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Posts posted by harrisorganic

  1. Hi DB, I have both. 

    Last night I exported the feed using, Export catalogue, modified the columns using excel and submitted it through google merchant.

    There are no details as to what google base does other than "Google base product export feed" .  I have turned on google base and entered a password (from google merchant) in "store settings" advanced other.

    Waiting to see what happens.

  2. Hi bubbaboss,

    When you set up your excel.cvs file did you have heading like the ones listed below?

    idproduct_type google_product_category linktitledescription image_link pricecondition shipping_weight upceanjanisbnavailability brandgtinmpnidentifier_exists

    Did you get it working?

    As I have changed to V6, I am not sure what to do now. I have turned on google base and entered a password (from google merchant) in "store settings" advanced other.

    Will wait a day to see if there is any change in google merchant.

    Other than that I found from the "export cattledog" you can export your feed, but have to fill in several columns like brand and mpn and google_product_category. I then went to google merchant and uploaded the cvs file. Fingers crossed.

  3. Try this, log in to your admin page.

    Click on customers, click on any customer that is registered.

    There is a tab "log in as ........" click this tab.

    A new tab opens up as the store front with the customer name , they are logged. This will be a great help in adjusting customers orders.

    Now delete this customer page.

    return to admin page.

    go to stats, click on users online. 

    Do you see the customer listed  as the administrator?

    I am sure this will not be an issue, but is does not look right.  Any thoughts?

  4. Does this insert go in the main.php file with Foundation skin? No it does not, as there is now a plugin, download and install the key.


    <!--Start of Zopim Live Chat Script-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.$zopim||(function(d,s){var z=$zopim=function(c){z._.push(c)},$=z.s=
    $.src="//v2.zopim.com/?30smVjmlnS1BJ5n1FlohiPRvE8iqsi5Y";z.t=+new Date;$.
    <!--End of Zopim Live Chat Script-->


    On the admin page there is  a status square and a site ID. I assume these should be ticked and a name typed in these respectively.?

    Yes tick the box and add the code found in the widget 30smVjmlnS1BJ5n1FlohiPRvE8iqsi5Y for the site ID. 

    To get the widget and code click Signup for a FREE Zopim Account! .

    If you run into trouble go to Zopin home page and chat online with them, very help full.

  5. "I think you can compare the expected table structure (see /setup/db/install/structure.sql) with what you have (using phpMyAdmin), especially the CubeCart_saved_cart table."

    From what I can work out they are the same. I also went through the structure.sql file and it has the same structure and the database.

    I also see when debug is turned on with AIOS, the number of items is not updating unless page refresh is used. More fuel to the fire! 

  6. First I cleared cache on cubecart admin and PC chrome.

    I have found that an order appears in the mysql data base under CubeCart_saved_cart after adding on the shopping basket. However the previous additions I made to the basket does not appear in the database but shows up in the basket when I click on view basket.

    Therefore the previous additions are being held in cache (as we suspected somewhere). Refreshing the screen clears these previous additions and shows the current addition.

    Deleting the latest addition clears this item from the database. And the cycle repeats.

    Where to look from here?

  7. Further I had a look in 

    • and the quantities dont look as though they align with anything I know. All small numbers.




    Should I be clearing cache in the following:


    If so which ones?

    Clear cache
    Clear SQL cache
    Clear language cache
    Clear image cache

    database cubecart_saved_cart.docx

  8. OK, so I have cleared the cache on my PC, and started afresh using my shopping cart (harrisorganicwine.com.au/shop) with Chrome.

    I open the shop and checked there were no items in the cart. Cart icon $0.00

    I log in 

     I go to the shop and add three items. Checkout basket shows the 3 items.

    click Empty Basket and return to the home page. Basket shows the pricing of $0.00.

    I go to the Shop homepage and add another three items. Cart basket show the pricing of the 3 items.

    I go to the basket shows the first 3 items. Click Update basket, and the latest 3 items are shown.

    I then click empty Basket and return to the home page. Cart show the pricing of 0 items.

    I go to the Shop homepage and add another three items. Cart basket show the pricing of the 3 items.

    I go to the cart and the basket shows the previous 3 items. Click Update basket, and the latest 3 items are shown.

    Is this normal? I would have expected the “Empty Basket”, to empty the basket for all time.

  9. Hello, 

    the other day I reported issues with the shopping cart loading and refreshing.

    A friend tested my shopping cart and reported the following on www.harrisorganicwine.com.au/shop :

    "Actually there is a basket bug. "
    Moving between pages using the back button and the basket is not consistent. This can be fixed with asynchronous updates like 'ajax'. It's what I've used here (quepasa) to get the price update as the client types.

    Also not top of page time displayed from clients computer not from server. These are done without refreshes or reloads. Does the documentation or forums talk about level of Ajax utility on the cart?

    Any thoughts, fix or comments please?



  10. Hi Brian, further along this path I have not been able to change the footer text and link color from the default blue. 

    I thought the footer may have been a panel , ie;

    .panel a { color: black; }
    .panel a:hover { color: darkgrey; }

    but the answer was:

    #box-documents a { color: black }
    #box-documents a:hover { color: orange }  works OK, however the icons in the RH column for twitter and FB not changed

    Inspector shows

    <a href="https://twitter.com/HarrisOrganic" title="Twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i></a>

    <i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i>

    I dont know what to do to change the icons.

    Also noticed on 10 March your post that you used the word gray, instead of grey. Is this acceptable?

    regards Duncan

  11. <div class="small-7 medium-8 large-9 columns nav-boxes">

        <div class="row"></div>
        <div class="row show-for-medium-up">
            <div class="small-12 columns">
                <div id="box-search">
                    <form id="search_form" method="get" action="http://www.harrisorganicwine.com.au/shop/search.html" novalidate="novalidate">

                <div class="row collapse">
                    <div class="small-10 large-11 columns">
                        <input type="text" required="" placeholder="Search our store" name="search[keywords]" aria-required="true"></input>
                    <div class="small-2 large-1 columns">
                        <button class="button postfix" value="Search" type="submit"></button>
                <input type="hidden" value="category" name="_a"></input>
            <div id="validate_search" class="hide"></div>



    Hi, I found the above using firefox toggle tools regarding the search box.

    Is there a way of altering the search box column length  with an insert of code in cubecart.default.css?


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