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Posts posted by [email protected]

  1. Sure, Sculptex, very happy to make some comments…

    I`m sure many on this forum are very thankful for your Cube Cart contributions and scripts.

    As we are aware, there are thousands of CC2 sites out there that can use solid SE friendly mods of any kind. I know we are certainly interested! Not quite sure what the friendly url mod does to the existing pages or does it generate extra static pages, in addition to the cart as it is?

    There seems to be different opinions and experiences on this forum as to whether CC2 (or v 3 for that matter) has some major issues when it comes to being indexed fully and properly. It is difficult to get authorative answers it seems.

    The main points of discussion in terms of search engine friendliness seem to be:

    1. Are the URL`s that Cube Cart 2 generates unfriendly to engines?

    2 Is the following mod helpful -PHP sessions are killed if the user agent is identified as a search engine [http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index.php?showtopic=10917]

    3 Dynamic page generation verses static.

    4 Importance of Site Map generation / Site content / Inbound links / Meta tagging / Keywords / etc etc ….etc

    At the end of the day, for us, when it comes to implementing major mods that can impact on SE results,… yes we want to improve, but we also want to be careful not to dis-advantage our current hard fought position with a mod that “works in theoryâ€. We need to understand the function of these big mods well before we implement. It would be nice to know exactly how search engines then view this mod in the real world.

    This may be the same idea but...Why not just create a page of friendly url product links to static pages if static pages are better indexed than dynamic?

    Could also be done by anyone manually if not too many products, but what about a script that simply converts every product page into a static html page and places them into the store folder via ftp.(this is easy to do manually ie file - save as html )

    Then in another step, the url`s for all these static pages need to be generated.

    Then Create a Cube Cart document page ( call it “Product links†or something) and drop the url`s in!

    So...A dynamic url like

    becomes something like


    This means there is a page of direct, SE friendly product url`s to spider which can be linked from the home page, or any pages you like as well, directly to a new bunch of static pages. Unsure how google for instance might look at duplicate pages however.

    Maybe this is a similar concept as the friendly url mod?

  2. Did someone mention a URL friendly mod?

    A URL friendly mod is desperately overdue for cubecart version 2.X.

    I can`t believe it hasn`t been implemented in the latest version as standard!

    There is a mod for v 3 as follows...

    Name Search engine friendly URLs with PHP session killer v1.0

    Author Joseph Rukshan Fonseka


    This mod seems very difficult to implement though for v2 cube carts

    Is anyone modder able and willing to produce a self contained mod to do the same for CC2? Please?

    Is anyone working on this specifically?

  3. Some feedback on this one for you...

    Gave it a go on our site and visually it looks great and is much easier for the customer to understand for sure. However i had no luck getting it to actually submit the data entered. The buttons seem to not respond or transmit the data entered into the fields. Page error was the result.

    This one is worth working on though as it is a great enhancement to the registration process. It may even save some lost sales!

    Thanks Twisted.

  4. Hi Evil Homer,

    Sorry i am a little confused now...does the mod need to be in register.php or control_panel?

    I see a problem..

    The first instruction of your mod was to open control_panel .....see below.....but the code you have listed to paste under was from register.php...see your code below....

    "This will add a small table once a customer has registered asking them to tick a checkbox

    telling you how they found your site.

    first back up all files!!!!

    I have put this on bottom of control panel page you may find you want it somewhere else but it looks

    nice here

    open control_panel.php


    <tr bgcolor=\"$colour_1\">

    <td width=\"40%\">&nbsp;</td>

    <td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"$la_register\"><br>$la_account_form_must</td>







    }// end if !$edit

    straight after paste


    //start found us table


    etc etc.

    open control_panel.php

  5. Hi Evil,


    Tried the revised and then went to downloads at Cube Home and tried that version as well.

    I couldn`t find the original code out of control_panel.php to paste under so that might be the problem.

    This is the total file of what i have there at present. Installed on Control Panel OK.




    * File Info: control_panel.php

    * Purpose: Control Panel for Customer

    * Updated: 31/07/2003


    * Developer: Alistar Brookbanks (Brooky.com)

    * Copyright: ©2003 http://www.brooky.com

    * Copyright: ©2003 http://www.cubecart.com

    * This program is not "free" software and restrictions apply!

    * Further Info: http://www.cubecart.com/license.php

    * Contact [email protected] if any conditions are not clear.


    * Licensees holding valid "CubeCart Licence Number" may edit

    * the (powered by CubeCart) from browser title and "Powered by CubeCart"

    * and "© Brooky.com" from the web page footer.


    * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING


    * PURPOSE. This and all others in the download package can only be

    * redistributed with written permission from Alistair Brookbanks!


    * The "CubeCart License" is available to purchase at

    * https://secure.cubecart.com/

    * For pricing please contact us via e-mail at [email protected]



    if (!session_is_registered("valid_user"))


    header("Location: login.php");


    if (session_is_registered("valid_user"))



    include( "admin/settings.inc.php");

    include( "shoppingcart.php");

    include( "header.inc.php");

    $cart = new Cart;


    // start border


    echo"<a href=\"index.php\" target=\"_self\">$la_search_home</a> > $la_your_links<br><br>


    $sql_count = "select * from ".$prefix."store_order_sum where email='$valid_user'";

    $result_count = mysql_query ($sql_count);

    $total_orders = mysql_num_rows($result_count);

    $total_orders = number_format($total_orders);

    echo"<table align=\"center\" width=\"60%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"25\" cellpadding=\"0\">

    <tr align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">

    <td><a href=\"account.php?session=$session\"><br><img src='images/your_account.gif' border='0'><br>$la_account_account</a></td>

    <td><a href=\"your_orders.php?session=$session\"><img src='images/your_orders.gif' border='0'><br>$la_status_orders";







    <tr align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">

    <td><a href=\"account.php?session=$session\"><img src='images/password.gif' border='0'><br>$la_change_password</a></td>

    <td><a href=\"#\" target=\"_self\"><span style='cursor:hand;' onclick='window.external.AddFavorite(location.href,document.title);'><img src='images/favorites.gif' border='0'><br>$la_status_favourite</span></a></td>


    <tr align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">

    <td><a href=\"view_cart.php?session=$session\"><img src='images/your_basket.gif' border='0'><br>$la_status_basket</a></td>

    <td><a href=\"logout.php?session=$session\"><img src='images/logout.gif' border='0'><br>$la_logout</a></td>



    // end border



    //start found us table


    if (session_is_registered("valid_user"))




    $session = $ShoppingCart;



    if (!$Submitmail) {

    $select = mysql_query ("select * from ".$prefix."store_customer where email='$valid_user'");

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($select);




    <form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">


    <div align=\"left\">

    <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#111111\" width=\"400\">


    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt1\" value=\"$la_mod_found_opt1\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_opt1</b></td>



    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt2\" value=\"$la_mod_found_opt2\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_opt2</b></td>



    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt3\" value=\"$la_mod_found_opt3\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_opt3</b></td>



    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt4\" value=\"$la_mod_found_opt4\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_opt4</b></td>



    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt5\" value=\"$la_mod_found_opt5\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_opt5</b></td>



    <td width=\"49\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"opt6\" value=\"$la_mod_found_com_opt6\"></td>

    <td width=\"100%\"><b>$la_mod_found_com_opt6</b></td>




    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_name\" value=\"$from_name\">

    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_email\" value=\" $from_email\">

    <br><b>$la_mod_found_example</b><br />


    <textarea name=\"Message\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"4\"></textarea><br>

    <input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\"$la_go\" border=\"0\" name=\"Submitmail\">


    } else {

    $subject ="$la_mod_found_tableheader";

    if(empty($opt1)){$opt1= "";}else{$opt1= "$opt1\n";}

    if(empty($opt2)){$opt2= "";}else{$opt2= "$opt2\n";}

    if(empty($opt3)){$opt3= "";}else{$opt3= "$opt3\n";}

    if(empty($opt4)){$opt4= "";}else{$opt4= "$opt4\n";}

    if(empty($opt5)){$opt5= "";}else{$opt5= "$opt5\n";}

    if(empty($opt6)){$opt6= "";}else{$opt6= "$opt6\n";}

    $sugmail="$from_name,$from_email $la_mod_found_made \n\n$site_url/control_panel.php";

    mail($site_email,$subject,"$found\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n$opt1$opt2$opt3$opt4$opt5$opt6\n$la_mod_found_message\n$Message","From: $from_email");

    echo "$la_mod_found_thx $from_name<hr width=\"100%\" align=\"left\">";



    // if no session is registered

    if (!session_is_registered("valid_user"))





    //end suggestions table






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