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Check out my site in Firefox


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Hey guys, for 2 days now I've gotten a weird sql error when i try to go to one of my sites in firefox. Not sure if its my firefox being weird or if there really is a problem with my site at www.sensualelegance.com. Everything is fine for me in IE, but its really bugging me so would appreciate someone visiting that i know doesn't have the site in your cache and letting me know. The admin section is coming up fine for me, but the front end isn't.

Yes, i have cleared my cache several times now and its still there for me. I was adjusting the option code before I got the error, but i changed it back to the original version and I am still seeing the error. i think it's a corrupt cache file or something, but really need to make sure.


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Guest Brivtech

I don't see any errors, but it has increased my blood pressure. :yeahhh::)

What are the details of the error, could help you further if I know the specifics.

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Thanks guys. I really think it is a corrupt cache file on my computer. If it go into it without the www it loads fine for me I discovered. Tried rebooting too and its still doing it for me. Its a syntax error, but obviously it's just me getting it :homestar:

Now to figure out how the heck to totally clean the cache and get rid of it.

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If the error came at you during a tweak of a product setting, then (my experiments and experience has shown me that) the cookie that FF is sending to the store may still be in the CC database - with now bad info.

In FF, Tools, Options, Privacy, [Cookies], (Show Cookies...). Delete only those cookies from your store's domain. (Deleting all cookies will kill whatever other sites you have pre-existing settings for.)

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