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Found 4 results

  1. I am running cc525. Delivery address is the same as billing address - ticked box yes When a customer registers and crates a password. Their account info in admin/customerlist shows a delivery address and a billing address -as expected When a customer just enters their address without creating a password. Their account in the admin/ customer list shows the addresses have been duplicated i.e delivery address shown twice and billing address shown twice. I have tried several test customers and it seems that every time the customer enters their details the next step they are taken to the address/details page, to check the shipping option chosen, the addresses are then duplicated. I have one customer who had 4 copies of each address listed in their admin account details.i assume they just kept going backwards and forwards during the 'registration' phase. I have asked them how many times they had to enter their address and they have only entered it once.
  2. If you are having the occasional difficulty with a shipping or payment processor refusing to accept data submitted to it, the cause may be due to that data having other than the official two-letter USA state abbreviation. For example, the data submitted may have Illinois, but the processor requires IL. To find the proper abbreviation from the database Geo Zones table, the Addressbook must have the state ID number. Having updated the database from CubeCart3/4's Customer table, which held whatever the customer entered for a state name, the CC5 Addressbook now has those phrases. Also, due to a bug, CC5 may have recorded into the Addressbook, the full state name, or allowed the customer to manually enter something that looked like a state name, from a form during checkout. Instructions are provided on how to repair the contents of the Addressbook table at: http://www.cubecartforums.org/index.php?showtopic=18320
  3. How can I export users with name, address and state information?
  4. Hi Everyone! I'm currently testing an upgrade from 4.4.4 to the latest version, the upgrade has went smoothly... however I just wanted to double check that this is happening to other people: When a customer is placing an order, and they want to send to a new/different address When the new address is added and they click 'save' button - it doesn't redirect back to the basket/cart again, they have to physically click the 'View basket' again to get back to it... Is this happening to others? I can see that the URL has a redirect in: /index.php?_a=addressbook&action=add&redir=confirm however - it doesn't seem to redirect. It would be good to have a 'Go Back to Basket' button when the address is saved (see attached )... or indeed - fix the redirect??
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