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How should Purchase cubecart?

Guest Puterman

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Guest Puterman


Currently am workong on a cubecart install from fantastico, the cubecart version is 3.0.2. My question is I want to remove the copyright notice so I will purchase the License key. However, should I just purchase a key or should I buy the 3.0 version from cubecart which comes with a license key and install the program to the server myself?

I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I was wondering if I just use a fantastico version of the program and purchase a license key will I still get support and all the latest updates?

Thanks for your help!

Joe V aka Puterman

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Guest Brivtech

I'm a bit concerned about the version number that you're installing - It's very out of date, the current version is 3.0.10.

There are some security issues with old versions going that far back.

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Guest Puterman

Thanks for all the input. I think I will follow ansuk's advice and download the newest version and purchase the license key. Thank you!

Brivtech, the version I am using is the version that is installed using Fantastico, and es, I would not use that version for a "live" site, I was just testing for ease of use.

Great program and very easy to use and change as far as intergration.

Thanks again for all of the inpit and advise.

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