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CubeCart is the ONLY cart with this feature !

Guest cerise

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Guest cerise


In your features description we can read this:

Valid XHTML & CSS Code (CubeCart is the ONLY cart with this feature)

(I don't think your're the ONLY :huh: ) but if you write this why I've got this:

This page is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!

when I try to validate my pages ?

All the Cubecart design I've seen display "xhtml css valid" but when I validate them, they aren't. It's not very professionnal, I think...

I'm care about web standards and I really want a valide cart (and maybe tableless design).

Why you don't correct your layout ? I'm designer, not programmer how I can change my skin with a valid template if I start with a bad template ? What I need change in PHP to have valide pages ?

Thanks for your help

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Guest cerise

The shopping cart IS valid but some of the skins are not so please ensure you have your facts straight before making allegations */*

Sorry, I didn't thought that you separate the template and the code when you ask about valid xhtml.

I correct the DTD (html code) and html entity (in database) and all validate now ! For the entity I don't know if it's a html mystake or a PHP code because it's in db.

Now just another question: it's possible to do a tableless design with your code ? All table are in the template or did the php code generate some table ? I hope that you understand what I mean and sorry for my bad english.


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Guest Brivtech

What's so bad about tables anyway? Even though I use DIVs, I still use tables a lot - I'm old school, and think all this CSS stuff is a pain in the posterior! Microsoft need to get their act together to give Frontpage the programming power of dreamweaver, but maintain and improve their WYSIWYG which I still prefer over Dreamweaver!

Dreampage! YEAH! */*

Andi is very right, templates do differ in programming style, although I often suffer from browser differences in the output. That's not the templates fault, more of incompatibilities with the accepted web design standards not actually being follwed by all browsers.

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Guest cerise

I don't use table since long time and don't use wysiwyg editor anymore. I make my templates with TopStyle and PSPad editor and yes I suffer from browser differences in the output also but I continue !

The 2 changes that I make for good validation are followed by all browers (I think...)

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The only HTML that is stored in the database that I know of is what is saved using the FCKEditor, with the exception of the homepage. This includes document content and product descriptions. Everything else is in the skins.

I don't see any problems with using tables. They fix a lot of problems DIVs cause, and DIVs fix a lot of problems tables cause. I see it as more important to acheive a nice looking site for everyone, than to keep the odd one or two people happy who just 'love' to see something adhere to a standard. The difference could be several days coding and debugging... but will the customer want to pay extra for it? probably not, they just like to see pretty pictures usually. */*

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