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Everything posted by keat

  1. I did leave <td> intact. Thanks again.
  2. Now I found what you were referring to earlier, I removed that <td align=center>, and guess what, the HTML emails are much much tidier.
  3. I did read you reference to the table centering being something to do with align=center, but I can't see this anywhere in the source code for the html. I had assumed you meant in the template for Admin:Order Recieved, but now i see you meant default emails. I'll take a look in to this.
  4. There are too many things being discussed in this particular thread making it difficult to follow. I'm happy to close this down
  5. I'll start a fresh thread, as the one regarding "Template Teething Problems" covers about 4 different subjects and is now extremely difficult to follow. I assume these are the checkout steps with admin emails being sent at different stages. 1. Customer clicks 'secure checkout' order becomes 'Pending', email sent to admin (if chosen option) 2. Customer chooses 'Gateway Option' and continue button. No email sent, Transferred to Gateway. 3. Customer returns from Gateway, Order is now marked 'Processing', email sent to admin (if chosen option) If I'm correct, then what happens at step 2, (with admin email sent upon Processing set) where a customer clicks through to the gateway, has technical or DNS issues, he closes his browser after payment, or just plain old decides not to make the payment. I assume as the cart never recieved the payment confirmation back from the gateway, the order would just sit as pending, as it did on V3. Therefore anyone who has 'Admin email upon Processing' would never receive the admin email. In which case would another email and database status step be worthwhile at Step 2, upon customer choosing the gateway and clicking continue an email is sent call it 'Gateway'
  6. I'm not sure what you mean "Which Email Address Gets Modified" Incidentally, I set my self up as an admin so I could recieve some emails (for vieweing/testing purposes) and the HTML emails come out perfectly fine on my Android. So what is outlook not doing that the email client on my phone does ?
  7. Thanks, I guess this is what customers will see.
  8. This is from a browser on a laptop that I havn't used for 6 months, so it certainly makes no sense.is point. I'm a guest user at this point. I've shipping prices starting from £3.95 all the way up to £15.00 depending on where you are in and around the UK and depending on your order value. So why it chose to reveal these I don't understand. Although I'm not sure what I'd like it to show at this stage of the order process. Then I try on a different browser, and it shows £3.95.... I'm confused. Could someone else just try for me, and see what you get. www.beal.org.uk No need to open an account or proceed to checkout, just add more than £10 to the cart, and see what shipping it offers.
  9. Using the editor tool, I've made numerous attempts to edit the template to justify left, but as soon as I do, the whole template hangs the cart. (much like it did prior to the REPLACE string) Staff havn't seen this plain text. And they don't like the HTML becuase of the way it's justified, it seems all over the page.
  10. I've had this setting on and off a few times today, the only difference I can see it makes is the little number 1. Having said that, i'm wondering if this could be a cookie issue as it's not showing those £12.50 and £15.00's now.
  11. To be honest, it's the HTML which looks messy. When we recieve the store admin email, it only arrives as HTML, there is no plain text attachment or anything. All we get is HTML. Switching Outlook to view as plain text, doesn't make it any better, besides I've already proven that switching outlook to view as plain text, is only vieweing the HTML version as plain text. The contents configured between my HTML and Plain are slightly different, so I know we are not seeing the PT version. This is why I asked if we could force the PT version and see if it's any easier on the eye.
  12. We've taken more than a dozen orders today, and it seems that it's working as planned.
  13. [Tue Mar 08 11:06:44 2016] [error] [client 81.xxx.xxx.xxx] File does not exist: /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/skins/mican/images/common/button_black.png, referer: https://www.xxxxxx.org.uk/assorted-boxes/assorted-box-of-uninsulated-cord-ends-0-5-16-0mm\xc2\xb2.html I installed semperfi related products mod recently, and it has something to do with this. I added a big black button and can now see where it's being called, which is part of this mod. In the short term, I've created a 1x1 px white dot and called it button_black.png. This should cure the Apache error.
  14. I'm always worried about taking stuff out willy nilly, so If i could find the image somewhere, I'd probably rather replace it. (I think)
  15. I'll start a new thread for this, as my other one is flicking from subject to subject. Is there a way to force Plain text email for Admin: Order Recieved. Staff are not getting on well with the HTML version. Even if i switch the email client to plain text, they are only vieweing the HTML email as plain text, so it's still messy.
  16. Apache has presented a missing file error in the Mican Skin. mican/images/common/button_black.png ordinarily I wouldn't worry too much, but we a have security measure which blocks IP's based on a number of 404 errors. Does anyone have an idea what this image was supposed to look like, or where I might find it, it might be easier than trying to figure out what's calling it.
  17. I've input a dummy order on one of my V3 sites and figured that the customer gets as far as the choosing a payment option (step 5) before the order is emailed, at the same time, it's flagged as pending, whereas on V6, it's flagged as pending one step before this. This will explain why on our V3 we are notified of the intended payment method. This is a feature that the staff use to check that Payment went through OK, they will log on to the respective gateway and check. It seems the way V6 is configured at the moment this can't happen. I have considered trying to modify 'Print Order Form' so it changes the status to 'Processing', however, having watched the cart today, I'm convinced that PayPal or SecPay orders are not flagged as 'Processing' until it the cart recieves instruction form those gateways, in which case if a customer has issues with the gateway, or backs out, we would never be notified. Oh and when ever I mess with the HTML format of the Admin: Order Notify template, it stops working.
  18. If I login as a guest and add something to my basket, then hover over the shipping methods, it presents me with 3 or 4 shipping prices. At this point, the site has no idea where the goods are going, so maybe it might be better if it didn't show anything. Customers may be put off by the price. I'm using All In One Shipping, is there a way to overcome this ?
  19. I already refunded the payments from the PayPoint portal. I've made the gateway live again, no doubt we will find out tomorrow for certain, but I'm confident.
  20. Excellent, it works. Maybe this should be saved to the extensions plugins on the marketplace ? Incidentally, the wife is going to love me putting dummy orders on my own card
  21. I placed a dummy order and 90% of the info is there. It seems to have dropped a bit from the shipping address and the cart order _id is still wrong.
  22. Without it, I can't use it. The office staff rely heavily on on the information being accurate. I'm extremely surprised that the dozen or so payments that went through, actually did so.
  23. Actually, Now I see. I sat and watched the mailbox. The moment I hit 'Secure Checkout', the cart sent the email, and as you rightly say, I havent chosen a gateway as of yet.
  24. I guess it's safe to assume that I'm the first to use SecPay/PayPoint on CC6 ?
  25. It seems that 'Print Order Form' is populated in the order summary, but not on the Order Notification ? It is definately? {$DATA.gateway}, there are no obvious typos or anything ?
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