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Posts posted by havenswift-hosting

  1. 8 minutes ago, keat said:

    I know if i log a ticket with the host, it'll be 24 hours before i get a reply, and then i'll get the run around for a week.

    24 hours for a reply and then messed around for a week - my first suggestion is to immediately change hosting companies !

    403 errors, especially in those circumstance, are almost certainly due to a mod_security rule trip.  It will be being caused by something within the description content but sometimes, content that looks fine trips a rule.  Depending on the rule, often it is fine to simply whitelist that although understanding what the rule is and why it is being tripped is always a good idea.  You may whitelist that rule, try it again and trip another one as the process stops at the first rule trip and you can hit successive ones.

    Checking which rule has been tripped and whitelisting it is a job for your host unless you have root WHM access - back to point one though !


  2. If https is switched on in your store then you must login into admin using https as well - you never used to need to do this.

    With 6.1.7 you must also get a copy of the classes/sanitize.class.php from the future 6.1.8 release as well or you will have problems with payment gateways


  3. To login to you admin control panel you will now need to go to www.your-domain.com/admin_YYYYYY.php (if you have a SSL installed then you must use https://) where YYYYYY are six random characters that you were told when the upgrade completed.

    If you don't remember what that said, simply look in the store root directory to see what the file is now call.  Don't add the file name to any reply on here


  4. 1 hour ago, Dirty Butter said:

    I can't help but wonder if the newest PP plugin version would be compatible.

    Definitely not - completely different code

    1 hour ago, huggettm said:

    the order goes into cubecart fine, but cubecart sends no email to the customer.

    Is the order being changed from Pending to processing ?  Are other store emails being sent OK ?

  5. 58 minutes ago, wbs1969 said:

    Apparently it was a ModSecurity rule.

    My webhost has fixed it.

    Thank you for your replies.

    You are welcome !  "Fixing it" will mean they whitelisted that rule which is the easiest way to stop the problem and sometimes is the only way but you should understand what the rule was that was tripping and why - whitelisting that rule removes that protection from your site.

  6. Hi

    Hosts are all different although generally you get what you pay for !  While there may be a few hosting companies that may help you move, most hosting companies wont and dont really care what software you are running and will have little or no knowledge of CubeCart.  Who you choose really depends on what is important to you and how important your CubeCart business is to you.

    We are the only specialist CubeCart hosting company and are active on these forums and currently host and support a large number of CubeCart websites (including quite a few regulars on these forums), ranging from very small businesses up to several multi million pound turnover businesses. As well as hosting your CubeCart website on specially tuned servers, we offer free help and advice to help you get the most from your site and offer free CubeCart support with our E-Commerce hosting packages.

    I can answer your questions from our point of view :

    1) If you change hosts to us, we will move your whole website and if you are currently using cPanel (which I believe Just Host use) then we will move your whole account to include all files, databases, email accounts etc exactly as is.

    2) As I said before, this really depends on what is important to you

    3) During the move, access would be required in order to change the nameservers to point to your new host.  We take care of this for you as well if you wish and can also do the domain transfer over to us.

    We do this regularly and can guarantee a smooth transfer  - if you have any specific questions then might be best to take it to a PM or better still contact me via our website https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk


  7. If you did the upgrade manually, then you should not have had the admin.php file and /admin directory (you should have renamed these in your local copy first to match your installed store).  So you should check the dates on the admin _XXXXXX.php file and also the files within the /admin_XXXXXX directory to make sure they have been updated to the 6.1.7 versions


  8. No you havent download the wrong file - if you check in the images folder from the downloaded file, you will see that there are very few files in there and it wont affect the images that you have uploaded.  It is perfectly safe to upload every single file and overwrite all files that already exist.


  9. For the most part, they do still work but there are an increasing number of functional changes that are not included as the old skins are not updated and quite a few users are reporting various issues.    Not saying it is the skin that is causing the issue and you can eliminate that by switching the default skin to use the supplied Foundation (which is a much better choice if you want a free skin although there are several good commercial skins available as well) and then doing the same test.  If it works OK in Foundation which I suspect it will do, then it points to the skin !



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