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Posts posted by Ausy

  1. Hi,

    Yes there seems to be a problem with the latest version 4.4.7 after upgrade. The software is for some reason cmod the thumb to 1363 (at least on my server) making it unreadable.

    I found I was unable to change permission on this file using a normal ftp client. The only way I found to change permission correctly is through cpanel - legacy file manager, and change the permission on the thumb to 644. Then the error will go and the thumb will display.

    If you don't have access to cpanel ask your host to fix it.

  2. Hey guys

    Just wondering whther anyone has ever managed to create an updatable image gallery page in CubeCart 4?

    I have around 70 images I want to display on a site for a client but I want to make the gallery as easily updatable as possible?

    Easiest way I can think of is to create a site doc, call it gallery and embed a picassa /Flikr web album onto it. You would have to update the photos through picassa/flikr

  3. Hi --

    The information linked to at https://support.cube...eid=44&nav=0,17 is now missing, and I think it's what I need.

    I have purchased a fully-licensed Cubecart 4, and due to a site infection I had to delete it and download the latest Cubecart from your site for safety.

    I used a trial license for the download and reinstall, but now I'd like to enter the license keys I purchased. I cannot find a way to do this.

    I think the link above was supposed to tell me how, but it's now 404. Help please.




  4. I tried to upgrade my store from version 4.3.0 to 4.4.4 and now I can't get into it. This error message comes up :

    Fatal error: Unable to read 14365 bytes in /home/pegasusp/public_html/admin_enc_zend.php on line 0

    What have I done? I followed the instructions but I haven't done this before so need some help urgently.

    Re upload the index_enc_zend.php and index_enc_ion.php files in binary mode with yout ftp client.

  5. Currently using 3.0.16 and would like to upgrade to latest in CubeCart 4.

    However when I'm logged into my admin, and I click on Updates Available, I get the following error.

    [user Error]: _mdownloads_aview not found (includes/functions.php:29)

    Any ideas. What is the best way to upgrade? Should I go through my admin panel for just purchase this off the site? Its been a while since I had to think about an upgrade but we need one.

    Download CubeCart4, then follow the instructions in the readme file contained in the package. Make sure you back up your database and files before you try and upgrade. Any mods you have will not work on the new installation and if your skin is not standard that will also require upgrading seperately.

  6. Yes the software installs or updates the database when you first install or upgrade. If you check through php myadmin you should have a table called CubeCart_config. Did you import your old database correctly?

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