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Posts posted by scythe000

  1. Since it just looked like it was missing

    {if $product.digital}<a href="{$VAL_SELF}&amp;reset_id={$product.id}" />[{$LANG.orders.reset_download_link}]</a>{/if}

    I inserted that line. It now shows [] in the spot to reset the item. looks like it does it, but i'm thinking it should have some text between those brackets.

  2. Weird, here's what I've got in that spot:

    {foreach from=$PRODUCTS item=product}
        <div id="item">
        {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - {$product.product_code} ({$product.line_formatted})<span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span>
        {if $product.options}
    	 <br />{$product.options}

  3. So...does this fix the google base issues?

    Leary of upgrading to 5.0.5 just yet, based on the first big reports.

    I've already modified the admin/sources/products.export.php google base array so it exports the stock_level.

    My question is - (from the File Difference Report) does adding

    $result['availability'] = 'in stock';

    v5.0.5 to the end of the NEW version just change the title of the column, or does it change the 1's and 0's to in stock, out of stock?

    Good question!

  4. Ok, got my site compatible with the new Google rules. Is there a way to bulk set the stock levels? I don't really use it, but Google wants it, so can i just have it set all stock levels to 9999 or something?

    Maybe I spoke too soon...looks like Google doesn't care about stock, it wants a field called 'availability'. This is a real red flag. My items are all out of google right now...

  5. You are right that you are using a GoDaddy reseller, so everything that applies to GoDaddy applies to them. By the way, Zend works on GoDaddy but only for php4. As you need php5 to use CubeCart 4.x, use ioncube instead, which is what you were trying to do.

    1. its the Linux (x86) that's relevant:

    In that zip file that you downloaded, make sure that ALL files within that zip package have been uploaded, even if they don't seem relevant.

    2. Have you created a php5.ini file?

    It should look something like this:
    register_globals = off
    allow_url_fopen = off
    expose_php = Off
    max_input_time = 60
    variables_order = "EGPCS"
    extension_dir = ./
    upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
    precision = 12
    SMTP = relay-hosting.secureserver.net
    url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset="
    # [Zend]
    # zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/ZendExtensionManager.so
    # zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/4_3/ZendOptimizer.so
    zend_extension = /home/content/u/s/e/username/html/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so
    Obviously, you need to change the path in my example to your own path.
    3. Check ioncube files
    You should now check the ioncube files are configured and uploaded correctly. To do this, type into your web browser:
    obviously changing example with your own domain name.
    If you get the success message, you're ready to proceed with your cubecart installation. If not, you've messed up one of the above steps.
    Dang, i've done all this, and ioncube says it's installed right, but i can't get my store to come up:

    Warning: require_once(admin_enc_ion.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/c/a/t/catholichost/html/store/admin.php on line 44
    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'admin_enc_ion.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/content/c/a/t/catholichost/html/store/admin.php on line 44
  6. Ok, this is really wierd. I can get to the page through a proxy! I think it has something to do with my iP address? I even tried getting to it through a fresh install of firefox and it was still giving me the error.

    BTW, I love your gothicplus site, but the logo is messed up in IE8. It shows twice.

  7. The grayed out problem is a bad cookie on your system. Close your browser, clear your cache and cookies, and you should be fine.

    The errors on the manage images - I don't know what caused it, but I had that issue for about a month and then it magically went away. I just ignored the errors at the top as everything worked fine, just listed those at the top. I didn't do anything to fix it - it just did.

    Yeah, I tried clearing my cache. It didn't help.

  8. I did the upgrade to 3.0.8 from 3.0.4 everything seemed to be working fine but there are two problems that are now cropping up.

    When I log into the admin I get a page that has the login area in the middle of the page and the admin left hand column shows but everything is greyed out except for Admin Home and Store Home. If I login again I get the same page over and over, if I click on "admin home" I get the normal admin screen that you are supposed to get. The all the admin links work EXCEPT the "orders" link.

    When I click on the "orders" link I get the strang login page with the greyed links. This is where the orders link is taking me "admin/login.php?goto=/admin/orders/index.php" Again on the page it takes me to, I login over and over and get the same greyed out links page.

    Thats is my biggest problem because now I can't view orders or change their status.

    The second problem, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the first. But when I go to the the "manage images" link to the image manager I get these errors that show at the top:

    Warning: getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/username/public_html/admin/filemanager/index.php on line 150

    Warning: getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/username/public_html/admin/filemanager/index.php on line 150

    Warning: getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/username/public_html/admin/filemanager/index.php on line 150

    Please, if anyone can shed some light on these issues and have ideas on how to fix them, I'd really appreciate it.


    I'm having the same problem! Did anyone ever help you?

  9. should i try re uploading a virgin copy of the /admin/orders/index.php file?

    Just tried that no good. I see that when I click on the orders link this is what shows up in the address bar:


    this appears even if I type in the address manually.


    Ok, I even just did the .19 to .20 upgrade, same thing. customers are successfully placing orders, so I have no idea what's going on here.

    another EDIT:

    Ok, here's somethign weird. I did a fresh install of firefox and it still won't work. However, I can get into it on my iPhone now for some reason and it works fine there.

  10. Hi, everybody.

    I'm thinking about upgraing from 3.0.19 to 4.3.3, but before I spend the money, does anyone know if they're planning on releasing a 5.0 soon? Orif they do, will we get free upgrades to it?


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