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The 'Tracking' field for deliveries, how to?

Guest LimeTradeSoftware

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Guest LimeTradeSoftware


I have set up quite a few customers with auto-emailers that send an email to customers letting them know their goods have been sent, and also sends a link to them so they can track the goods online with the delivery company/post.

With every online tracking service linking I have set up (around 8 or so) their online tracking is always an html form that needs filling in.

This means there is 2 ways of going about linking the customer:

1) Give them the URL of the form and their tracking number (to enter in the form themselves)

2) Generate a link that simulates the submitted form directly to the results page.

eg: h t t p:\\w w w.postcompany.com\trackingresults.php?trackingNo=123456

If we enter a tracking number in CC4 the customer only sees a 'Track Item' link on the order so we cannot show the delivery number.

It seems the seller must generate the full link including the _GET data.

This link data can be hard to generate for the average seller, it requires viewing the sorce code of the form and extracting the required data. Also this can 'break' when the delivery company makes changes on the form.

I can see that CC4 links directly to a URL if you put one in, but links to a file in the CC4 store if you include just a tracking number, (somthing like w w w.cc4shop.com/12345) so there is some processing of this field going on.

I am probably missing something and need to spend more time with test sales but right now I don't understand how this tracking field was inteded to be used, any clues or updates?



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