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Cubecart Store suddenly gone down

Guest ChrisA

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Guest ChrisA

My cubecart has suddenly gone down this evening with the following error:-

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User power4la_powruzr already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/power4la/public_html/classes/db/db.php on line 42

User power4la_powruzr already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections

Does anyone know what it means?

My hosting company insists it isn't a problem at there end. But why would it suddenly go down without me touching anything.

Check it out www.power4laptops.co.uk

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Guest ChrisA

The store is back up again now, without me doing anything.

I spoke to my hosting company who said none of the other stores had a problem, so it wasn't a server problem.

Is it possible my store has been hacked? But why would someone hack it, then fix it again?

Can anyone shed any light on this. I'm worried if it happened once it could happen again. Don't want to hassle my hosting company if it's nothing to do with them, and i don't want to hassle cubecart support if it's not there problem

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The error "User power4la_powruzr already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" means that connections to the database has exceeded the hosting servers limit. This is either too much traffic to the site generating too many database connections, or the server was being targetted, or there was a mySQL database problem. Either way, I'm surprised the hosting company couldn't help, it's not a CubeCart issue.

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Guest soulmanmtl

I had the same problem and the hosting company was little help. It turned out i had only 10 user connections allowed. So I checked if Cubecart was closing its connection to the database as my site wasnt even open so it wasnt due to heavy traffic. It is closing its connections but its built in a way that it can make heaps connection request to the database for just one task, so that would be your problem. Found out that the timeout as well (when its shuts down cuz of max connections) was 8 hours before its up ahgain which is unbelievbly stupid. So I changed to a host where I have 50 max user connection, 60 seconds timeout and never had that problem since. So my guess would be that you have little max user connections allowed by your host server.

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There are so many hosting companies out there that cannot support even a relatively simple product like CubeCart - this especially applies to the cheaper hosting companies out there - you get what you pay for ! If your store is in any way important to you, go to a hosting company that has a good track record of supporting CubeCart and has responsive support. :yeahhh: The difference in cost per year maybe as little as £30 to £50 per year but you will get good support and none of these problems. Your time alone, even before looking at lost orders and those customers that will never come back to your store because they saw it was down, will pay for the extra very quickly



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ChrisA

It's just happened again and the server people are saying it's a problem with the code not closing the connections to the database and showed me this error:-

It looks like the problem is that their code is not properly closing it's connections to MySQL.

Last login: Fri Jul 3 12:15:51 2009 from

Linux server.turnkeyhoster.com 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jun 17 06:40:54 ED T 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

root@server [~]# uptime

14:42:35 up 3 days, 20:54, 2 users, load average: 1.40, 1.48, 1.53

root@server [~]# ping google.com

PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from pz-in-f100.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=92. 9 ms

64 bytes from pz-in-f100.google.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=98. 3 ms

--- google.com ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 92.920/95.637/98.355/2.735 ms

root@server [~]# host power4laptops.co.uk

power4laptops.co.uk has address

power4laptops.co.uk mail is handled by 0 power4laptops.co.uk.

root@server [~]# screen -d -R


root@server [~]# mysql -u root -h localhost

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 38145

Server version: 5.0.81-community-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show processlist;


| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |


| 35278 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4913 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT DISTINCT(I.productId), I.*, I.name AS SearchScore FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_cate |

| 35285 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4885 | Locked | UPDATE CubeCart_inventory SET `popularity` = popularity+1 WHERE productId = '13418' |

| 35401 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4708 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 35505 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4471 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 35775 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4136 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 35971 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 4001 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36071 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3936 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36115 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3882 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36140 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3867 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36144 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3866 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36272 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3738 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36329 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3656 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36346 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3617 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36415 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3504 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36420 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3496 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36457 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3414 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36463 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3391 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36501 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3267 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36548 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3154 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36549 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3147 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36575 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3073 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36589 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 3023 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36633 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2894 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36635 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2855 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36643 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2834 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36697 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2763 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36806 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2649 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36869 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2522 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36877 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2495 | Locked | SELECT count(productId) as noProducts FROM CubeCart_inventory |

| 36878 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2494 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 36968 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2407 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37047 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2273 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37080 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2244 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37178 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2144 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37180 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2123 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37230 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 2016 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37242 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1983 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37245 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1978 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37260 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1957 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37283 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1897 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37320 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1778 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37329 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1754 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37360 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1693 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37365 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1683 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37370 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1659 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37381 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1610 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37390 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1549 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37406 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1472 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37410 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1463 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37418 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1444 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37485 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1350 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37521 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1326 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37604 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1196 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37633 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1117 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37638 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1107 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37661 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1066 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37664 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1038 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37668 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1018 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37671 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 1005 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37676 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 997 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37687 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 976 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37691 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 961 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37701 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 906 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37706 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 886 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37720 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 865 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37723 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 863 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37731 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 853 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37734 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 847 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37735 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 844 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37765 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 822 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37818 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 784 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37823 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 778 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37846 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 764 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37850 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 743 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37852 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 739 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37856 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 728 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37858 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 722 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37869 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 683 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37877 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 652 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37886 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 630 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37893 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 598 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37903 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 560 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37921 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 497 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37965 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 383 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37969 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 373 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37971 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 370 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 37999 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 264 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38002 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 251 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38024 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 225 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38036 | eximstats | localhost | eximstats | Sleep | 159 | | NULL |

| 38056 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 172 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38064 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 152 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38079 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 123 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38115 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 54 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38132 | power4la_powruzr | localhost | power4la_ccrt4 | Query | 27 | Locked | SELECT I.name, I.image, I.productId FROM CubeCart_inventory AS I, CubeCart_category AS C WHERE I.cat |

| 38135 | root | localhost | NULL | Sleep | 13 | | NULL |

| 38145 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | NULL | show processlist |


97 rows in set (0.00 sec)


He says there are too many locked tables and they think it's a problem with the cubecart code. What do you think?

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Hi Chris

What your hosting company has given you here doesnt "prove" that it is a CubeCart problem - only that the number of database connections required at that moment in time was more than they allow. There may be an issue with CubeCart not closing some tables when it could and you would need to get support from Devellion regarding this as has already been suggested. However, I very much doubt it is a major problem as others would be having these problems as well and there are plenty of people running CubeCart stores that have hundreds of concurrent users - I have several clients that average this number without any problems.

Looking at the stats supplied by them though I think you have more problems than this anyway. They are showing only 2 users connected to the server (one of which would be them) and yet a load average of between 1.4 and 1.53 !!



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Guest soulmanmtl

Chris, I can tell you as a fact that it is not cubecart not closing its connections but your sever that is the issue here. I had the exact same problem and my host told me the exact same thing. That the coding doesnt close is connections to the DB. I did ask everywhere, and to CubeCart, and although it does make loads of request to the database for just a simple click, it closes them afterwards. Unless you had a custom mod made and that the one who did it made separated request to the database and didnt close it but that is unlikely. I can tell you, was having the same issue, and since I changed host, never had a problem again. It is worth like already mentioned to pay more then the 5$ per month deal to have a better quality host. Just google Host CubeCart and you will easily figure out which ones are the best for CubeCart

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