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Posts posted by harrisorganic

  1. This is what I inserted and this works, or seems to. 

            {* start insert *}  
                        {if ($CTRL_ALLOW_PURCHASE) && (!$CATALOGUE_MODE)}
                        {if $PRODUCT.ctrl_sale}
                    <td>  <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer"><meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="AUD" /><span itemprop="price">{$PRODUCT.sale_price}</span></div></td>
            {* MY VERSION *}
                    <td><div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer"><meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="AUD" /><span itemprop="price">{$PRODUCT.price}</span></div></td>
            {* end of insert *}   


    NB I added after 

    " <td>{$PRODUCT.stock_level}</td>" a  </tr>  thanks

  2. Thanks DB

    When I load the cvs file to google merchant, it now comes back with an error "Automatic item updates: Missing schema.org microdata price information" 

    1. http://schema.org/docs/search_results.html#q=price shows how to insert price into a doc.
    2. eg.
    3. <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
    4.     <!--price is 1000, a number, with locale-specific thousands separator
    5.     and decimal mark, and the $ character is marked up with the
    6.     machine-readable code "USD" -->
    7.     <span itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD">$</span><span
    8.           itemprop="price" content="1000.00">1,000.00</span>
    9.     <link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock" />In stock
    10.   </div>

    Is there some code available to place this in the foundation code of content.product.php and where to place it?

  3. Hi DB,

    I had a look at this yesterday.

    When I use "export catalogue" google base plugin to make a cvs file,

    I get a column saying the identifier_exists is False, where as when it is set to true, I can manually upload the file to google merchant and it is accepted.

    I note above in your "blue print skin"

    <span class="product-code"><span itemprop="identifier" content="{$PRODUCT.product_code}">{$PRODUCT.product_code}</span></span>

    However I can  not find it mentioned in your foundation skin above and it does not appear in content.product.php. 

    Any suggestions where to put it?

  4. I think I may have found the answer.  "Force Order Completed Emails" in admin settings features.   Yes GC now works.


    However I am getting two confirmation emails and the gift cert receiver gets two emails. Any suggestions why?

    regards Duncan

  5. Yes I did receive that email and I also got the 50 lines. So the SMTP works.

    Also If I send a GC to myself there is no mention of it in digital down loads in my account, is this normal?

    The other thing worth mentioning is on the order summary the delivery address is a physical address not the email it is to be sent to. This of course is only for clarity.

    If I was producing 10 GC for customers/friends I would want to know who gets what.

    Where to look next?


  6. One bit at a time...

    Firstly I had no smtp, Sending Method now = SMTP, was php mail() function.

    Then tested SMTP, OK

    then ran a GC, php error log in cpanel is below:

    /home1/maketext/public_html/******organicwine/shop/error_log: [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/td&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/tr&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/tbody&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/table&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;p&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/body&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: &lt;/html&gt; [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: --b1_02712502b8a43b7aa5b14e17d26dc543-- [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: . [01-Jul-2015 08:59:38 Australia/Perth] CLIENT -&gt; SMTP: QUIT

    I have no idea if the above means anything,

    However I am not receiving the GC at the intended or any email address.


    Hi Brian,

     file /classes/mailer.class.php,  now looks like this:

    public function __construct() {
            // Configure PHPMailer variables - debug added
            $this->SMTPDebug = 1; $this->Debugoutput = "error_log";
            $this->From   = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'email_address');
            $this->FromName  = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'email_name');
            $this->CharSet   = 'UTF-8';

    Then ran the GC

    Went to cpanel error logs and found no change in php errors. None listed recently.

    I am wondering if I have missed some thing in the admin setup since changing from CC5 to CC6?

  8. Hi Brian, I am still having difficulty with GC's. 

    As I said earlier the recipient of the GC does not get an email message. 

    I also found that I get three emails. 

    1. as the order

    2 and 3 are the same as order confirmation.

    There is no reported errors in the log.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    regards Duncan

  9. Thanks Brian,

    Unfortunately that link was not helpful. Running 6.05 and Foundation skin now, I get admin messages regarding the GC, but the recipient does not receive the GC via email.

    Firstly I receive one new order message. Then after changing status from pending to order complete, in admin,  I get 2 order confirmation messages. 

    Any thoughts? what to look into!

  10. Hi Brian,

    I was testing "gift certificates"  (GC) today and found that I did not receive an email message stating the GC was available to download or sent the GC via email.  On 7 May 14, there is a message from you relating to this, however I can not read it. I get a rectangle with a revolving symbol.  Can you help please?



  11. I am looking at some margins too. On a PC the foundation home page looks OK, but on a mobile there is no margin. The justified text is from left to right, with no padding.

    Most of the other main text on other pages is like this too. 


    Any suggestions how to change in default cubecart.default.css please?

    I found the following using chrome developer tools

    <div class="small-12 columns"> text here

    and div.small-12.column

    <div id="content_homepage">
       text here

    </div> regards Duncan

  12. Thanks Ian.

    (you will not need to enter connection details again as that is only needed on new installations).

    I have run www.yourstore.com/setup and have got to the page where it asks for database name, password etc.  

    Database Host


    I am not able to get past this page.

    Any suggestions? Is there another way?


  13. Hi DB and Al.

    My upgrade went through OK, however once I returned to the Dashboard I get this warning :


    • WARNING: Your store appears to be using source code from 6.0.5 but the database is still at 6.0.4.Please complete the upgrade by running the setup process.


    I dont remember having to run a setup process before from V5 to V6.

    Do I run the set up and have to enter all the connection data?

  14. Hi DB,

    thanks for the info. I did not know that google base was in HOOKs. I dont even know what a hook is! (fishing excepted)

    However I will probably be able to find "modules/plugins/Google_Base/Hooks/admin.product.import.format.php" and edit there if required.

    When I "export catalogue", I found that "identifier_exists field" was set to false, once set to true google Merchant accepted my upload.


    Once google base is set up does that mean that automatic updates will occur? What does google base do?

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