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godaddy.com problems anyone else?

Guest dillingerink

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Guest dillingerink

My site is hosted through godaddy.com and I am wondering if anyone else who uses them experiences a lot of trouble. Frequently (far more than should be) I have trouble with my pages not loading up and the store being down, especially when I am logged in on the admin side. Often when the store and admin are down the main page before you get to the actually shopping area is fine. ie www.domainname.com/store is the part that is having trouble. ??? It happens a lot and is really frustrating when I am trying to work on admin stuff.

any advice?



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I had problems on GoDaddy with a wiki having slow page generating times. This was evidenced when I switched the language used from PHP4 to PHP5. PHP4 was quick, but PHP5 almost always took about 10 seconds before the page arrived. A GoDaddy support person blamed it on a carry-over setting from PHP4 to PHP5 that affected the Zend Optimizer. After Zend was switched off in PHP5, the wiki *seemed* to perform faster.

In GoDaddy, using the "Control Panel 2" (or some such term) in PHP5, you can create your own PHP.INI file. (If I recall correctly. Probably not.)

But on the whole, getting your scripts to connect/request/receive to your MySql database on GoDaddy, in PHP5 (at least for me), is less than snappy.

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Guest Brivtech

I occasionally get pages not loading, normally caused because the server is busy. Not fogetting they have a 99.9% uptime guarantee, which means for 8.74 hours over a year, your website can be "acceptably" down .

To resolve the problem, see if you can upgrade the hosting account, or contact their support telling them about the problem. They can move you to a slightly less busy server.

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