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You truly cant fix Stupid


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The following is an excerpt from a potential customer on a clients site of mine. she is trying to tell my client that he should turn off the not allow to ship to another address feature in Admin General settings

so that she can have her item shipped to a different address than what her credit card billing address is (People who use stolen credit cards NEED to be able to ship to a different address)

This is a real response to trying to help this customer and you wont believe it because its so insane...

"Here is what some customers said about having the same shipping address and billing address "

For security I NEVER have them the same. It's stupid to have them the same because anyone with any piece of my mail now has my bank statement address. Tell whomever designed your system you are GUARANTEEING your customers a security risk. I explained it to Sprint, and they recoded their system. I will not order from you. In fact, I can't because I set my system to be secure, and your way puts me at 100% risk. Your security designer is dumb. Linda Hagedorn"

Ive left her name in so that if any other store owner runs across this thief or at best idiot they will know to cancel her account and ban her email...

To all you "Linda Hagedorns" out there... WE Know better... :)

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While the customer's reasoning does sound suspicious, I seem to recall hearing some 'expert' suggest that people have all their banking stuff sent to a different address for security against ID theft, so she MAY be telling the truth.

At one point, after adding a physical product (a book) needing to be shipped, I had enough customers request that I allow shipping to different addresses that I decided to give it a try. So far, I have not yet had a problem with it. The reason my customers gave me was that they live in Canada, and have a US shipping address to save shipping costs. Or that they were buying a gift for a friend.

Of course, there are good reasons to limit customers to their billing address -- just depends on the types of products you sell.

If you have a physical address, you have a solid piece of evidence in case fraud is involved. Requiring a signature on delivery adds another layer of security, in case you're worried about it.

Over the years, I've learned that there are a certain percentage of orders which will be fraudulent. In my case (with digital products), it's usually a situation where someone orders the product, then requests a refund, thus giving them the product for free. I even had one person try that with the physical book, claiming they never received it even though I had delivery confirmation from the USPS.

Overall, these fraudulent orders account for less than 1% of my orders, and I consider them a cost of doing business. There's enough profit in what I do that it doesn't really affect me.

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