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Found 5 results

  1. My logo, after uploading a smaller one, has become offset. I cleared the image cache. Still offset. It is a .PNG image I just need it raised upwards a little. Please help! I am using Kuruoto Blue and CC5.2.2.
  2. Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to replace the default logo (aka shop header) image for a custom logo image in the following files: - the email templates - the print order form invoice (The one you see right after making an order) - the newsletter template Currently these files use the default logo of my store which is of course also the same image that is used as a header in my online shop. But this header is very wide, and I would like to use a smaller and adjusted logo for the email templates, invoices and newsletters. Also because I could then (for example) add a title to each of my header for each item. (For example: I could use a special 'newsletter' logo for the newsletters and a special 'invoice' logo for the invoices). Is this possible? And if so, could someone perhaps tell me what files to look for? Can it be as easy as changing an image url in a template? I hope someone can nudge me into the right direction so I can customize my store a bit more Thanks very much in advance!
  3. When in free mode CC5 has an Admin Logo which links to the Admin Dashboard - and it disappears when you license the store. We kinda like it and like to have the store branded. The Admin Logo feature does not have the Admin Skin so no way to do it there. I grabbed the code from the free store and added a logo. file: /admin/skins/default/templates/main.php image: /admin/skins/defaults/images/Admin_Logo.png image size: 32 x 156 max height and width link: ? (takes you to the dashboard) Code: <span id="logo"><a href="?"><img src="{$SKIN_VARS.admin_folder}/skins/{$SKIN_VARS.skin_folder}/images/Admin_Logo.png" alt="Mega Enterprises" title="Mega Enterprises" /></a></span> <div id="header"> <span id="logo"><a href="?"><img src="{$SKIN_VARS.admin_folder}/skins/{$SKIN_VARS.skin_folder}/images/Admin_Logo.png" alt="Mega Enterprises" title="Mega Enterprises" /></a></span> <span class="user_info">{$LANG.settings.title_welcome_back} <a href="?_g=settings&amp;node=admins&amp;action=edit&amp;admin_id={$ADMIN_UID}">{$ADMIN_USER}</a> - [<a href="?_g=logout">{$LANG.account.logout}</a>]</span> </div>
  4. So I was hoping to get my logo to stretch across the whole top header area but found if it's any bigger than 600px the positioning is off. Is there an easy way to do this? Basically I want my logo image to stretch across the whole "gray" area where the current logo and search box is... http://www.maximalperformance.com/store/
  5. Hi folks, using the Admin area in Orders, clicking on the print order icon causes a window to pop up with our logo cut in half. I've created CSS to shrink it but the CSS doesn't seem to update. When I check the links, I see I think a dynamically created print.css with a name like printa93qudirc.css which seems to be a session based css. I am wondering how to check my changes, or what I need to do to update, refresh, or remove the cache of the existing site? Is this something done automatically at certain times? Thanks
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