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Everything posted by vokf

  1. Anyone can/could apply for a CC4 Beta licence - I don't think it was restricted to mod authors. I don't release commercial mods, and have been testing the Beta. Jason
  2. Ask the hosting company to sort it out from your or their backups? If they caused the problem, its fairly reasonable to request they restore from backups - obviously if you don't have backups it sounds very bad news for your client! If the host is not willing/able, you need to learn FTP. Download "FileZilla". If time is of the essence, your best bet is to get your web host to sort it out with whatever backups you have. If there are no backups, you're going to have to rebuild the store from scratch. Prepare for a hostile client.. Jason
  3. Hi Mysty, there is a free "FixCatCount" mod on ccf.org which should fix this. Hope this helps, Jason
  4. I think that is inaccurate. I don't sell mods, I certainly don't sell Paintball gear, and as far as I know, nor does Mysty and Webicon. We're all trying to help. I think the advice so far has been pretty reasonable, certainly not asking Ryan to spend money at ccf.org There is little "inside information". Whilst the moderators may speak to Al/Devilion or exchange emails, its not in Devilions interest to hide information about the cart software from their customers. Obviously, if someone has a successful store, they will mention it to others. The referrals to cc.org /ccf.org came about some time ago to separate the core program from 3rd party mods. I don't think there are many instances of mod owners forwarding people to buy their own mods. In this instance, I'm recommending a visit to ccf.org due to the amount of free mods/skins and excellent information there. Obviously commercial services need to exist, but there is a good mix of both, and most mod/skin authors have a few free products. If you check out the free mods on ccf.org, there have been some excellent submissions in the last few weeks. Jason
  5. The license will automatically remove the Copyright notice in the page title and the page footer. This is a one time payment, for a single store. You will be entitled to 3 months technical support. Hope this helps, Jason
  6. Ryan, From my previous pos What have *you* done in the last 3 weeks? Have you built any inbound links? I can't see any url in your signature (this should be a proper link) Have you submitted a Google Products /MSN Products feed - or asked how to do it? Whats happening with your stats- you have Google Analytics installed. Where are your visitors coming from (forums/google/msn or direct). Direct would be fairly bad if you're not getting many other visitors, as its probably people you already know! Obviously there are people who can do this for you for a fee, but there are no real quick fixes, other than advertising on Adwords etc. If you're on a budget, you'll have to learn to be a bit more proactive. Most of us were not born with the knowledge, its a matter of reading and learning. Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with your store - you have a wide product range, nice descriptions. You've done most of the hard work! Personally, I'd use a different skin (free or commercial), but this shouldn't really stop you getting visitors - just orders! Jason
  7. Hi, edit /skins/yourskin/styletemplate/content/vieworder.tpl Jason
  8. Other options are "IfranView" which can do batch resize (and file conversion). However, I would advise looking for the free, and excellent "fix thumbs" mod on cubecartforums.org Jason
  9. Other options are "IfranView" which can do batch resize (and file conversion). However, I would advise looking for the free, and excellent "fix thumbs" mod on cubecartforums.org It can do 100 images in one pass, so only a few clicks- and once installed much quicker than FTP>Resize/Rename>FTP Jason
  10. Yep - in the Image properties there will be a border entry, set it to 0 (zero) I assume you're using the RTE. Jason
  11. Create a new directory for your image and create a file named .htaccess inside the directory (do not place this file in your site root...). Edit the file, and add the line; AddType application/octet-stream .jpg Save and upload. Place your jpgs in that directory, and you'll have to manually link to the file <a href="/yourjpgdir/file.jpg>Download</a> Jason
  12. Hi, Log in to your CubeCard admin area, then click View Products. At the top-right you'll see a "Google" image, click that. You'll then be prompted to save the file to your local PC. You can try to upload to Google (I assume you've signed up), and see if you get any errors. I must admit, I havn't tried the latest 3.0.17 or .16 release. Jason
  13. Interesting posts. I've madly busy at the moment, but I'll try to generate a list of cart abandonment values for each stage. I use Goals with Google Ananlytics to provide this information, but haven't looked at it for a while... I would actually prefer that if the cart does not know the shipping/tax at that point in the checkout sequence, it should be hidden - N/A is confusing (if you step back from being the store owner) How about a clearer progress bar (moving the current progress bar up and bit, and having an actual description of what is going on ie : "Please confirm the basket below, we'll then need to know where to ship it so for delivery and tax calculations" "Please select your preferred shipping method, we're almost done!" Obviously, this could be implemented fairly easily. Jason
  14. I've had problems with Javascript on the editor before. I really can't recommend using Javascript to protect images - anyone wanting to use your images has a wide range of options, from Disabling Javascript, to viewing their Internet Cache, or viewing the page source and downloading images directly. Disabling right-click will not stop this. There are better ways to protect images. There is a very good 3rd party mod to watermark images, which which is done at the server end - so your visitors never get a "clean" version unless they purchase. However, if you're selling Animated GIFs (as your prev post?), this will not work, as it uses the GD Library and this will not work with animated gifs. If this mod is of interest, you can find it at cubecartforums.org I can't think is a decent way to protect animated gifs - you could watermark each animation yourself, but for many products it will take too long. I'll think about your previous post, re:Animated gif thumbnails, and post tomorrow evening. Jason
  15. Hi, There isn't an easy way to clear these stats. If you have "myPHPadmin" on your server, you can clear the stats by editing the table and deleting empty sessions. If you've got lots, you could clear all sessions by sending the following SQL command; TRUNCATE TABLE `CubeCart_sessions` However, any active sessions will be cleared (ie if you have people with products in the basket, they'll lose the contents, probably losing you the sale) The date/time could be down to the server time zone - is the server in the same time zone as you? If it is in the US and you're in the UK, there could be quite a few hours difference. In the CC Admin, under Time & Date, there is a facility to correct for this difference. Hope this helps, Jason
  16. Hi, Thanks for sharing your findings :-) Jason
  17. Werid problem here, when I tried to pay (only 1pence). I got a Page not found later in the paypal checkout page (after confirming purchase) I suggest contacting PayPal... Jason
  18. You need to read up on a few things. Typing your exact question into google shows lots of answers. This isn't really a CubeCart question.
  19. Ok, I can see you're hosting by 1&1 - I've never used them, but I know they have their own control panel with basic stats. The best advice I can offer, is to install Google Analytics. http://www.google.com/analytics/ Sign-up and you'll need to install some code into a few files in your store skin file. /skins/yourskin/styletemplates/global/index.tpl and cart.tpl If you search these forums, adding Google Analytics has been discussed previously. Alexia is a different engine to Google, and not commonly used from all the result I've ever seen. Basically, concentrate on the big 3 - Google, Yahoo and MSN, most of the UK ISPs use content from one of these as their search supplier. Jason
  20. This sounds like a problem with your server setup. Contact your host... Jason
  21. This was in the old Cubecart.org/downloads site... Back up the files before you tweak them, and obviously test it. Hope this helps, Jason
  22. vokf

    Moving index.php

    This is very FAQ - please search the forums for info. The basics are to move all files/directories to the root of the site. This may mean ftping back to your pc, then re-sending... If you have shell access, or a decent file manager on a control panel (the new cPanel file manager is pretty nice), you may just be able to it all on the server. Then, edit /includes/global.inc.php, and remove the /CubeCart/ folder reference. Obviously, back everything up, and remember make /images/uploads and /images/uploads/thumbs writable. The many previous forum posts will have much more info. Jason
  23. No worries. Most changes take a while to take effect. If you check your stats, you should find a "robots" section, this should list Google/MSN/Yahoo and a few others, and when they last visited, and possibly how many pages they spidered. As a guide, my Gear4mobiles store has been spidered by all the major search engines today, not sure how many files they've pulled, but AWStats is showing 1000+ for Google and 1400+ for Yahoo ( I have about 1500 product pages). I'm 1 of those unique visitors :-) This is pretty good compared to what you were saying on your first post. Google Analytics will allow you to find common routes through your site, and set-up "goals". I've set my goals to be the checkout stages, so can measure these things easier. Ideally, it should be a straight line with all visitors viewing cart and purchasing my goods, but not everyone purchases, and those that decide, decide against it at various times. Jason
  24. Hi, don't upload thumbnails via the CubeCart upload - just use FTP. If any .gifs are manipulated by CubeCart, you'll lose the animation, GD doesn't handle it . The problem is that you may be uploading .jpgs / .pngs whilst your thumbnails are .gif I can't check at the moment, but I *think* the cubecart code will prefix the image filename with "thumbs/thumb_" So.. if your main image filename is "widget.jpg", cubecart will be looking for "/thumbs/thumb_widget.jpg" You'll either have to make all your product images .gif (not good for photos), OR make a few code changes. This will mean anywhere there are thumbnails, will need the php code tweaking. You'll also need to stop thumbnail creation (which is fairly easy) - in /admin/filemanage/upload.php If you're not familiar with editing code, you may need to ask for help in cubecartforums.org Jason
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