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Everything posted by vokf

  1. The main problem, is the Free Tripod account disabling ini_get(), so basically a permissions thing. You may be able to remove the check in ini.inc.php, but I'm guessing you wont' be able to ini_set() either.. If that is the only problem, you may be able to edit the files. That isn't really the right way forward. Find a better host, if you're only playing you should be able to find a really cheap account for a few $ a month. If you can't spare the few $/month, you there is a tutorial on how to install "easyphp" on your home PC, so you can run it locally. If this is for a serious store, tut-tut for trying to use a free host! :-) Jason
  2. Ok, no worries - every post may help others in the future. I would suspect you'd have less problem on a Linux box - but if most of your stores are ASP based, you're probably a bit tied into Windows. You've got a few things working against you. There could be a bug in the install script, and/or error reporting, Windows permissions, and so on.. My recent trial worked fine, but I'm on Linux/cPanel with a background on CC3 and other scripts working well. At this early stage of the product, there are not many users to report errors on the Windows servers. Good luck, anyway. Jason
  3. This post; http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....&hl=session May help... I have access to a Windows server, but it doesn't have PHP/mySQL (and not plans to either), so I can't check. I think you're nearly there.. I'm still on V3, would like to move to V4 but have too much work on to spare the time. Perhaps next month... Jason
  4. Hi Barry, sorry - my mistake. Remove the CREATE DATABASE 'cubecart'... line - but keep the "USE 'cubecart'; line Providing there are no further errors on the import, you should see the following tables; CubeCart_Coupons CubeCart_Downloads CubeCart_Modules CubeCart_SpamBot CubeCart_admin_log CubeCart_admin_permissions CubeCart_admin_sections CubeCart_admin_sessions CubeCart_admin_users CubeCart_alt_shipping CubeCart_alt_shipping_prices CubeCart_blocker CubeCart_category CubeCart_cats_idx CubeCart_cats_lang CubeCart_config CubeCart_currencies CubeCart_customer CubeCart_docs CubeCart_docs_lang CubeCart_history CubeCart_img_idx CubeCart_inv_lang CubeCart_inventory CubeCart_iso_counties CubeCart_iso_countries CubeCart_lang CubeCart_options_bot CubeCart_options_mid CubeCart_options_top CubeCart_order_inv CubeCart_order_sum CubeCart_reviews CubeCart_search CubeCart_sessions CubeCart_tax_details CubeCart_tax_rates CubeCart_taxes CubeCart_transactions (phew!) Jason
  5. Hi, I can't see where you mean - IE6 looks the same as FF2 at this PC? Is the problem on the main page? Jason
  6. Hi, mySQL will accept the same queries as Access, SQL server and so on - obviously it has its differences, but I could move from MS Access & SQL Server to mySQL without too my work. The basic Select/Update/Delete queries work in much the same way. It sounds like the install script failed whilst trying to set-up the various tables needed. The sessions table is pretty core. I have attached a dump my of CC4 database. This contains only the data structure (table schema) - not any data. Tables will not be overwritten, and only created if they don't already exist. Please edit this file in a good text editor (notepad++ works for me). You will need to change the database name to match your database. This is on lines 15/16 - my database name is 'sosecomm_cc4' Save the file, then import using PHPmyAdmin. I hope this will help. You may have other problems with licences etc, but the front end should work (providing there are no other install problems) Jason localhost.zip
  7. Barry, I've replied in the thread you started. I've asked a few questions, based on what information you've provided. My point about providing more info wasn't a dig, and didn't require a 5 line statement to back-up your experience. Jason
  8. Ok, Are you on a Windows server?(I note from your recent message, you've used MS Access+ASP previously) Can you view the database and see if the "cubecart_sessions" table exists? If so, are there any records? Did you get any error messages/warnings whilst installing? Have you tried CC3 (or any other PHP/mySQL script) on the same server? Jason
  9. This is basically the reason why the press has been going down the pan. This'll be the same press that then reports stories like this, knowing they will sell papers.... ..all led by the same press that is owned by a right-wing supporter of T Blair. The BNP crowd must love the free advertising :-) I think we need a regime change! Jason
  10. Well, it sounds like something went wrong during install. I can see Brivtech gave you some advice, which appeared to fix one problem. You've not really provided any more info for anyone to help. You'll find most people here are pretty helpful, but you need to provide more info. You will get the same response in most other forums - if people know the answer, you'll get a reply. I'm not sure if you can get pre-sales support on V4 - a fixed length trial is ok, but 14 days isn't much time if you have problems and are at the mercy of forums for support. Jason
  11. Interesting and frankly mad.... if true.. However, finding real information about this was pretty difficult. I would normally need more than a few blogs from newspapers to jump into action :-) I can't find any names for the source, only the gov dept. I've not checked too deep, but most web searches show up posts like those from the OP. I'm not too sure if anything comes off the Petition site, part of me thinks its the same as shouting into the wind, although I have signed a few. A better choice would be to contact your local MP, this is what they're here for: http://www.writetothem.com/ You should get a reply, initially acknowledging your message, and then a proper reply. This will depend on your MP... Mine has been pretty good in getting back to me. Jason edit: Just read the post from "xceejayx", but I guess my point about checking facts is still relevant.
  12. Out of interest, there is a project to create PDF files from pure PHP - ie no server-side libraries. Its a bit crude, but I was looking into using it to create a pdf pricelist on the server. Jason
  13. vokf

    SSL cert?

    The SSL cert is used be the server - not really CubeCart. Its really a means of establishing trust between the browser and the server. Prices vary wildly, it you go to the big companies (Thwate etc), you'll pay lots, and other companies offer lower-priced certificates. Most will quote the percentage of browsers that support their certificates - expect over 99% My advice - chat to your web host, and search for cheap ssl certificates on google to ensure they are not ripping you off. Godaddy currently has an offer on their cheap ssl certs- $14.99 for one year. They won't beat that price, but find out the total cost for setting it up. Your web host will be able to install it for you, and they will also need to assign an dedicated IP address to your domain. Expect to pay a bit extra for the dedicated IP address, and possibly extra if you purchase the SSL from a different company. I've just found that Wikipedia has a fairly good article on SSL, if you fancy learning more. Jason
  14. (Sorry for feeding the troll) You don't need to upgrade your clients sites. CC3 is still supported. There has been no end of life announcement for CC3 yet. Do the smart thing and only upgrade if the client wants to, then its chargeable work. Would you have upgraded clients desktop PC's from XP to Vista the day it came out? Stop being a "$%^&*()&^", and behave like a professional. Jason
  15. Either: -Not enough space on your hosting package (I doubt this) -You've tweaked the cubecart admin settings (admin->general settings->max file upload size=2048)? The value is in bytes, so I'd personally put about 512000 (~500KB) -Your file is not 2KB but 2MB (sorry if you know this - just covering all bases) -Can you send larger files via FTP? If you can't, its a hosting issue -Possible PHP override that you can't change - again its a hosting issue, and 2KB is crazily low. Hope this is of some help, Jason
  16. vokf


    CubeCart can have multiple languages, each product/category can have different description for each language you wish to support. You can set the default language to spanish, and so anyone visiting your store will see everything in that language. They can select a different language and if you've provided descriptions in english, then they will see them too. You can have a sub-domain, but unless you want it to a completely separate store, the multiple language support should be enough for you. Hope this helps, Jason
  17. As Stevie mentions, there are 3rd party free and commercial templates. If you're not technical, I'd suggest going down this route. I would advise to get a few products on your site before thinking about a template - you can use the built-in ones. To edit your own, you'll need: -a text editor (ie use NotePad++, but Windows Notepad will do) -Some kind of FTP client There is a documentation project over at cubecartforums.org and that has some tutorials on creating your own template. Moving things around isn't too hard, but you'll need to swot up on CSS if you want to make big changes. Hope this helps, Jason
  18. Not really a CubeCart issue - this thing can happen in Ebay, or anywhere with PayPal. I can also happen to Merchants - where their bank performs a chargeback. Cheques can be reported as stolen, even months after they have cleared! The safest form of payment is direct bank transfer. As Brivtech says, contact PayPal. If you're selling digital goods, you should have server logs which would show a successful download of a product/order against an IP address. This would probably tie up with the IP address as used to place the order. If you're selling physical goods, you'll need proof of delivery (proof of postage isn't enough for paypay). Hope this is of help, Jason
  19. Basically, set the price for 1lb. The customer enters how many pounds they need, and the store will multiply it up. You can have product options, and these can vary the price (if required). Hope this helps, Jason
  20. Hi Brivtech, (tongue firmly in cheek) I'm not sure what you mean by this? Don't you use Apache? lol I'd prefer something that is OpenSource (ie people can read and build the code), than something closed source. This mainly comes down to my distrust of large organisations and governments. I generally don't have to time/skills to tweak the code - but can see why it's important. I also think the competition is good, it keeps the commercial vendors on their toes. If Linux wasn't a threat, a certain Redmond based software company wouldn't be offering huge bribes discounts to Governments and schools worldwide. That is a political undertone :-) My main line of work doesn't have a large Open Source project base. I develop "LabVIEW" based test/measurement equipment, and also program DSP's. The toolkits are expensive and proprietary - but thats whats needed. I'm realistic enough to know that using some free/low cost system just won't do for my line of work. Interestingly enough, the largest science project in the UK - Diamond Light Source, uses an Open Source control system called "EPICS", with Linux based Front-Ends. But they do have a large army of cardigan wearing geeks to support it! Sorry - I saw your closing comment, and I had to reply! Jason
  21. vokf

    Can I?

    I can't see any mention of transferring a license. Best bet would be to contact sales for clarification. This information should be in the terms and conditions, but I guess its fairly rare. They'll be someone there in 10 hours. Jason
  22. I agree with Homar - I've used a 256Mb VPS with cPanel in the past (I assume this is what you mean), and it was much slower than a cheap reseller account. Plesk appeared to be much slower than cPanel, but that may have been the set-up. I did a few tweaks, tuning mySQL, and applying a php cache - but with so little free memory, I couldn't gain much. Don't get me wrong, it was usable, just a big difference to a reseller account. I like the idea of VPS systems, they're a good way to learn about servers without worrying about messing things up too much. Unless you need Root access, or security is a big concern, a good reseller account should allow you to grow to a point where you can get a good dedicated server. You normally get a fixed amount of bandwidth and storage, and normally no limit on the amount of accounts you can create. Each account will have cPanel access. Hope this helps, Jason
  23. I only hope their product is better than their hosting... "Server Not Found".... Seriously though, any choice is good. If you're a good programmer, then using a free cart may be a good idea (if its well documented and well written). Going open source to save money is a false economy if you cannot get support when you need it, and are at the sole mercy of other users. One reason Red Hat exists - for their support. Perhaps the open source cart has a paid-for service option - that would put things on a different level. You obviously feel this is a good move, so good luck. I think many of us have tried various carts, and I keep my eyes on other developments, but CC is well supported and a solid base for my needs. Jason
  24. Hi, It sounds like you're using the Killer skin. I can't explain why the links are messed up, without seeing your store URL, the image doesn't really help (other to confirm its not right) There are other skins built into cubecart (Legend and Classic). There is a suberb documentation project over at www.cubecartforums.org - this explains how the skins are made up, and how to move the side boxes around. Due to the template engine CubeCart uses, its pretty straight forward to change boxes and skins - if you know a bit of HTML/CSS. Jason
  25. vokf

    Sub forms

    Hi Brivtech, I'm sorry if my post came out a bit short - I'd had a row with my ex-wife. Grr! Just to add to what you've posted, its possible to hide html code within a div Put your HTML code in a <div> and set: display: none; Using some javascript, its possible to show the hidden <div> Each div will require its own id, so: div#id1Form { margin: 0px 20px 0px 20px; display: none; } <div id="commentForm"> Extra elements go here </div> <a href="java script:toggleLayer('id1Form');" title="Add more info"> Add more info. </a> And the javascript to show the layer: function toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works elem = document.layers[whichLayer]; vis = elem.style; // if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here if(vis.display==''&&elem.offsetWidth!=undefined&&elem.offsetHeight!=undefined) vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none'; vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block'; } This isn't my work - it was taken from a google search for css hide div Not sure if this is helpful, I can't see why you can't put form elements inside the hidden divs. Jason
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