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Bullet lists hide themselves...


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My store is using one of the standard fixed width templates which has a neat trick - it hides bulleted lists until the user mouses over the list owner...

For example:

* major item

* another major item with detail list

- detail item

- detail item

* major item

What happens is that the list is built by a tag <ul style "display: none;"> which changes to <ul style "display: block;"> when the mouse approaches "another major item with detail list".

Basically my information has been turned into an Easter Egg which is OK if you have smart customers, but how can you tell?

Using firebug, I can see the html changing when I mouse over, but there is no stylesheet listed for this. I suspect it is probably javascript or some such dark magic, but I cannot find it.

Can anyone tell me how to disable this horror?

Thanks for your help.


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Unless you see 'onmouseover()' somewhere, I will bet it is CSS. A 'standard' (stock?) template should have the CSS files in the styleSheets folder. If this is a customization of a 'standard' skin, then either the CSS for that effect is in the HEAD portion of the template located at /styleTemplates/global/index.tpl, or as a separate CSS file.


I see in the file jslibrary.js, at about line 323, three functions that unobtrusively add these onmouseover/out functions to targeted <ul> tags that are inside <li> tags. You can try to change line 349 to objLI.onmouseout=showSubMenu;

Also, line 352 assigns the class name of "hassubmenu" to the link for that item. "hassubmenu" can be found at the bottom of layout.css. That CSS selector indicates an image should indicate that there are more items as a submenu. A typical indicator would be a right-pointing triangle, an arrow, a plus-sign, etc.

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