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Guest viss

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Im about to purchase this program

A. To support the great job you guys are doing and

B. to remove the copyright.

I have a question, As a registered user does the support for the program get better ? I realise this is a free program and a free service but I cant afford to have my site down for days on end while I wait for a Admin or moderator to answer my questions, Im not being pushy and am quite prepared to pay the fee for such a conveniance. What I have done so far to my site I have done by trolling through the forums and searching for answers but my latest problem I cant seem to solve.

Cheers Viss.

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Guest EverythingWeb

Hello Viss,

Thank your for your comments and questions, and I hope that my forthcoming answer will be of use.

To start, CubeCart IS an excellent piece of software, no doubt about it, and it is nice to hear that you feel so, and are willing to "put your money where your mouth is" (so to speak).

The Forums here are also a great place, and are expanding and becoming busier as each day goes by (believe me, when I joined not so long ago, there was not as much as activity at all) and you will find that most problems, questions and/or queries get answered here, pretty quickly.

You will have to bear in mind though that there are time differences across the world, and because of that sometime the person that has had a similar query, may not be online to answer your question for anything upto a day.

Like you have recognised in your first post, the license fee is also a way of showing appreciation to the hard working Brooky that has created this software, and also to the hundreds of regular contributors on the boards.

Now down to your real question; Will the support be any better if I buy?

Well, the long and short is yes, as you would have direct access to the Support Team, and as such some questions can be directed there, however please remember that sometime the creators dont have the same server config, which may have caused a problem, etc, so sometimes help on the board can prove mroe fruitful than that through the helpdesk, and this is only down to the fact that there are SO MANY variants of server, operating system, php versions being used, etc and it is just not possible for the creators to test on every possible combination.

Your comment about waiting for an Admin or Moderator to reply does puzzle me a little, only in the fact that I would quite happily put my hands up and say I never really sued Version 2, so I don't even frequent the V2 forums here, unless requested to because of posting problems, so in actual fact the moderators are here, primarily, to keep the boards in order, however as you will have noticed all of the moderators do help out at every possible chance (I sometimes wonder when they sleep!).

You will find that *most* problems can be raised on the boards, and you would get a satisfactory answer. I can only apologise that someone hasn't seen your most recent post, however there is usually someone that would be able to help, although there should be no show-stoppers which would actually prevent your store from working.

Anyway, I do hope you purcahse a license and be happy in the fact that you can say you have helped the development of CubeCart, and should you have any problems, be able to submit a support ticket.

I do sincerely hope that this answers your questions, however if you have anything further to ask, please don't hesitate to, otherwise the link below will be the next click..... I hope.



Take Care,


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Guest casper5566

I have a question, As a registered user does the support for the program get better ?

I'm not sure if the support is better but theres seems to be someone around to answer questions. You might want to post this in a cubecart related forum to get the correct answer. This in just a general area and doesn't get as many helpers.

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Thanks for your answer and I will definately be perchasing the key before the store goes live. Im not much of a programer but have had some experiance with PhPNuke for a couple of years and understand a little of the code but my main problem atm is just a config error which I cant seem to figure out I dont know much about the server side of things, I posted in the V3. forums under install help if you search my posts you will find it (someone has prolly replied already I just havent looked yet.

Cheers for your help.


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Hi Viss,

The support desk will give you direct contact to the developers and staff (being me at the mo) and we/I will do our best to help.

Please note however that there is no SLA (Service Level Agreement) although we aim to reply within 24 hours.

Our office hours are 8:30am to 5:30pm GMT 5 days a week.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest EverythingWeb

I find it hard to believe that this would have been done purposely, so I can only presume one of two things:

1) The ticket somehow got closed accidentally, or didn't get through to the support desk - did you get an auto-confirmation?

2) There was a response but it perhaps got caught in your ISP's spam-filter.

What I'd suggest, if you do have a ticket tracking number, is you visit;


login with your forum username/password and select 'View tickets' once logged in. See if there have been any resposnes.

If there haven't, drop a polite note on the ticket asking for an update.

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