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CC3 store skin almost complete!


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Hi Vrakas :D

No need to feel sorry, we are all entitled to our opinions. I edited up a couple of images for a "secure online shopping" statement, and I preferred that one because it adds some color. The red and gray gets a little old to me :dizzy: especially after editing on it so much.

Here is the other I was working on, but didn't finish, because I liked the color of the one that's there :) :


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Guest sunshine

Hi MarksCarts,

It looks quite professional. I like the layout along with your color choices. The secure shopping icon, I'm sure folks will get the idea, though maybe a padlock opposed to the key. The CS woman is a very good touch and I see you've got the Site docs links on the top and bottom. The category names are good especially when you add more stock, it gets straight to business. i.e. fashion store theme.

lol I notice too, you changed your pic :w00t:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont really like the secure shopping (key)  :sourcerer:

it doesnt match your lovely site.

Sorry for saying this  :rolly:

Hi markscarts

Maybe below key image will be fine for that lovely skin of ur store ! :sourcerer:


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Shucks :rolly:

Maybe I should have a poll to see how many people hate my secure shopping logo :sourcerer:

Sorry guys, I like the color that it adds, and I like the fact that it screams off the page at you. May make a buyer feel a little more secure in using credit cards online - or not.

How many think the secure shopping image would turn away customers? :sourcerer:

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Me too, that's a nice image. :sourcerer:

The only thing I would say about your cart, is that the shopping cart picture is huge! LOL! It makes me laugh. I'd make it not so prominent.

That's all, nice site!


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Thanks theorbo! My only support :)

@ jen, thanx, and it is good to laugh :D it is my honor to be the source of it :P

I like to see that big cart get filled up (test and see by adding a bunch of prods) and the big size keeps it even with the latest prods box . . .

Actually, the skin has two options that come with it. When downloaded, all boxes are on the left side. Mod option included in download: Latest prods top center and big cart, like on my site. Other mod option included: 3 across random prod table and shopping cart reduced to two lines and a button in the header ;)

But, the last has not been added to the download yet. Like all the other tasks here, it is a matter of time B)

Thanks all, and I still like the store in its present form, but you never know when I may find time and inclination to change it. :P

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Guest sunshine

Hi Markscarts,

I don't think it would turn anyone away but Yunus found one that might blend better. I'd just wipe the word 'efficient'. Suffice to say, safe and secure sounds good and solid.

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If I use that pic, I would increase the canvas width so that the border would be same size as boxes above, and then use different font and remake the wording. But there are more pressing issues at present.

I appreciate the positive critiques - it may motivate me to work on the skin and finish the option 2 mod today :)

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