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keat last won the day on January 16 2023

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  1. Mysqld.log is about 7gb in size, so not overly massive, maybe a bit bigger than it ought to be. There isn't really much in it to be fair, and what is in there is pretty consistant throughout the life span. What I have spotted is that the option_matrix table contains prices, which can only come via the mod. The mod runs out of hours. Considering it was fine on Monday evening and not on Tuesday, I can only decduce that the nightly routine screwed up somewhere. So I am leaning towards the mod at the moment.
  2. The mod has been working for maybe going on a year and I've never seen such problem. Devs say that his mod wouldn't affect the matrix table, although I am aware that it references that table to collate product codes. I already checked mysqld.log and don't see anything of any significance
  3. Dev has ruled out anything from his scripts that could cause this. As regards the hosting environment, its a rented whm/cpanel server with full root access. Can you suggest which log file (if exists) may give us some clues ?
  4. we have a huge plugin installed which does something with custom pricing collected from our internal server. Whilst I don't believe it would have caused this, I can't rule it out, so I've also contacted the dev.
  5. I performed a database restore this afternoon, but before I did so, I took a copy of the whole database. I've just looked at the option_matrix table, and where it should have had 4300 entries, I've spotted that it only had 27. So this explains why my products reverted to the cubecart std format, but now I need to understand where the other 4273 entries went.
  6. Any thoughts on why the option_matrix table has defaulted to stock please. Matrix options should have contained the product code, so for example a black pen, would have had a product code of 'pen-black' But this morning, lots of products had reverted to the standard Cubecart default of '-1' so pen-black, pen-blue, pen-red, became pen-1, pen-2, pen-3
  7. stand down... my fault, i was looking in the wrong place.
  8. The 'collect in store' module isn't visible when checking out. Any pointers please ?? stand down... my fault, i was looking in the wrong place.
  9. I applied the code snippet on Friday, my preliminary testing would indicate that it works. I've had no reports of web site issues over the past few days, so it's now just a matter of monitoring over the coming weeks.
  10. Before I implement this snippet, could you clarify the below statement. "Note: In CubeCart's determination, if the visitor has already placed some items in their shopping cart before logging in, then the prior "saved cart" is abandoned in favor of the new cart's contents. " Does this happen now ???, or would this happen after implementing the snippet.
  11. Would this be a fix for future release? Or something that could be done before then ? I've all but retired from work now, so closing this one off would probably be my last.
  12. As from last week, I'm semi retired, i'm only working 1 day per week, hence the delay in responding. Any suggestions how you'd explore the database ?
  13. T-CUT cleans tar from paintwork, if i remove the phase 'tar' from the product description, and perform a new search the cart then comes back with 490+ products. I'd suggest that 480 of them probably don't contain this phrase anywhere. For instance, search tar and the first result (out of 490) is a cable tie. https://www.beal.org.uk/stock-clearance/stock-clearance/cable-ties-bases/cable-ties-762mm-x-9.0mm No mention of TAR anywhere, maybe if it contained the phrase 'guitar' i could understand why it pulled this product. ??
  14. Yes on the double spacing... Quite clearly I did something wrong with the edit, but what ever I did...... I did it wrong twice So I remade the edit, and now the search seems to work for that phrase. But if I search GRN (Grease nipples), it says only 1 product found, yet there are probably 30 or more. Also, If I search TAR (which is a range of tarpaulins) it only bring up T-Cut (which removes tar spots) I'm guessing that it's only searching the descriptions maye, only I've no idea why BPN's show a full range. ................................................. I figured something out. If I search GRN, the results come back with only one product found. This product contains the phrase 'GRN in the description' If I remove this phrase from the product and try again, the search comes back with about 30 results. I can only conclude that the search looks at the description first, and if it finds an answer, doesn't look elsewhere for any other occurances. It's done it's job and stops. ........................................... And then it's even more wierd. I removed the TAR phrase from t-cut. Performed a fresh search for TAR and the results come back with 49 pages.
  15. my line numbers were massively out compared to the ones you quoted. I found the lines way higher up in the 3-4000's. I made the edits but it killed the site.. just a white screen
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