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CC2 or CC3?

Guest megagente

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Depends what you need?

If you want a straight out of the box cart I'd recommend cc3

If you want the flexibility to expand your cart with newmods/features, unrivalled support from the forum members in here I'd go for cc2.

cc3 will probably have as much support/mods as cc2 in the future, but for now cc2 is king.

Just my opinion obviously :)

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Guest tbladecki

I vote version 3.... but i have never used ver 2, I only know that there are alot of supporters for CC and I can not imagine that if you run across a problem that you will have to wait to long (with some execptions) for a solution(s)..

IMHO of course.

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I've got a CC2 shop extensively integrated with a heavily modded XMB forum, and I'm still upgrading to CC303 :wacko: (and XMB192). Buying the coupon mod for £8 today hopefully saved me a bit of work, though.

That'll teach me to get bored again :w00t:

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v3 has a better design system allowing you to add your own templates and you can validate it on css and xhtml the cart is far superior in whole but with the support and mods from the forum v2 is better for getting wot u want

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Guest sunshine

With the format of XTML/CC in 3.00 and up, offers a few things which are very beneficial.

First, from a designer's perspective, the templates system allows for quicker and easier formatting. Once you get the hang of the language itself, you can go in, change the skin/layout and all pages get changed at once. CSS/XHTML is the current ideal intended to provide webbers with a guided step forward in structuring a better web world for everyone. Some people necessitate the need for speech interpertation or some othe device to access websites; be it because of a physical/mental compromise. By following or at least trying to incorporate the guidelines in your own website, you are acknowledging, supporting and strengthening the 'standards' that no physical/emotional compromise should limit a persons chance to access what should be for everyone.

Validation is good because it provides encouragement to continue as well as the knowledge to go a step further. BUT there are limitations in that as well. Generally passing the validation process is a good thing, cuz it means you are in fact on the right track. Don't be discouraged if you receive some errors. It happens as it's not a perfect world..but it is a better environment. you'll be a step ahead if you stat learning now what will be the rule for tomorrow. Google already offers special feeds for this format and don't think they don't have something else under their wings with hiring that guy from Microsfot; which by the way Microsoft is trying desperatly to take them to court so this guy can't work for them.

In all, it's not mandatory right now, but it is a better way especially if want to make your website more user friendly.

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Guest megagente

well, as far as 3.0.3 is, I think this is one of the best shopping cart for someone outside the US with no Paypal or merchant accounts support. I am using 3rparty. It seems the gateways and checkout here are much better than Oscommerce. I tried to use the 7Dana ecommerce manager was much better, but still it lacks on the template design versatibility as cubecart. There are still a few things to work out, but is the best for now.

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Whats the difference really? except for more gateways, shipping in 3 and more mods in 2? I had 2 b4 but now i have 3 and i dont really see a very big difference....

You're kidding, right?

Have you tried modifying the look/layout of the 2 carts?

Theres a HUGE difference there to start with.

Have you not seen the difference in the functionality available to you in the admin section of v.3 over v.2? A HUGE difference.

Are you not aware of how much MORE you can do with v.3, out-of-the-box, than you can do with v.2, out-of-the-box?

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the format of XTML/CC in 3.00 and up, offers a few things which are very beneficial.

First, from a designer's perspective, the templates system allows for quicker and easier formatting. Once you get the hang of the language itself, you can go in, change the skin/layout and all pages get changed at once. CSS/XHTML is the current ideal intended to provide webbers with a guided step forward in structuring a better web world for everyone. Some people necessitate the need for speech interpertation or some othe device to access websites; be it because of a physical/mental compromise. By following or at least trying to incorporate the guidelines in your own website, you are acknowledging, supporting and strengthening the 'standards' that no physical/emotional compromise should limit a persons chance to access what should be for everyone.

Validation is good because it provides encouragement to continue as well as the knowledge to go a step further. BUT there are limitations in that as well. Generally passing the validation process is a good thing, cuz it means you are in fact on the right track. Don't be discouraged if you receive some errors. It happens as it's not a perfect world..but it is a better environment. you'll be a step ahead if you stat learning now what will be the rule for tomorrow. Google already offers special feeds for this format and don't think they don't have something else under their wings with hiring that guy from Microsfot; which by the way Microsoft is trying desperatly to take them to court so this guy can't work for them.

In all, it's not mandatory right now, but it is a better way especially if want to make your website more user friendly.

yeahhh don't care. My personal music lyrics site ~ jiggle.tk is xhtml valid. But for product store, don't care. Users see the end result not the code.

structure of CC2 database wise is a lot better I'd say from CC3. A lot easier to do mass imports via mysql with csv's as the tables aren't all interlinked etc. The seperation makes things convenient.

Regarding out of the box features I don't really care personally, may suit others but I have reasonable knowledge of editing the code etc so I'm able to do what I need and in the event that I can't the set of mods already floating around & their makers are help enough to get it done.

Overall v2 in my opinion, in the way that it's setup (Mainly database wise) makes it very flexible and easy for me to do some of the things i've done. Will be sticking withit for a while yet.

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My vote is for V3. I had a V2 cart and V3 is much easier to change the look/design of. With V2 I had to dive in php code and always had a huge fear of really messing something up. There was even one time where I was doing something small but it messed up my database and I had to do a complete reinstall. And several countless times where errors would pop up after making small changes. With V3 you don't need to know any php to completely change the look of your cart and the admin area is organized much better than with V2.


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