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Customize the Category Box

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    I would like to make a few small changes in the way the Category box looks. I would like to add a border, slightly enlarge the font, and change the color of the hover and sub-categories. Where would I need to do this? I have been looking in template>css>template css. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Edited by Corbin
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If your skin is based on Foundation, then the vast majority of the CSS rules will be in the skin's /css/foundation.css file.

For what Foundation does not provide, there might be additional CSS rules in cubecart.default.css (where 'default' may be some other sub-style name) that implement any customizations.

Then there are a few random styling tags in the templates themselves. For example, in content.category.php, the {$subcat.cat_name} is enclosed in <small> tags.


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Thank you so much, I appreciate your assistance.  I will go on an extensive hunt in the areas that you have indicated! The template that I am using, 'Blackout Vertical,,  is based on Foundation.

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