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Plesk Vs cPanel

Guest Brivtech

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Guest Brivtech

I now some of you lot have experience with both Plesk and cPanel.

I'm trying to make an evaluation to figure out which would be best for me, so I'm looking for some feedback on the 2.

What's your favourite and why?

What are the pros and cons of each system?

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Guest EverythingWeb

Well firstly you need to explain what it's being used for?

Reseller hosting, bog-standard pile 'em high sell 'em cheap virtual hosting, your own customers hosting...

I have no real experience with Plesk, other than using it to help a customer to migrate from it, and quite frankly, with it looking to similar to windows.... well, you can imagine :)

CPanel - well not something I use. Never have Never Will. I have my own solution which works extremely well and clients like a lot.

So if you were asking me - I would say "neither".

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Guest vrakas

I have used cPanel and must say its very good but .... it has things in there you might never use (i know i didnt and used it for 2 years) and i also, as EverythingWeb, use another panel that does all the things i need, it misses only one thing that cPanel has but i got a refund by offering other things in this one :)

Sorry dont know plesk to help you out with this :)

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Guest netrix

Can't comment on plesk but being able to transfer sites from host to host with CPanel has made things a lot easier for me. Especially if you were to have root access. I like the concept of fantastico but most of the hosts I have been on don't update the scripts frequently enough so you end up with scripts that already have known security fixes. Easier to just download the newest copy direct and install it.

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As a web user, I have insisted on CPanel for one reason.

Getting emails piped to my autoresponder script.

With CPanel, the process is very easy, but this isn't supported by Plesk, and I just don't want to have to mess with QMail configuration files.

(I just asked them this question earlier today as I'm looking at dedicated servers.)

For a hosting provider, Plesk is much cheaper if you're hosting less than 100 sites or so. CPanel is expensive, but is good for an unlimited number of domains (at least however many you can run on a single server).

Niether is better than the other, at least in absolute terms - it depends on what you need.

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Guest EverythingWeb

There are those companies out there, Alan, if who's control panel doesn't support something, CAN do work directly on the server, without running the risk of the control panel nuking any changes they have made.

CPanel has got to where it is because every man & his dog uses it, and customers *know* it (which is the difference!).

Brivtech - yes there are alternatives out there, some VERY GOOD alternatives, however you may find that "customers" prefer (read: want because it's the only thing they know) Cpanel. Catch-22.

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I think Will is right. I've had loads of CP's, Ensim, cPanel, HSPComplete.

All have been great in different ways. cPanel is probably the most feature rich but it has kind of become a bit of a bandwagon product and you pay for lots of features you won't use.

I'd suggest choosing a host by recommendation/service and not control panel.

Right back to work brooky...

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cpanel is easy to use yes agree'd but so much rubbish to thrown in. I have recently started using a hosting pack supplied by EverythingWeb and his control panel is spot on. Just has what you need and some real nice features etc.

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Guest EverythingWeb

cPanel- easy to use. I've gotten used to it that I don't want to use Plesk or any others that are out there.

It is for precisely that reason that so many hosts use Cpanel. Ahh well.

Sometimes people don't realise that the grass is often greener! */*

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