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  1. Past hour
  2. I just uploaded a new PF to my site. Pretty straight forward, I set file permissions to 755 as it was on the old file I replaced. Now, with the same link, file name, and location, I get 404 errors. Where am I going wrong?
  3. Yesterday
  4. What could be done, to survive upgrades, is to write a code snippet that will register a Smarty output filter (changes the rendered template output prior to actually releasing the output) that preg_replaces any string that has: googleapis.* type='text/css' with a blank line.
  5. If interested, please read: No joke: Cloudflare takes aim at Google Fonts with ROFL https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/26/cloudflare_fnnts/ Website fined by German court for leaking visitor's IP address via Google Fonts https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/31/website_fine_google_fonts_gdpr/ Personally, I have evaluated the "Open Sans" font from Google as being completely unnecessary at this time. Perhaps, in the distant past, some browsers did not have a complete set of symbols for the entire UTF codepoints (which, if so, will show as black diamonds or upside down question marks). Perhaps, at that time, CubeCart's decision to pull in a font from a third-party was to solve that issue. In the Foundation skin template 'element.css.php', delete line 1 - the <link> statement.
  6. The best way to secure your site is to upgrade it to the latest version. If you delete everything apart from the files and folders in the upgrade instructions and malicious content should be removed. Sorry that you've been having to deal with this.
  7. Recently, a local attorney has been issuing warnings about 'unlawful use of personal data,' specifically targeting the transfer of visitor IP addresses to Google USA, and demanding 190 Euros for each case. While disputable, it's become an issue. For my own sites, I've managed to host Google fonts locally to avoid this, but a client's site using CC is still directly linking to Google, leading to a warning. Does anyone know a straightforward method to switch all font calls to a locally hosted solution via a single CSS file? My aim is to avoid manually editing numerous files. Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Last week
  9. So, I will recommend that these text entries be 'trimmed' before getting databased, and trimmed again when populating the template for display.
  10. They persist? Again, did you have CubeCart clear its internal cache? (The Clear Cache button in admin's upper-right corner.) Yes, it's become second nature at this point. Under Maintenance I also tried clearing Admin activity logs and All session data and even Rebuild site map but the pesky little social media buggers just won't go away.... PERSISTENT SOCIAL MEDIA ICON PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Apparently when I deleted the data fields for the default social media icons I only highlighted and deleted the link text. When I took another look at the Facebook link by clicking on it I noticed that the cursor wasn't all the way on the left in the info box. Pressing backspace until it was and then pressing delete several times cleared the box and the icons went away. Lesson learned- Make sure there is NO whitespace in any of the info boxes or Cube Cart will think you want to use it! You will tear your hair out trying to figure out what's going on.
  11. You should be able to set a feed rule in the Google merchant center to flip "identifier_exists" to yes, with all other attributes taken from scheduled fetch
  12. I'm facing significant challenges in getting my Google product feed approved. Despite having over 4,000 products, only 2 have been activated so far. One of the primary issues seems to be that product identifiers are provided, yet the 'identifier_exists' is marked as false. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on how to resolve this?
  13. Sorry about this one. It's fixed in 6.5.5.
  14. The error suggests a database issue with setting default values. Verify and update the database schema to define a default value for the 'skin' field.
  15. In the Foundation skin template element.product.vertical_gallery.php, use the following (make a backup of the existing file): <ul class="small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2"> <li> <div class="row"> <div class="medium-3 columns thinpad-right off-canvas-for-small vertical"> <div id="scrollUp" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-up"></use></svg></div> <ul class="{if !is_array($GALLERY) || count($GALLERY) < 2}hide-important {/if}clearing-thumbs small-block-grid-1" id="scrollContent" data-clearing> {foreach from=$GALLERY item=image} <li><a href="{$image.source}" class="th"><img src="{$image.small}" data-image-swap="{$image.medium}" data-caption="{$PRODUCT.name}{if !empty($image.image_tags.title)}: {/if}{$image.image_tags.title}" class="image-gallery" alt="{if isset($image.image_tags.alt) && !empty($image.image_tags.alt)}{$image.image_tags.alt}{else}{$image.name}{/if} - {$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}"{if isset($image.image_tags.title)} title="{$image.image_tags.title}"{/if}></a></li> {/foreach} </ul> <div id="scrollDown" class="scroller"><svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-down"></use></svg></div> </div> <div class="small-12 medium-9 columns text-center nopad small-centered"> <a href="#" class="open-clearing" data-thumb-index="0"><img src="{$PRODUCT.medium}" alt="{if isset($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt) && !empty($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt)}{$PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.alt}{else}{$PRODUCT.name}{/if}"{if isset($PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.title)} title="{$PRODUCT.image_tags.medium.title}"{/if} id="img-preview"></a> <p class="show-for-small-only">{if is_array($GALLERY) && count($GALLERY) > 1}{$LANG.catalogue.tap_gallery}{else}{$LANG.catalogue.tap_enlarge}{/if}</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns thinpad-left"> {include file='templates/element.product.options.php'} {include file='templates/element.product.review_score.php'} {include file='templates/element.product.call_to_action.php'} </div> </div> </li> </ul>
  16. Hi fellow Geeks, so, on mobile, the product view is two columns initially, the left, fits the product image and the right, fits options (drop down menu). It would look nice if it was displayed as one column, title, product image and options. How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance! regards, AJ
  17. They persist? Again, did you have CubeCart clear its internal cache? (The Clear Cache button in admin's upper-right corner.)
  18. Hi, I tried this already but the social media icons persist. If you click on them it takes to the sign-up section of the site. I guess that's OK but I really don't want any social media garbage on the site. Thanks!
  19. To answer the social media icon question, in admin, Store Settings, General tab, delete all the entries in the Social Account section. (This is actually in reference to CC654 - I haven't explored CC655 yet.) Have CubeCart clear its internal cache. In admin Store Settings, Locale Settings section, make sure Default Language is set to what you want (English (US)?). Next, in admin, Administrators, edit your admin profile. Select as your personal Default Language what you want (English (US)?).
  20. I have set up a new tax class for US state sales tax. When I attempt to set the rules for the individual states after selecting Tax Class: State, Tax Detail: Sales and Country: USA,the tick box under USA will only say All Regions and not allow me to select any states. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but the under the "Add Tax Rule" Column list It says Country, County instead of Country, State as was the case in 6.5.4. I have added the US English language extension but I doubt that has anything to do with it. Also, I have looked high and low, how do I get rid of the "Follow US" and all the social media icons?
  21. Okay, thanks Al. I have your emails and will deal with it shortly. Appreciate your help
  22. Thanks Al, so I assume this means we have to sign up for a support plan, which I'm not against but I need to know what's involved and what my costs are likely to be.
  23. Hi Dave, so long as you can get us the validation file we can do that for you via support. More info here: https://www.cubecart.com/technical-support I hope we can work with you.
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