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Posts posted by keat

  1.  Consider using 'dppx' units, as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi)
    2admin.php:1 Font from origin 'http://fonts.gstatic.com'has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.testdomain.co.uk' is therefore not allowed access.
  2. This is odd.


    At the weekend, I built the site from home and couldn't add or view a product.

    Today, I started a fresh at work and got the same result.


    Decided to have another play when i got home and I can now view and edit products from my home PC..

    Thinking maybe it took some time for the database to build or something, I remote connected to my work PC and get the spinning barber pole.


    So I'm confused.

  3. Not sure why, but I can't reply to my previous thread.


    So today, i deleted everything, including the database and started from fresh.

    When i try to view or edit a product, i still get just a spinning barbers pole.


    CubeCart Version 6.0.1 PHP Version 5.3.29 MySQL Version 5.5.42 Image folder size 76.52 MB Download folder size 0.00 KB Max. Upload filesize 100M Browser user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36 Server Software Apache
  4. Currently playing with V6b7 and only the foundation skin appears to be working.

    Any other skin generates a blank page when viewing the store front.

    Despite clearing everything in the maint section.


    If it helps then the server is currently running


    PHP 5.3.29

    Apache 2.2.29

    MOD Ruid2

    MySQL 5.5.42

  5. I have a site that has about 2000 images for the products on there. It makes it a bit of a nightmare to do for example, adding extra images, clicking manage images opens a window displaying a list of all the images, this takes forever. Adding an image via the fckeditor takes ages also, because of the same problem.

    Any solutions for this?

    Does each product have one image or are there multiple images to the same product. If one image to one product, use FTP and upload the mass images to the images/uploads folder. If you do this, you'll also need to create your own thumbnails. I posted about how to do that here.

    Good luck!

    I have the exact same problem. And it can take for ever to load.

    Then you have to trawl through the list, which isn't sorted in any sort of order.

    I find it easier just to choose any old image, and then edit the database entry.

    Tricky, but easier than uring the GUI

  6. Guys.

    A customer tells me, he spent an hour placing a large number of items in his basket, went away for lunch, and when he came back his basket was empty.

    As a test, I placed a single item in the basket last night, logged out and back in.. the item was still there.

    I came back this morning and it was gone.

    I can only presume, that there is some sort of time out on the database ?

    If so what is the idle period.


  7. This can happen when the status of the 1st order isn't changed from pending to processing.

    I believe that the status is changed automatically, when the customer returns from the payment gateway.

    So for example, if a customer decides to close his broswer after payment, then your order status will remain in pending.

    I also believe if you change it manually from pending to processing, this doesn't make any difference.

    The change has to be an automated change.

  8. My guess:

    Your customer hit the Back button which eventually re-ran across the confirmed script. Sometimes (or so I believe) a browser will show pages from its history cache, sometimes it will fetch a fresh copy. In fetching a fresh copy, certain tasks are re-executed, and one such task is notifying the customer of a successful order.

    The reason the fields were all blank is because one of the above mentioned tasks is to empty the shopping cart.


    Thanks for the explanation

  9. I'm getting this error message when PayPal returns the purchaser to the merchant. (Error: No payment gateway variable is set!). Despite this all the correct confirmation e-mails are sent by Cube Cart and by PayPal including the link e-mail to downloadable products. PayPal is configured for IPN and this is also selected in the PayPal configration module in CubeCart. Can anyone please suggest where I should be looking to overcome the problem. Thanks. Bob Freeman.

    Bob.. It's probably IPN configured incorrectly.

    For starters

    On your cubecart, choose the paypal gateway for Standard and IPN.

    Configure this to use IPN.

    On paypal log in to your account, and click the little profile hyperlink.

    Go to Instant Payment Notification and ensure the URL is http://www.your own site/modules/gateway/PayPal/ipn.php and is enabled.

    Back on your cubecart edit includes/global.inc.php and ensure that your Store URL towards the end of the file includes a www.

    There are lots of threads about this issue, it is just a matter of trial and error until you figure the correct combination.

    Good luck

  10. Morning guys n gals,

    Looking for some guidance here, we had our first order through cubecart, customer paid £21. However, it came through to Paypal as $21 about £11. All the currencies are set to GBP, as is the default currency.

    Can anyone help?

    Anyone offer assistance?

    Is your country configured correctly in Cubecart.. not sure if there is anything on Paypal

    Sure is, UK and the county.

    A long shot then.

    In Currency.. ensure that your symbol is set for £ and that the value is 1.00.

    As an experiment, ensure that you have no other currencies enabled.

    In genral Settings/ Locale Settings. ensure you are configured for UK Pounds.

    I have 4 cubecarts, plus 2 experimental ones, and not seen this issue, so providing you don't have any mods installed, I'd presume that this is a simple config error.

  11. I need to edit my customers invoice that says "The transaction was successful and we will ship your goods at the first possible opportunity (if applicable)." since they will be receiving a digital download, where do I find this file to edit?



    Have a look in language.inc.php

    probably in there

  12. Guys.

    I received an email bounce notifcation today that my store couldn't deliver a sale notification to a customer.

    Of course, it's a fake email address, so it would bounce..

    But Looking in the database, there is no sale, and no new customer registration either.

    The sale is also supposedly from my own domain, and dated Jan 1st 1970.

    Am I being hacked or phised etc

    A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and therefore no delivery could be attempted.

    ------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------


    Subject: Order No: DBO-100323-101526-4454

    X-PHP-Script: www.drillbitsonline.co.uk/confirmed.php for

    MIME-Version: 1.0

    From: Drill Bits Online from KingPoint <[email protected]>

    X-Mailer: CubeCart Mailer

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    Message-ID: <[email protected]>

    Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 10:24:17 +0000

    Dear ,

    Thank you for your order no: DBO-100323-101526-4454 placed on Jan 01 1970, 00:00 AM

    The transaction was successful and we will ship your goods at the first possible opportunity (if applicable).





    Coupon Discount:

    Postage & Packaging:


    Grand Total:


    Invoice Address:

    Shipping Address:

    Payment Method:

    Shipping Method:


    Order Inventory:

  13. When I use the File Manager and upload images, they seem to be resized (ie. a 144k image becomes 15K, for example). Is Cubecart doing this by itself or is there a mod doing this?

    Cubecart must do something.

    If you manually upload an image via FTP for example, it will display it's correct size format, which if its a large image, makes a mess of your page

  14. Morning guys n gals,

    Looking for some guidance here, we had our first order through cubecart, customer paid £21. However, it came through to Paypal as $21 about £11. All the currencies are set to GBP, as is the default currency.

    Can anyone help?

    Anyone offer assistance?

    Is your country configured correctly in Cubecart.. not sure if there is anything on Paypal

  15. Your base product is where you begin the pricing. Then, for each variation of your product (size, flavor, additional task, whatever), you can add or subtract a price differential. In the case of your beds, you could state a base configuration of "white" at $1500 with color variations at additional cost. Thus, for red, the additional cost is 100, for blue is 300, and for gold is 700.

    There are modifications available (at www.cubecartforums.org) that will present to the customer the full price that results from the applying the differential: 1500+100 will display 1600 as the actual cost of this product's variant.

    Go to your product options

    Change the following

    Red = +0.00

    Blue= +200.00

    Gold= +600.00

    Add these details to your product description



    Red $1600

    Blue $1800

    Gold $2200

    If you don't want the product options drop down to show the price, As this would show Blue (+200) etc

    Then edit the following file

    In ViewProd.inc.php

    find the code (near the bottom)




    and change to




    Now on the product page the options show only Red, Blue and Gold.

  16. Two parts to this:

    /language/YOURLANG/land.inc.php at around line 1585, 'admin_email_body_1'

    /includes/content/gateway.inc.php at around line 234, $text = sprintf($lang['front']['gateway']['admin_email_body_1'],

    Edit the language file array element:


    Name: %s

    E-Mail: %s

    Phone: %s

    Then add the customer data item to the sprintf function:

    $ccUserData[0]['title']." ".$ccUserData[0]['firstName']." ".$ccUserData[0]['lastName'],



    That should do it.



  17. The text is in the language file.

    Hi Robsta

    I'm looking for the actual php file which generates the email that we recieve when a customer places an order.

    For some reason, it doesn't include the customer telephone number.

    I'm looking to modify the script, so that it would.. making the job for the girls inputting into our system a little easier.

    I've done this once, but can't rememeber which file I modified.

  18. Guys

    A while ago, i successfully modified the sale email notification, so that it included the customer comments.

    I now want to do the same, so that it includes the customers telephone numbers, but I cannot for the life of me remember which file I modified.

    I thought it was ordersucces.inc.php, but no amount of modifcation will do what I want it to do, so I'm guessing it was a different file.

    Foolishly, I didn't take notes.

    Could someone remind me which file gererates and sends this email please.

    Dear CubeCart Store Administrator,

    New Order Number: DBO-100312-123801-8604 placed on Mar 12 2010, 12:38 PM


    Company: mr

    Name: mr k r


    Subtotal: £1.50

    Coupon Discount: £0.00

    Postage & Packaging: £3.95

    Tax: £0.95

    Grand Total: £6.40


    Invoice Address:


    mr k r






    United Kingdom

    Shipping Address:

    mr k r






    United Kingdom

    Payment Method: PayPal

    Shipping Method:

    Customer comments: zzzz


    Order Inventory:

    Product: Maintenance Spray

    Quantity: 1

    Product Code: WC1

    Price: £1.50

  19. Hi Everyone, I've been using Cubecart for a couple of months for my clients and it works great and easy to customize.

    I NEED HELP!!! :)

    I searched through this fourm and on google for almost two days, I need to add a way for customers to add how many of an item they need which is seperate from "Add to Basket"

    Example of what I need;


    dropdown with green, red, yellow (this I can do)

    (user adds amount of apples they want) (this i can't do)

    Then the user goes to "Add to Basket"

    It would almost be like using the "add to basket" box to the product option.

    I hope that made sense. I am comfortable with doing any mod type suggestions, and this seems super simple but I can not find and answer or anything related.

    Thank You,



    Unless anyone can suggest a mod, then I'd say that you would have to create a new option called multiples, or bag quantities.

    EG you already have an option called colours... red, yellow, green etc

    so create another one called multiples.

    Take a look at this page.. the customer has the option to buy 100, 1000 or 55,000 and then any multiples of these denominations.

    5 x 100, 2 x 1000 or 7 x 55,000

    hope this helps


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