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Everything posted by vokf

  1. This will require editing one of the admin files: /admin/customers/email.php Line 48 (on un modded CC3.0.17 file), add mobile to SQL query: $query = "SELECT title, email, firstName, lastName, type, mobile FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_customer WHERE optIn1st = 1"; Line 58, add mobile value to list; $emailList .= $results[$i]['title']." ".$results[$i]['firstName']." ".$results[$i]['lastName']." <".$results[$i]['email'].">".$results[$i]['mobile']; Obviously, back things up first.... Untested, but should work fine. Jason
  2. Hi Victoria, I've replied via PM if you'd prefer not to post your URL publicly. Google Base/Products: When you search for a product on Google, is will often show about 3 links directly to suppliers where you can buy the listed product. It will show the price, and so its very handy if you're looking to buy something specific. If you buy things online, you've probably used it. This is a free service to Retailers from Google. Essentially, you need to create an account with Google, and then sign up for Google Base. Once you have that, you need to tell Google about your store and the format of the data you'll be sending. Then.. using CubeCart, you download a file from your store. This file will contain 1 line per product, with a list of product name, price, description, link to product page and link to product image. Save this file on your PC, then log-in to Google Base, upload the file. Google will check the file, and if all is ok, all your products will be searchable. Google changed the specification of the file a while back, and the current (and older) versions of CubeCart will not generate a valid file. There is an update at cubecartforums.org Getting it right may take a while, but obviously, once you are generating a valid file, subsequent submissions are quick. Jason
  3. Hi Victoria, you probably won't find many people admitting to their traffic publicly. One analogy I offer clients, is that of opening a small unit on a big industrial estate, trying to sell things with no advertising. Obviously, your neighbours and friends will be aware of your presence, but most people will not have heard of you, and you won't get any visitors... 20 hits (I assume you mean visitors, hits are slightly different), are not too bad for a site that isn't really promoted. Obviously, you need to get more, but more visitors won't help if your site has problems. My 4 bits of immediate advice: -Place the URL of your store as your signature in these forums, this is an established forum and Google will pick up on the link and it will help. -Ask for comments on your store, its easy to ignore the obvious. (there is a section for this- you'll see that people offer constructive comments) -Read up on "Google Products", and submit a feed every few weeks. -If your product is "niche", get active into various discussion forums, and if possible add your link as a signature (observing forums rules). Hanging out with potential customers is a good thing. I hope this is of some encouragement. Jason
  4. Hi, yep, this is pretty simple. There is a mod or two to do this at cubecartforums.org Jason
  5. Official Tech support is via a ticket system: https://www.cubecart.com/site/customers/index.php Whilst the Devs do read these forums, its mainly full of other users who are willing to help others. Your problem sounds like a cookie/browser cache issue. Obviously, if the server or the code hasn't changed, its a local problem. I've had the same thing a few times, normally a reload (CTRL F5) works, but if not, try clearing cache and cookies. Jason
  6. vokf

    Version 4

    I totally agree with Burgensteen, why wait? Even though CC4 has been beta tested, and should be of high quality, it will still be new software. Get your CC3 store up and running and if you decide you want CC4, purchase the code, get it running and then move your license key across (assuming you purchase one) If you wait around for CC4, you'll be losing money on lost sales. Jason
  7. No worries, Nice and sunny here in Hertfordshire, although I've just been filtering though the M25 Good luck with the store, Jason
  8. Sorry - my mistake. Modules->Shipping->By Price Jason
  9. Hi Chris, Initial impressions - Clean and nice. Suggestions: Do something with the PayPal graphic - it been resized, and doesn't really fit. in its current place. Perhaps get the original and place it at the bottom of your "welcome" text? If you are only dealing in GBP and the English language, its fairly easy to remove these boxes. Edit /stylestemplates/global/index.tpl and remove {Language} and{currency} tags. (make a backup first) There is no indication of size on your product graphics, could you place a steel ruler alongside them? I'm not familiar with what you're selling, so it may be obvious to your customers. Perhaps consider using larger Thumbnail images, this can be easily changed in the CubeCart Admin. About Us- how about a picture of the Mill, your description of where you are based makes me want to see it :-) A few of the free Mods may really help- May I suggest the "Category descriptions mod" as a starter. These and more can be found over at www.cubecartforums.org Nice job, Jason
  10. There are various discount pricing mods at cubecartforums.org The shipping question is a case of enabling "free shipping" and entering 100 as the minimum value. (assuming $100 is your min order value) Hope this helps, Jason
  11. Does the demo work on the FCK Editor site? (http://www.fckeditor.net) If so, its something up with your hosting/installation. In this case I would suggest re-uploading the /admin/includes/rte folder If the demo doesn't work, ensure you have JavaScript enabled, or try a different browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer) Jason
  12. Not too sure on the address based postage - certainly doable. I suggest taking a peak and asking in www.cubecartforums.org, possibly finding an existing mod that fits. Jason
  13. I've not got thoughts of them sitting around in the local beer garden, playing cards and playing pass-the-laptop...
  14. vokf

    Page Title

    HI Mark, I suggest you visit www.cubecartforums.org -what you're asking is really a modification to the CubeCart code. I would check out some one the commercial/free mods and find one that is close to what you need, and then contact the author to see if they would be able to make it meet your requirements. This should be cheaper than writing the change from scratch. Best wishes, Jason
  15. Please see my reply to the previous post: http://www.cubecart.com/site/forums/index....showtopic=29092
  16. <goad> Oh Yeah??? Screenshots?? </goad> All excited now!
  17. Windows Hosting is a different beast. You cannot change file/directory permissions using your FTP client. If you have some kind of control panel, ie Plesk for Windows, you should be able to make directories writable in there. If you have nothing like that, you'll need to call your hosting company and ask them to change permissons. If you're only stuck on stage 4, you should be able to manually edit the /includes/config.inc.php to show "installed=1;" and then rename the install directory (so its not found). If all is ok, delete the install directory. Unless there is a strong reason for needing Windows hosting (ie MSSQL/ASP/.NET etc), you may want to consider asking your web host to move you to a Linux server. This isn't Linux-Windows snobbery, its just that for PHP/mySQL applications, you'll have an easier time. (this is from an ex MSSQL/ASP coder) Jason
  18. vokf

    Page Title

    Hi, edit /skins/YOURSKIN/styletemplate/global/index.tpl Find {PAGE_CONTENT} Place your HTML just before.. ie <p>My Company</p> {PAGE_CONTENT} You'll also need to do the same for cart.tpl Hope this helps, Jason
  19. I'm pleased there is some information out on this. I've got no real comment on the pricing level- I make money from my stores, and if CC4 looks likely to increase profits for me, its a fairly simple decision. The chance to Beta V4 has been very helpful. I've actually used a PHP directory package that has a similar license - fixed £xx for the software, and then more to remove the link/copyright. This is also inline with many skin suppliers, many have gone down the route of having a link/copyright back to their site, which can be removed for an additional fee. We've already seen lots of goodies on V4 (alternate checkouts, firefox toolbar, lightbox etc), and its really encouraging to see new developments (hinted Admin layout changes etc) are planned. Good work! Jason
  20. Is it a Windows Server? If so, you need to do this in your control panel (if you have one), or contact your web host to make the tmp directory writeable. What permissions do you have for /images/uploads ? Jason
  21. Hi, Do you have a back-up of the database? How did you uninstall CubeCart? If you installed using Fantasico, and then uninstalled using Fantasico, you'll need to use your backup database. If you don't have a backup, its bad news (unless your hosting company keeps a backup) Please give us more info? -Can you see the database (ie in myPHPAdmin) -Do you have a control panel with your hosting (Plesk/cPanel?) -Do you have a back-up file of the database/account Sorry I can't help much more, but you need to supply more info. Jason
  22. Hi Eric, Sorry about the harsh opinion re:Right Click Disable - glad to see its gone though :-) Ok, the final validation error is an empty <tr></tr> which is on line 380/831 ish I'm not too sure where its coming from, so if its needed, change to: <tr>&nbsp;</tr> Well, hopefully that should sort it out. I'd a damm nice site you got there! Jason
  23. You've not made it easy for people to help you. You've disabled the right-mouse button with some Javascript. However, it is trival to by-pass (so therefore not worth using...). Ok, the main problem (apart from the Javascript validation), is the <p> tags before the <div> I hope this helps, Jason
  24. vokf

    Image Protection

    Just adding to Mystys post, you can stop "hotlinking", which is where other sites (ebay etc) link direct to your images, stealing your bandwidth and your work. Search google for hotlinking and .htaccess Watermarking is a good deterrent, there is a 3rd party mod to watermark images on-the-fly, so you don't have to do it in your editing software (and you can change the watermark image) There are JavaScript "hacks" to disable right-clicking, so people can't save the image, but that is very 1990's - and the image will probably be found in the browsers cache, or as a last resort a screen capture will work fine. Jason
  25. Its worth mentioning that if you actually purchased a CC license, you would get 3 months support from Devillion. I'm currently playing with JROX/Jam - not got much further than a basic install at the moment. It is limited to 50 affiliates, but if that becomes a problem, there is a paid upgrade. Jason
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