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Best Shopping Cart


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im sorry had to reopen this...

i personally went and read the zen-cart discussion thread

brooky you stick with cubecart (you and all of us know that it works for us, and im sure the maxim "dont knock it until youve tried it" definately applies)

zen-cart sucks - i tried it and i knock it (tried meaning ran it live for three months on a real business that made real dollars)

zen-cart - yes fantastic or whatever they want to say - but it still sucks against the latest web standards and as you rightly pointed out - accessibility is the key in the ensuing ecommerce age (the one that doesnt pop). the one thing that wil never upsticks and die or bury its head under the covers.

wake up accessibility is here to stay...

with litigation on the rise, if a visually impared person fails to make a slick and easy purchase from your store i can only forsee future litigation. it is as brooky mentioned already law in the uk. give it five years and an unaccessible website could be in legal trouble - as it should be. accessibility is not about the minority who may browse your site with a speech reader or want to max your fonts up to 78px but it is an aid to us all.

design stripped from content is the future... cubecart or a similar system is the future... we surely do not want websites to turn into the vhs manual of the previous century or even last millenia. the thing everyone throws away or puts up with (but never likes anyway).

as far as i could see it was a couple of c**ts expounding how much they love zen - if its that important f**k off and use it then, rather than spamming this site.

the freeloading publictity that they mentioned you took advantage of, is totally ungrounded - your the developer of cubecart and you made a logical and systematic reply to the review. i did not see "harold whatever name he is le o pond" touting in on zen-carts behalf - after all there is nothing worse than disowing your father is there.

for the record - zen-cart is oscommerce (no matter what they do to it) it will always be oscommerce unless they totally rewrite the underlying logic.

for me any cart sucks except cubecart purely on accesibilty, w3 compliance and ease of use. although cubecart still uses tables for forms - that sucks.

in time the mods will come for cubecart and when they do zen-cart, oscommerce and that max loaded version will all be sitting ducks still working off 3 - 4 year old code.

php is in version 5 now - the milestone 2 barely dragged it out of version 3.

oscommerce mods and zen-cart mods only arose from the core code being insufficient to running an ecommerce store. it is nothing to brag that other projects had a headstart. in fact stating the number of additions and modifications is self-defeating - it shows holes in the source.

plus what is it with that clipart? may not be present in zen cart but please.

please tell me how oscommerce is going to handle milestone 3, 4 and an eventual version 3 - what about all the people who have toiled and added 100's of mods - my last osocmmerce store has 97 mods installed at last count. forget it - you are not upgrading that. the only way an upgrade would have been possible would be to have truly oop programing backing it.

going back to the source of (osc, zen etc).. its ladden with tables, devoid of meaningful css... search engines are worldly wise now - punishment is handed out freely for incorrect html, missing tags, noncompliance, menu placed before content in source (i can only see search engine intelligence increasing as time passes - to the detriment of store owners hoping their programs will be the daddy right into the twenties of this century)...

forget it, if there was ever a ship you could sail and make millions like the europeans did to hit america well cubecart is its equivalent.

*cheeky aside start*

start wmd development and they will fear you.

*cheeky adise end*

btw who in the free world bagged on china? is cubecart the new china?

get on the go brooky... i back you...

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Guest Festus

as far as i could see it was a couple of c**ts expounding how much they love zen - if its that important f**k off and use it then, rather than spamming this site.

How old are you? :whistle:

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why not post ur url festus so we can go see this legendry zen cart that makes you so much money or r u just scared that we will tell u exactly wots wrong with it?

how old are you ??? wot difference does that matter do you have to be a certain age to use zen cart? cubecart can be used freely by anyone of anyage.

waiting for url now so i can destroy what little hope you have left that u use the best cart.

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cube.carter (formerly mstar) there is no place for abusive talk like that here but thanks for your enthusiasm and loyalty. We know what the censored words were and talking like that does nothing for this community.

Please have respect for each other. There is nothing constructive about this topic now and it will remain closed. I am sorry if anyone finds it offensive.

I'm also sorry about my poor spelling!

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Guest twisted

There is nothing constructive about this topic now

exactly...and I could see it heading there...thats why I closed the original topic.


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