extra/snippet_f4308ce0418a4ec0d7106f4189af8605.php on line 2

    [07-Mar-2023 10:53:41 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $random_product in /home/cambarga/public_html/classes/gui.class.php on line 1348

    [07-Mar-2023 10:55:17 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in /home/cambarga/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 676

    [07-Mar-2023 10:55:17 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "_g" in /home/cambarga/public_html/classes/ssl.class.php on line 39

    The first one is for a code snippet you created for me to add a new tab to the orders page in admin:

    if($_GET['_g'] == 'orders' && (!isset($_GET['node']) || $_GET['node'] == 'index') && isset($_GET['action']) && in_array($_GET['action'], array('add','edit'))) {
      $tab['name'] = 'More Order Info';
      $tab['tab_id'] = 'tab_moreorderinfo';
      $tab['target'] = '#moreorderinfo';  
      $tabs[] = $tab;

    Hold on there was another snippet you created that might have something to do with the sort error. This is to show the product images by file name.  I name my photos 01-front, 02-left, etc.

      $return_filenames = array_map(function($element){return $element['filename'];},$return);

  11. I am still getting a lot of PHP Warnings even though I've updated to 6.4.10.  This is just the last couple of hours.  I deleted a bunch earlier today.  Most in the cPanel log are repeats of these.  Nothing in the admin log.  PHP Version 8.1.16

    [06-Mar-2023 18:39:43 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $random_product in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/gui.class.php on line 1348

    [06-Mar-2023 18:45:40 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "_g" in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/ssl.class.php on line 39

    [06-Mar-2023 18:46:44 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $random_product in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/gui.class.php on line 1348

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "doc_name" in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 89

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "hide_title" in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 91

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $contents in /home/xxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 197

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 197

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $contents in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 194

    [06-Mar-2023 18:30:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 194

    [06-Mar-2023 18:17:11 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/session.class.php on line 676

    [06-Mar-2023 18:14:31 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Array to string conversion in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/db/database.class.php on line 178

    [06-Mar-2023 18:14:37 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $external_categories in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/admin_Ot3sX0/sources/products.index.inc.php on line 853

    [06-Mar-2023 18:14:37 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $option_list in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/admin_Ot3sX0/sources/products.index.inc.php on line 957

    [06-Mar-2023 18:14:37 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "option_matrix" in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/admin_Ot3sX0/sources/products.index.inc.php on line 1216

    [06-Mar-2023 18:14:37 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "plugin_tabs" in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/admin_Ot3sX0/sources/products.index.inc.php on line 1276

    [06-Mar-2023 18:06:00 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Undefined global variable $_GET in /home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php on line 206

    [06-Mar-2023 18:06:00 America/Louisville] PHP Warning:  Invalid Security Token in /home/xxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 155

  12. I don't know how long this has not been working.  I input all required info hit send message and nothing happens.  I tested my email settings in admin and it tested successfully. There are no red error banners on the contact form page explaining why the message was not sent.

    Using SMTP with SSL and invisible reCAPTCHA. CC version 6.4.10 Any thoughts?  I checked, my reCaptcha keys are correct.


    Debug shows this on contact page storefront:


    [Warning] /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/gui.class.php:1348 - Undefined variable $random_product GET:

    'Before Sanitise:' =>

    'seo_path' => contact-us

    'After Sanitise:' =>

    '_a' => contact


    Empty SESSION:

    '__client' =>

    'ip_address' =>

    'useragent' => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0

    'session_start' => 1677352563

    'session_last' => 1677352567

    'language' => en-US

    'currency' => USD

    'admin_id' => 1

    '__recaptcha' =>

    'error' => The verification code was incorrect. Please try again.

    'confirmed' =>


    Admin error log shows this:

    File: [controller.admin.pre_session.inc.php] Line: [27] "SET @@time_zone = 'America/Louisville'" - Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'America/Louisville'


    [<strong>Warning</strong>] /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/classes/ajax.class.php:48 - Undefined array key "q"


    Ok I just went back to the contact page ( no invisible reCAPTCHA info showing in the corner) completed message and sent and it went thru.  Green banner saying it went thru.

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