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Posts posted by vokf

  1. You can simply update once a month (or if there is any significant change) and adjust the exchange rates from online information (www.xe.com ?).

    There is also an excellent currency update mod on www.cubecartforums.org

    The commercial one can be set to auto-update, the free one requires you to click a button to update.

    I hope this helps,


  2. Hi, welcome to the forum :-)

    Don't use Java for menus! Some XP owners won't have the Java Runtime installed, and so won't be able to navigate until its download and install.

    I like Java, its a good language, but steer clear of using it for navigation.

    If you mean Javascript (which is a totally different thing), then this is possible.

    Flash is a little better for this kind of thing, usually much quicker to start up and most visitors will have it installed.

    The navigation links is a simple HTML list, so most effects are possible - but you'll need to understand CSS/HTML to get the best out of the system.

    I'm not sure what you mean by duplicate the information box - will you just have static text in it?

    There are 2 ways to do this:

    1. Apply the HTML to the main template file /skins/yourskin/styleTemplates/global/index.tpl

    2. Create a new box file and invoke that from the main template file. This will be a bit harder, so if you want static text, I'd advise #1. If you want data from the database, you'll need to get familiar with PHP, possibly some SQL, and CSS/HTML.

    In case you're not aware, these is a separate forum for 3rd party services/mods/templates at www.cubecartforums.org


  3. Hi,

    the best place for 3rd party advice is www.cubecartforums.org (now back-online as it was down for maintenance last night)

    I know there are various mods that will do what you want over there.


  4. Hi Brivtech,

    I don't think this is anything you can do in normal text only emails. The hyperlinking is done at the client end (webmail/email client etc)

    If you look at the source to an email, its normally plain text (ie no <a href> etc)

    If you are using HTML email, then you can do it, just don't add the <a href...>


  5. For anyone thinking about following the previous post, this is from their authorisation document:

    "I understand that Claim and Collect will levy a fee of 19.5% from any claim settlement in the event that it is successful, subject to minimum fee of £50.00."

    I can't see this being of much use unless you lose a lot of money (£0000s). Not many transaction will meet the £50 fee, and even if you lose £100 to PayPal, £50 will go to these people. If your transactions are of a high enough level, you'll probably gain by getting a merchant account.

    For anyone having problems with PayPal, I'd suggest "paypalsucks.com for support and advice"

    Back ontopic,

    I've always had good experience with the PDT add-on code for Cubecart. This basically requests the payment status from paypal, and correctly sets the order status on the cart.

    If you're a UK store, one of the variables changes, but the original thread is still valid and contains all the information you need, just read it all.


  6. Passion8,

    I created a simple script to disable the SSL flag. This works on the same principle as the config tool, but simply un-sets the SSL flag, verifies this is done, and also displays its previous state.

    Just upload this to the root of your store, and run it:


    Just running it will unset the SSL flag - no buttons to press.

    I wrote this a few weeks ago, and it works fine.

    However, please do a full account backup (very easy if you're using cPanel etc).



  7. To address your concerns about support/recovery if you part company with your developer:

    Make sure you have a complete account backup of your store, and know how to do this yourself.

    This back-up should contain your database, files and email - so basically, your entire set-up.

    Download the back-ups to your local PC. Make a point of doing it every week or so (more when you get busier or add lots of products)

    In the event of problems, you know you've got CubeCart, and should have no problems finding a host and skilled people to support you.


  8. The only change I can see, is that your "add to basket" link is slightly different.

    You've got double apostrophes ' ' whereas you should have single '

    What changes did you make?

    I'd suggest swapping for a different skin (in cc admin), and seeing if the problem remains.


  9. CubeCart uses "xtemplate" a PHP Template class.

    One feature that isn't used by cubecart (afaik), is the file include....

    In a template file add:

    {FILE "/common/navigation.inc"}

    Use in place your SSI includes. I've just tested, and its working fine. I've been recently playing with the template class, as I may use it for a non cc project.

    You can't put PHP inside the .tpl files, (but you can output data from a php file - view the "assign" commands inside /includes/content/ files)

    I hope this helps,


  10. Yes - in V4, the customer does not need to register. The checkout sequence is much better.

    There are various mods for V3 (some free, some commercial), which will do roughly the same kind of thing.

    If you have space on your hosting, I'd recommend downloading V4 and using the 14 day evaluation key to test.


  11. Hi Richard,

    this is an idea I've been thinking about for a while.

    The problem is knowing where to get the words from and they need to be ranked in some order.

    I've thought about using the search table, and removing common words ("and","if","a" etc), but assuming this is ok, its a fairly straight forward addition.

    Its probably worth chatting about this over at www.cubecartforums.org


  12. Hi,

    If you post a URL, it will be easier to see where the problem lies.

    Based on your code example, you're closing a </p> and not closing the opening <div> - I'd correct that error (unless its a typo with copying here)


  13. All the side boxes can be found in;


    The mailing list is a file called mailist.tpl (from memory here!)

    Inside, you'll find mostly HTML, but some other {tags} which are created by PHP.

    To achieve what you want, you'll need to change the size of the textbox and the text inside the "signup" button.

    There is a good documentation project for skins (and the rest of the cart), over at cubecartforums.org


  14. I would think that an email to Google would be in order for clarification.

    Post back when you get a reply.

    I don't think its too much to worry about (slightly annoying, but no harm done), it sounds like they tried to label the order, and its good practice to always check that the funds have been received before shipping anyway.


  15. IPN is just a bit of added technology - so your Business account is fine.

    What ever PayPal system you use (IPN or Standard), the customer should be returned to your store with no error messages.

    The customer should be billed correctly, and you should receive payment notification from PayPal.

    The only difference between IPN and Standard is that the store changes the order status.

    If the details in the link you've listed work for you - great :-)


  16. Hi,

    "Pending" means Pending payment.

    If you're using PayPal IPN (as opposed to PayPal Standard), then something isn't working correctly!

    If you're shipping physical items (books, toys etc), then this may not be a big deal - you can manually check you've received payment, and then change the status to processing.

    If you're selling digital goods (mp3, ebooks etc), then your customers will have to wait until you set the order status to Processing before they can download their goods.

    PayPal IPN can be a pain to set-up, there are various tutorials on here, and on www.cubecartforums.org

    I personally use this, and it works 100% for me (and gives a nice log of transactions):


    Please read some of the more recent posts, and remember that you'll need to set the location of the log file correctly (otherwise you won't see whats going on!)

    If you're selling physical items only, this isn't such a big deal - you should check your PayPal account before shipping anything.


  17. Can you give me an example of what that line of code should look like

    Please see the free mod. I didn't use regex in the end, today has been far too hectic for that :-)

    However, it strips out the <select> and <option> tags and rebuilds a hidden form item and does what you need.


  18. I think the reason is because the answer isn't straight forward.

    /includes/content/cart.inc.php handles the shipping logic.

    Inside step 4, the code creates a HTML <select> command (line 560), and then iterates through each enabled shipping module. (line 579 on CC3.0.17)

    Each shipping module is called in-turn.

    The shipping modules builds the <option> part of the drop-down code.

    This is output to {VAL_SHIPPING} in the cart.tpl file on the skin.

    So.. back to your question..

    Clone your only shipping option (calling it something else you'll need to do this for the /admin/modules/shipping and the /modules/shipping files).

    Get it to create a <hidden> form item, and also the readable text (so people know how much they're paying).

    Tweak cart.inc.php, so it doesn't create any <select> tags.

    I suppose the other way, would be to regex the $shippingPrice variable in cart.inc.php. ie remove the <select> and <option> tags, and rebuild it using hidden tags.

    Not too much work, but probably too much to be discussed here - if you ask in www.cubecartforums.org you may find someone able to code it for you.



  19. It really comes down to budget..

    You appear to have a good feel for how each one works.

    PayPal Standard & IPN are commonly used to quickly start trading. No set-up fee, only the only charges are transaction ones - so should be easy to handle.

    Store owners can do some basic customisation of the Payment screen (using their logo, and colour scheme).

    I think the others will require a SSL cert and a Merchant account. Both incurr additional costs - and Direct Payment is good for keeping people on your site.

    I'm not sure why people would want PayPal Express...

    Some store owners will have trouble getting a Merchant account (bad credit, no trading history etc), and this is another reason why they would chose Standard & IPN.

    The IPN version will inform the store that the payment was successful and automatically change the order status to "processing". PayPal standard will leave the status at "Pending" and the store owner will have to check that Payment was successful.


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