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  1. In my opinion, none of those would affect the calculation of a discount. (Except maybe Duplicate Order Emails if it touches the discount calculations or even perhaps makes its own calculations which reverberates against the Cart class property.) In the file /includes/global.inc.php, find: $glob['safe_mode'] = false; Temporarily, change to: $glob['safe_mode'] = true; and save. (You may need to disable the file's 'read-only' state to make the edit.) Determine if that makes any difference. Setting Safe Mode to true will inhibit plugins and code snippets from running, without actually disabling them -- seeing as there are many installed. If this does make a difference, then the task is to find out which one is causing the anomaly.
  2. Do you have any plugins installed and enabled? What are they?
  3. Wait a sec... "Create a promo code for 25% and have it assigned to one specific product." Well, on the Assigned Products tab, what have you selected for Product List Type? The default is "...applies to ONLY above products". Is that your setting?
  4. I also get a warning that the code is manufacturer-specific. But otherwise, I do see the anomaly. Do your prices include the VAT? I am a not-logged-in visitor, and there is no tax information shown on the View Basket page (as opposed to on the Checkout Basket page where it might???).
  5. Other than that date setting of the promo code, I could not duplicate your observation in CC653. Do you have a web address we can see?
  6. I could not reproduce this on CC655, so I will try it on CC653. To verify the sequence: Create a promo code for 25% and have it assigned to one specific product. No other limits or settings are set. Add any other product to the basket. View the basket. Enter the promo code and click Apply. Note that CubeCart issues a warning that this code cannot be used. Click Continue Shopping. Add the eligible product to the basket. View the basket. Enter the promo code and click Apply. Note that the discount equates to 25% of the total of the price of the non-eligible product plus the price of the eligible product?
  7. Please verify the exact version of CubeCart showing this behavior.
  8. Is the sub-domain still located at the original hosting account? And is the new domain located at a different hosting account? (Different server or different provider?) If so, it may be because there are plugins that require ionCube or specific versions of these plugins that match the version of ionCube installed (where that version of ionCube is compatible with the version of PHP running your new account). Do you get the administration login screen?
  9. I found it on the Wayback Machine. https://web.archive.org/web/20181122082946/https://www.cnkapparel.com/skins/index.php Bill went by "Dodgebill" on the forums and his last visit was Jan 2019.
  10. If your skin is based on Foundation, then the vast majority of the CSS rules will be in the skin's /css/foundation.css file. For what Foundation does not provide, there might be additional CSS rules in cubecart.default.css (where 'default' may be some other sub-style name) that implement any customizations. Then there are a few random styling tags in the templates themselves. For example, in content.category.php, the {$subcat.cat_name} is enclosed in <small> tags.
  11. Never heard of it. An Internet search finds nothing.
  12. If using the Foundation skin: Find in the template main.php: <div class="large-3 columns show-for-large-up" id="sidebar_left"> {include file='templates/box.featured.php'} {include file='templates/box.popular.php'} {include file='templates/box.sale_items.php'} </div> This is the right-side sidebar (regardless it says 'left'). You can put the javascript just below the opening <div> tag. Let's look at the box.featured.php template. All the code is wrapped in a <div> block with a class="panel" styling. So, if you want your cameo to have a similar styling, wrap it using that <div> code. Note that it says 'show-for-large-up'. That means when viewing the site on a mobile or pad device, the screen width will be less than 'large' and thus will not show.
  13. A security feature of the forums will block what looks like whatever might be an attempt to inject malicious stuff. Otherwise, code can be posted - and best if using the Code Edit feature of the message editor. So, this is a "cameo", meaning it relies on data being fetched by the browser when running javascript code in the browser, ignoring anything that is happening or showing elsewhere on the page. Therefore, you can add the code directly to the appropriate template. One rule that MUST be followed as javascript uses braces: there MUST be whitespace on the insides of braces. For example: What not to do: var x={"Hello":"World"}; // no whitespace inside braces What must to do: var x={ "Hello":"World" }; // whitespace inside braces - could also be a space or tab
  14. If the widget is a stand-alone "cameo", then adding the HTML to the template code would be easiest. It would be best to make a copy of the skin you want to use and modify that copy. You can also create a plugin that will add javascript to the skin code, which in turn will add the necessary HTML to the DOM. If the widget wants to use specific data fetched and custom processed by CubeCart, to be displayed in the widget, then a plugin would be needed. Displaying data already fetched and processed by CubeCart from an earlier process might make needing a plugin not necessary.
  15. We are getting into the weeds with this analysis. The original post said there was an orange banner. That is absolutely nothing to worry about. Let's wait for CC656.
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