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Having tested the v5 demo store I still have questions...

Guest ballesdegolf.fr

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Guest ballesdegolf.fr



Firstly my apologies to any for the members here who may have already read my posting in the 3rd party forum which duplicates some of this post.


I have been testing the v5 demo store (v5.2.0b1) and have a few queries which I haven't been able to find the answers for through using the admin - it maybe because I am unfamiliar with the new layout (I am a v3 store user still) or maybe that the answers aren't there. I tried signing up for the bug tracker to see if there were similar questions/observations there but haven't received the signup confirmation email so was unable to access it - my apologies again!


Product Options and product option stock levels.


I understand the matrix etc with stock levels activated as this replicates an old 3rd party mod from cc3 but it would appear that, unlike the cc3 mod, the front-end still displays options which are out of stock to the customer which makes shopping very tiresome for the user. No-one wants to be offered something and then told they can't have it when they try to add it to the basket better to not display the option. Have I misunderstood something or is this the current level of functionality of this feature? I have Allow out-of-stock purchases disabled and hide out-of-stock products enabled in admin.


Pending Orders.


I see in order history I have the option to pay for an old, pending order. When I pay for an item that has subsequently gone out of stock it still lets me, unless I update the quantity first - is this just a bug in the beta or will this not be resolvable - if so can you turn off the option to pay for pending orders (I couldn't find it in the admin side) I have Allow out-of-stock purchases disabled and stock levels in options tab enabled.


Loyalty Points.


A common feature and one we have modded into our cc3 store its a good way to retain/encourage loyalty in your customer base - unfortunately I could not find this feature in the v5 store - did I miss it or does it not currently exist?


Thanks in advance for any light anyone can shine on these ideas!




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Just to let you know that your post is being given serious thought. Unfortunately, I, myself, have yet to really explore the new functionality of CC520b1 over CC514/515, so I can't offer much in the way of cogent answers.


The bug tracker for CC520b1 has a few entries regarding real coding and syntax errors, and a request or two, but nothing much else.


Your observations about Product Option Stock Levels and making payment on Pending Orders is interesting. I hope to be able to look into that shortly.


There is no loyalty points system, so I would be interested (over at the www.cubecartforums.org site) to discuss with you how one would go about designing the parameters for such a thing.

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Guest ballesdegolf.fr

Hello bsmither


I hope that you didn't interpret my posting here as a sign of impatience - I am aware that the two forums serve different roles and I wanted to post questions about core functionality here. I know that not all store owners will use all the functions available, nor need additional ones, but I am pleased to see so much more included as standard this time but had noticed a few issues which I thought I would highlight here.


As I mentioned in my OP I have been unable to sign up for the Mantis BugTracker and it appears from reading posts from users as experienced as MarksCarts that they have also had similar problems in the recent past - maybe there is still an ongoing issue there?


See you on the 'otherside' bsmither for a loyalty point discussion!





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Guest SamKitz

Hey guys.

I have ben looking at cubecart to see if it is right for me and so far I love it except for no "stock option" for the "options" until I saw that it was now a feature in the beta version. (Product Options and product option stock levels)


I have the lite version installed and have ben checking it out and when I upgraded that install to the beta version I can now see an option in the products to enable/disable "matrix" but I do not see any field to add a stock amount for each option "type". I am setting up a store that has some products with color options and I need to be able to set a stock amount for each color and have that option say something like "out of stock" for that option so that a customer does not order a color that is not in stock.


Is this not available in the lite version or is this bugged?

Thanks guys.

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So I've been looking into the new product options matrix.. .. I'm somewhat wondering what the thinking is behind that, it looks like it's going to cause a lot of trouble down the line as it currently stands.


The main thing I can't figure out, is why unique identifier that links together the matrix of assigned options, is being converted into an md5 hash, making it both unusable from a searching perspective, in most cases longer than the original string, and also adding in the factor of duplication errors.


For example, if you have a product with option 1, value 111, and option 11, value 11. Those are completely identical and so you can't reliably track the stock for them or do a search


Is there any reason that you couldn't just leave the options_identifier as a simple imploded array of assign ids? So just :5:4:110: (or an alternate one with both option and value ids similar to the product key generation)

Then it would be nice and easy to search for combinations by matching :5: :4: and :110:, and not risk any of the duplication bugs. For the vast majority of stores I imagine it's going to be less filesize on the database as well.

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I haven't tore apart the code yet, so I can't corroborate or dispute your assertions.


I would have to think, however, that there must be some sort of delineation marker between the option and value codes.

option 1, value 111, and option 11, value 11 = 1:111 and 11:11

which should result in unique md5 hashes.


Are you saying there is no delineation marker?


As for the added bytes in the database files, I would think such would be redonculously insignificant compared to the amount of resources that a host should currently be providing to account holders. Plus the wholesale variability in product description length, seo phrases, email templates, etc, then when adding in this fixed length data column as being "the straw that broke the camel's back" is not impossible, but excruciatingly improbable.

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There was no delineation on the code I checked, no, just straight var[option].var[value]. I did a test of some of some md5 hashes and checked against the database just to confirm, so at the moment it's just a ton of bugs waiting to happen


Yeah, you'd need to get a significant amount of product options for it to be longer than the md5 hash, which was why I couldn't figure out why they'd prefer that over the unhashed string.. at least with an unhashed one, we can do simple searches to enable future mod work

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