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Breadcrumbs Location


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I would like to move the breadcrumbs on the category and product page to be under the title.  For now anytime I move the breadcrumbs code below to any section in the content.category.php and content.product.php file.  It does not show.


<div id="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="{$STORE_URL}">{$LANG.common.home}</a></li>
{foreach from=$CRUMBS item=crumb}
<li><a href="{$crumb.url}">{$crumb.title}</a></li>


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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When CubeCart uses the statement:

Smarty->assign('PLACEHOLDER', $variable);

there exists an established target -- a previously specified template file.


So, when the data gets assigned to CRUMBS, the target is the main.php template -- that is the scope of CRUMBS.


By moving the {$CRUMBS} placeholder to a template that is not in the correct scope, Smarty has no data to display.


There may be a way to move the scope of a placeholder to another scope, but I've not explored that possibility and thus, I don't know what Smarty coding would be involved.

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I currently have the main.php file that has this content: 

{if isset($SECTION_NAME) && ($SECTION_NAME == "home")}
{include scope=parent file="skins/$SKIN_FOLDER/templates/homepage.php"}
{elseif isset($SECTION_NAME) && ($SECTION_NAME == "checkout")}
{include scope=parent file="skins/$SKIN_FOLDER/templates/checkout.php"}
{include scope=parent file="skins/$SKIN_FOLDER/templates/store.php"}


homepage.php, checkout.php and store.php, all have the content that default main.php used to have.  


Is there something I needed to copy to these files?

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I'll experiment with this.


In the meantime, look at the pattern:

$SECTION_NAME == "home"
$SECTION_NAME == "checkout")}


{if isset($SECTION_NAME) && (file_exists("skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/templates/{$SECTION_NAME}.php"))}
{include scope=parent file="skins/$SKIN_FOLDER/templates/{$SECTION_NAME}.php"}


{include scope=parent file="skins/$SKIN_FOLDER/templates/store.php"}



Now, since main.php is effectively replicated n-times, applying updates is also multiplied by n-times.


The template object main.php has the breadcrumbs, so that variable will propagate to the included files, which now holds the main HTML. And the main HTML holds the {$PLACEHOLDERS} for the sub-sections.


But the sub-sections (content.product.php, for example) are still compiled before main. And it is into these sub-sections that you want the breadcrumbs to appear.


I see two solutions:

1. rewrite main.php to include() what are now {$PLACEHOLDERS}, or

2. change the controller code by moving the assign from the GUI class to the Catalogue class.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try this:


In /classes/gui.class.php:

Near line 32, change

private $_breadcrumb    = array();


public $_breadcrumb    = array();


Near line 311, change:

$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('CRUMBS', $this->_breadcrumb);


# $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('CRUMBS', $this->_breadcrumb);



In /classes/catalogue.class.php, around lines 181-324 is the displayProduct() function. Near line 314 is:

// Output to main GUI

On a line above that, add:

$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('CRUMBS', $GLOBALS['gui']->_breadcrumb);


Around lines 117-179 is the displayCategory() function. Near line 172 is:

// Sorting

On a line above that, add:

$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('CRUMBS', $GLOBALS['gui']->_breadcrumb);



Code your skin templates as you described in Post#1.


In admin, Maintenance, Rebuild tab, clear the cache so CubeCart will use fresh copies of these templates.

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