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The new layout


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I noticed the new layout. Well, everytime I refresh the page, something is changing, haha.

Anyways, its looking good.

You should change something on the home page, maybe put a nice dark blue border around the info boxes or something though. Its just a little too white in my opinion. Needs something to set it off.


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Yeah I had a few design issues after launch.. and there still are.

I'll tidy the rest of them up tomorrow. I agree about the homepage being a bit bland. Hmmm -_-

May change it a bit...

... So needed a break from bug fixing CC3.

Now I have this site to bug fix!! :)

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the links to purchase, features, download, etc are all loading on the right side instead of at the top like I think they are sipposed to-- I'm on Explorer 5.2

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thats okay, think on the bright side. You wont have a basic looking invision power board skin anymore. You should customize more than the header and background now. Change the blue to grey or something.

just my 2 cents

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whoa, if you get a bunch of PM's, the forum is acting up.

The new post thing isnt working, and when I click "mark all forums as read" it PM's you. oh boy.

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not too fond of the new forum look tho... but thats just me

No its not. :)

Yay, im not alone :lol:

Brooky, you've really dropped the ball on this one ;)

:P:D :lol:

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I don't find them to be any different than before, really. I still type. I still read... It still works :lol: The only thing I had trouble with originally was figuring out where the forums link went to ;)

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I like the new layout for the forum but not the colours ;) also the new home page seems a little erm... ah well I don't know how to describe it but I think it could be improved :lol:

But apart from that I like the new changes and it is a defonate improvement on the old site :lol:



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The main improvement is the help desk software and knowledgebase system. ;)

I thik the old site was desperate for a knowledgebase.

More articles to come...

Should be fun answering all those questions that come through the helpdesk



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The top bar, where it says the title, and all the topic options, isnt working right

you have to highlight it to see the topic name and options.

This bar, should be dark blue, but its the same as the top with lines

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