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  1. What gets sent to me is the actual index.php file, BUT it has been base64_encoded. Which suggests that the file the web server finds has been encoded (which means, not in the proper PHP syntax), and gets sent out as an undeclared plain text file, which the browser will want to save. Please view the contents of index.php.
  2. I believe the pair of code snippets will still work. Their descriptions are: "Class-izes the Mailer instantiation so that it can be seen outside the orderStatus() method." "BCC's the admins on all customer emails." I am not finding a hook that a code snippet can intercept the call to the function that sends an email based on the acquired payment status of an order. Even if one were to delete that email template, CubeCart would just re-import it, then use it.
  3. Just an observation: In the SiteDoc "Accessing Downloads", there is an image source attribute that starts with a hard-coded "http" web address. We suggest just using a leading slash: src="/DownloadPIC.jpg"
  4. In CubeCart's files and folders on your site (Mental Starters), find the file /includes/global.inc.php and open it for viewing. There will be a set of variables that point to where the database is located: $glob['dbdatabase'] = 'SomeName'; $glob['dbhost'] = 'SomeWhere'; // maybe 'localhost' $glob['dbpassword'] = 'pass'; $glob['dbprefix'] = 'maybe_something'; // could be empty $glob['dbusername'] = 'name';
  5. Then we are definitely not looking at the right database.
  6. I edited the post above, so be sure to reload this forum page to see the latest comments.
  7. That's very odd. Well, see if clicking on the database name does anything.
  8. In the left pane, click the [+] sign just to the left of the database name to show the list of tables. Then click on the CubeCart_downloads table.
  9. Am I reading the image correctly where it says (as best I can make out) "Insecure download blocked"? Does the IONOS "Webspace" mean anything? https://www.ionos.com/help/hosting/managing-webspace-with-webspaceexplorer/what-is-webspaceexplorer/ Once logged in, there is a way to get to phpMyAdmin. https://www.ionos.com/help/hosting/using-mysql-databases-for-web-projects/opening-phpmyadmin/
  10. There should no longer be an error being logged concerning the Dashboard's bad query syntax. True, this wouldn't solve the "Product is missing or deleted" issue. Looking into the database is the first step to solving that.
  11. As for the "Product is missing or deleted", it will be easiest to use an external database utility (such as phpMyAdmin -- a tool provided for you in your hosted account's control panel). Look in 'CubeCart_downloads', in the 'accesskey' column, and find the value that is shown in the email link (or the Account Downloads page). Note the associated 'product_id'. Then look in CubeCart_inventory and find the record that has that value for 'product_id'. In that record, note the values for 'digital' (an integer) and 'digital_path' (a location or it may be null or empty).
  12. Please examine the following setting in admin, Store Settings, Stock tab: "Admin stock warning method": (Choice of 'Global' or 'Product-Specific') "Global stock warning level": (an integer that can be negative)
  13. "is a setting to help prevent any accidental infinite loops from eating up resources on the server." For our records, and if possible, please let us know the name(s) of that setting.
  14. Please look at the admin, Error Log, System Error Log tab, and determine if there are any relevant entries. Let us know the exact version of CubeCart you are using.
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