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Adding a name field to pricing options

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I'm using cubecart 6.5.5.  I sell gift baskets.  Some of my baskets can be personalized by adding a persons name to a mug, t-shirt👕, water bottle🍶 etc...
(Example of a Basket for sale)
Choose one basket - $40
*Male     (they selected male)
Choose optional upgrade
I don't want to upgrade $0
I want to add a small size T-shirt no name $10
*I want to add a small size T-shirt w/name $17
(they selected to add a name to a T-shirt)
Total price is = $57
What I need help with is where does the customer type in the name they want on the T-shirt?  After they choose the option to add a name to a t-shirt, how can I auto populate a name field specific to that option?
Thank you for your help.
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I answered this question just a few days ago. But I cannot find that conversation.

In admin, Product Options, Add a new group using the type "Textbox (Single Line)". Give an appropriate description (optional - only the admin will see this) and a Name. Save.

In admin, Products, bring a product up for editing.

On the Options tab, Add New Option, select the name of the textbox from the drop-down. Here, you can also specify a price differential.

CubeCart does not yet have the code to dynamically add/display follow-on options based on some other option or option combination.


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